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Theme Park Review's "Pick N' Mix" Video Contest

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Hey everyone,


Need something to over the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend?


In an effort to continue to find fun activities to keep all us coaster enthusiasts pre-occupied during the off-season, it had been suggested to do a "different" kind of video contest. So the Theme Park Review "Pick N' Mix" video contest idea is born!


In this contest, we have uploaded about 20 minutes of raw footage from Holiday Park, and it's up to all of YOU to download the footage and create your own video segment from it!


After the contest deadline, all of YOU will be able to vote on the top entries determined by Theme Park Review!


There are not that many rules, so you can use your creative skill and do pretty much whatever you want!


Here are the rules:


- Video must be between 60 and 180 seconds in length. (1 minute to 3 minutes)

- Video MUST contain the footage supplied.

- You may NOT add your own footage.

- You MAY add titles, graphics, photos, or other art composite to the supplied footage.

- You MAY use music or any other soundtrack or sound FX.

- Overall content of the video should be "PG-13"

- Final video must be rendered out at 320x240, preferably an .mpg compressor used.

- Final video must be received on or before Friday, December 9th.


The supplied footage has all been rendered out as .mpg files using a Premiere plug-in with video set to 800kb/sec and audio at 96kb/sec. This was done so that EVERYONE is working from the same quality source and it keeps the file-size low. The quality should be good enough to re-compress. I did some tests in Premiere and it looked good using the plug in. (if you need the plug in, please contact me) If you are using a different program to edit and you are having problems with the files or re-compressing them, please let me know.


Here are the links to the raw footage:

Onride Footage: http://www.themeparkreview.net/videocontest/rawfootage/contest-onride.zip (33megs)

Offride Footage: http://www.themeparkreview.net/videocontest/rawfootage/contest-offride.zip (48 megs)

Random Footage: http://www.themeparkreview.net/videocontest/rawfootage/contest-random.zip (25 megs)

(NOTE: You can also pull the raw footage off the FTP server listed below)


To upload your submission you can either:


1. FTP it to ftp.themeparkreview.net (note that it is our .net server)

login: videocontest@themeparkreview.net

password: contest.

Put your video in the folder "contest submissions."


2. You can send it directly to either Elissa or I over AIM (screen name emeridithw2 or robbalvey)


Rules and conditions are subject to change. Remember, this is the first time we have done anything like this, so if we need to change submission requirements based on something that has come up during the contest, please bear with us!


The WINNER will received their choice of a DVD, T-Shirt, or Hoodie as long as we currently have them in stock.


And most of all, HAVE FUN EDITING!!!!




NOTE: Here are some more detailed instructions on how to FTP your submission:


In your browser type: ftp.themeparkreview.net

(get rid of everything including the Http:// part)


You might get some kind of error that says "windows cannot access this folder, etc, etc,) - just click OK


Click on "file" (upper left hand corner of the screen) and select "login as"

Username: videocontest@themeparkreview.net

password: contest


You should see two folders that look just like your desktop window folders. Drag your video into "contest submissions"

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This is an awesome idea. Really cool. It's just too bad that my dial-up connection and overall lack of software and know-how is probably going to prevent me from participating. I'm gonna try though!

Download the files overnight!



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No, sorry, this was the easiest way to do this. We split them up into three files, but we figured the rest of the work should be done by the contest participant!


It shouldn't be that much work to drag them into your timeline and cut them up into smaller files.


--Robb "We can't do all the work for you!" Alvey

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1. FTP it to ftp.themeparkreview.net (note that it is our .net server)

login: videocontest@themeparkreview.net

password: contest.

Put your video in the folder "contest submissions."



When I go to submit my entry at that site, its tell me...


You are seeing this page because there is nothing configured for the site you have requested. If you think you are seeing this page in error, please contact the site administrator or datacenter responsible for this site.


Am I doing something wrong? Probably lol lol...

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