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  1. Actually they have been taking some steps to address that issue with TNT. They are also redoing several other support areas around TNT where the construction of Time Traveler was done. Also if Outlaw did get a "retrack" I'm sure it wont be anywhere near the alleged 57% of the coaster as whats being reported with Lightning Rod. Think more around 20% at most.
    4 points
  2. Wow, great shots of your tree Bert! Hope Texas thaws out ok over the next week.
    1 point
  3. Oh, I hadn't heard about them doing work on TNT. It's good to see them do some major work to it instead of letting it tear itself apart. It would be a shame to lose such a unique and rather intense mine train.
    1 point
  4. I'm curious. Did they say anything about the restraints on MM changing? They alluded that was a possibility when we had the Q & A there back in November. And I think I still have bruises on my shoulders.
    1 point
  5. So I tried calling multiple times and multiple numbers and could not get anyone to answer or even be able to leave a message. Just a recording at the main published number that wait times were really long and please email. I am guessing with all the weather woes they are completely inundated. I did send an email with all the info and inquiry if we could transfer quick queue or get a refund and repurchase for the correct date. Will let you guys know if I get an answer. If I do not, then will just go straight to guest services when I get there and see if they will help me out, and just for s**ts and grins I will ask what the cost to upgrade to a pass would be since we now think it is likely we will be in FL in Dec to hit SWO and BGT. Thankfully my ticket and parking were not date specific and cancelling and rebooking the reservation took like 5 minutes.
    1 point
  6. Yep. This is the view from my bedroom window. And we will be under a wind chill advisory starting 6 pm tonight - Monday morning with snow Sunday night and more on Wednesday. Right after I took this I went out into the frozen tundra and unfroze the water in the bird bath and refilled the feeders and I had flocks of grateful birds all over the place. I cannot tell you what the thought of 60 or 70 degrees feels like. Not supposed to get above freezing here for another week.
    1 point
  7. From nocoastercon - Current plan is for LR to open with the park. Mystery Mine will probably be a few weeks later due to trackwork.
    1 point
  8. It’s funny, I live in New York and legit keep forgetting that our parks are closed because they all suck anyway. I don’t even know the last time I didn’t leave the state to go to a park. It’s been years...
    1 point
  9. Seems to be a very inconsistent team because when I called 2 weeks ago I got on the phone with someone in about 30 seconds. Lol (And they were super helpful!)
    1 point
  10. Last time I sent them an email through their online form on June 11 and got a response on August 7th. lol
    1 point
  11. I agree the employees at Busch/SeaWorld are super friendly, but I had a lot of trouble reaching someone over the phone at the San Antonio park when I tried calling them in December to ask a question the day of my visit.
    1 point
  12. May He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, be found Guilty. EDIT: Damn. Acquitted. ...... Again.
    1 point
  13. Here's the thing with Outlaw Run that Lightning Rod isn't lucky enough to have. Outlaw Run's track issues aren't preventing it from running. It's incredibly reliable and doesn't seem to experience many extended periods of downtime. Sure, it has potholes and isn't perfectly smooth, but it isn't literally broken like lightning rod. So what would happen if they poured the money into giving the ride I-box track? A few enthusiasts might think of the ride slightly better? Most of SDC's guests would still find the ride to be too aggressive for their likings, so there wouldn't be an improvement in ridership numbers. It wouldn't improve the ride's reliability since it's operating smoothly most of the time. There wouldn't be anything to make that expense worthwhile in HFE's eyes. It seems as of late that whatever they invest in must have some sort of ROI or improve ridership somehow. Converting Outlaw Run likely wouldn't do either of those things. It's also worth mentioning that if the park won't even attempt to fix the two massive jolts in Thunderation's tunnel that arose a few years ago, then they likely won't be interested in extensively retracking Outlaw Run because it's slightly rough in spots.
    1 point
  14. I assumed it was "theming" LOL
    1 point
  15. My god - someone get them a weed wacker, stat!
    1 point
  16. I would've thought they'd go with the Funtime version to have a ride that actually works.
    1 point
  17. Yeah, how'd you sleep that night? Was it restful? Poland seems like probably not an every-Europe-trip destination, but I bet I'll get back there at some point. I wouldn't mind seeing Krakow at a more leisurely pace, and Energylandia will probably have another 18 roller skaters to pad my numbers with, so...
    1 point
  18. That sounds like a good way to substantially limit their business, especially given that we're still seeing polls where 40+% of the population in the US has no interest in taking the vaccine at any point.
    1 point
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