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Calaway Park

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Everything posted by Calaway Park

  1. Except that emo people are fake. Not all of them. I've done some emo-esque things, and I had a reason.
  2. Yeah its a little slow isn't it. this definately is one of the worse coasters of mine.
  3. You really don't need any tools to make coasters in NL. I don't use them... I can see you used elementary though, those helixes would be like impossible to make that smooth without elementary.
  4. Are you ready? This is a wicked, twisted, fun-filled speed woodie that will turn any coaster enthusiest no matter what experience level into a wuss. This coaster was inspired by boulder dash, Voyage and many other long, out and back yet still twisted woodies full of airtime. This ride is NOT compact, its very large, and very hard to get screenshots of, but I did the best I could. Here WE GO!!! THis looked artsy to me.... yeah.... Down we go! Twisted! Wee! This ride is great. No red G's. A large section of layout. Flutterwing.nltrack Here we go!
  5. No red G's, first coaster with a succesful vertical loop created by me. Gigashuttle.nltrack Gigashuttle, come on down! Eeek! Do you like the custom supports? Took me forever.. its the first atempt I've really had at them Vertical Loopage VERTICAL!!oneone11
  6. Are... you... ready? Flying over small airtime hills at speeds of 121 KMPH. It's fast, and it's ready. Psycho!.nltrack AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-zoom-zoom
  7. Mindbender- Galaxyland. Pretttyyy much the only one I've been on! I need to get out more -_-
  8. Flying with huge amounts of airtime and a ton of fun! Flying over bunny hills at over 75 miles per hour. All green G's. Hope you like it! Thundertwist.nltrack I like it....
  9. Very good, but I found some of the hills were kind of.... well... rampy.
  10. This guy was overly, overly, overly depressed. Like emo times 27.
  11. There aren't any there now because there's too much theming and not enough concrete.
  12. Ew, 5 barrel rolls. It pulled an intamin. Anyways, sweeet job of recreating it.
  13. Revolutionemesisilverstaroarollingthunderollercoaster lol Revolution
  14. http://www.xs4all.nl/~tuithof/data/NL/SL/SL-NL-46.nltrack Thats the dl
  15. According to many sources, Mindbender in Galaxyland has the most G's currently on a roller coaster with 5.2, how can Mindbender at SFOG have 5.4?
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