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Calaway Park

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Everything posted by Calaway Park

  1. Calaway Park and Galaxyland [i'm sure they could fit it in there somehow, they had a first generation Intamin freefall in there... they just replaced it.. They could do what they did with Autosled, make it weave through the park. Maybe a launched coaster to weave through the other rides. Calaway Park should get a B&M hyper.
  2. Emo's are awesome! Because.. Emo chicks are hot when they don't attempt to look like transvestites! And plus, I think the emo look is aweome.. I just hate the whiny personality. Most of them have had pretty 5h177y lives though.
  3. SUPPORT COLISHONZ TO TEH MAXIMUSS A lot of them stick out of the track.
  4. Hahahahhahahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!! Go Canada Lmao, we still play British Bulldog here! Full contact football, soccer, etc. I guess my summer camp would never be accepted in the US either! We played tonnes of full contact sports there, in one week there were like 2 broken legs haha. I guess this country's not quite as sue happy. I love your outlook on life _______________________________________________________________ Onewheeled999, you might have a good time in grade 7. Or you might have an awful time. The whole basis there pretty much depends on how organized you are. I hope you get a school like mine where you can leave campus at lunch. We're allowed to go anywhere we want to four the hour we get off. Grade 8's awesome though. You'll like it more.
  5. Ah, it's not your fault. I just have a really bad self image. I'm kind of defensive. I can take critisism... but.. i got upset because I know that I tried to make myself feel better by making it sound so much more fantastic than it was.
  6. O_O You diss the Ragu? I'm like.. the pickiest eater in the universe though.. so Ragu is about as far as I go...
  7. It looks like it's an un-tilting enterprise spinning around the top of the tower.
  8. Goddammit CN Tower! Get rides on top of you! Stupid tallest freestanding structure in the world...
  9. I know. *sigh* The only reason I made it sound out to be more than it was... was because it makes me feel better about my crappy rides. *sigh*
  10. Especially since it's been mentioned almost as much as Hades'. Tremmors's tunnels look wicked, and the gift shop flyby is soooo cool.
  11. Can you explain to me how it's not your fault? You continuousely posted over and over again... how is this not you're fault? You could have conciousely stopped yourself.
  12. Some tunnel test fails, support hits and banking problems but overall good.
  13. They're not just turns, they're supposed to go up and down like they do, and they're supposed to be banked... I don't know what you mean by lopsided, they aren't supposed to be perfect circles either, they go up and down for a reason haha.
  14. It sucks, bad. Soft, wussy, forceless machine. ® Some photos of the ride include: Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting And the download... is below.... [Vote for it on Coastersims!] This ride was also inspired by Trebuchet - CP_RULES which is an awesome Millenium Flyer, you should go check it out, It's amazing to say the least. Menace.nltrack I would have posted a video, but the massive size and support count on this coaster gave the video massive lag, so it wouldn't have been watchable anyway.
  15. I find it kind of funny that the reason she tried to stop the boat was so she wouldn't get hurt, yet because she stopped the boat, that's the reason she got hurt...
  16. Welcome to a place, where no one in Canada, has ever gon before. Rising over 200 feet above the skyline, prepare for a ride experience, like no other ever before. VIDEO Zen Rush.nltrack DOWNLOAD ZENRUSH3 ZENRUSH2 ZENRUSH
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