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Calaway Park

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Everything posted by Calaway Park

  1. Here's my entry. First attempt with the terraformer. Infact, I learned how to use it specifically for this ride Klassik.nltrack Here you go, about as classic as they come. Inspiration came from Coaster at the PNE. [simple layout, not terraforming]
  2. I think X-Scream has fail safe magnetic breaks.... but if the hinges go on the teeter totter thingamabob, bye-bye.
  3. Then this ride is way to tight on some curves and really jerky.... But good try anyways
  4. I found it kindof... jerky.... I viewed it in 1.55 but that shouldn't chage anything right?
  6. He knew; he released it as a coaster for other TPR members to fix up and use without permission...
  7. Uhmm, if you're talking about whats below his posts, thats his signature.
  8. SERIOUSELY? Last time I rode an Arrow Corkscrew thats what it felt like. All well. Sarcasm aside, it wasn't on purpose, and at least its not like the rock is splat in the middle of the track lol, that would be bad Thanks I was inspired by Griffon though, not neccesarily the track layout, more the car style. I'm not sure if the theming is up to snuff on this coaster, it's so.... boring..... The stations kind of ugly to me too.
  9. Though considering who I am it may be obvious but..... Galaxyland. Their top spin rocks.
  10. YOu should put catwalks on the lifty-launch thing, and try to use less of the straigt suports on the lift. THey should look more like this: | | |\ |..\ |....\ Similar to SFOG's Goliath supports. You use the "hyper dual steel" support for about a third of the way up, and they use the capped straight part the rest of the way, for areas of low stress, the single support is fine, try not to use the "L" support's edge.
  11. Hello? Is this bad or do people just... not want to look at it.... I have almost a hundred views with two replies...
  12. Indipendant pizza place: called Angelo's Pizza and Pasta in a suburb of Edmonton, Canada. Oh...My...God... Sooo good. The people who run it are greek so the pasta is amazing and the pizza and lasagna are mouth watering! Chain: Pizza Hut, and Boston Pizza tie it. Not sure if its a large chain or not: Panago... mmmmmmmm
  13. It looks OK. THe buildings could use some work but its pretty good.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVFChfrf2XI Video! In the screens be sure to ignore a tunnel if you see it, I removed it later. I also removed the ugly entrance and made a new one [the new one is shown] Entrance
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