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Six Flags Conference Call Details, 6 Parks Possibly For Sale

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This whole thing is pretty simple.


What makes more sense for SF, selling the park entirely or investing the money and it will take lots of money to bring MM up to the "NEW" SF standards?


Beyond the coasters there really is nothing else to do and the locals know that.


I just can't see the park leveled the cost of clean up to build houses would be staggering maybe even to high to make it worth it.


So, I think the real question is, will SF really be willing to give up the SoCAl market all together?

There’s no question the money and people are here if you just do things right and MM has been going in the wrong direction for a long time.


So we'll just have to sit back and see what comes of this but, I would be willing to bet that when all is said and done MM will still be there.

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Think of it as what you do before you put your house on the market.


Six Flags: "Look, we spruced up the front lawn, brought in the Justice League, and oh yeah, check this out.....it's called Tatsu. Your young ones will love to play on this."

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OKAY, and of all the really crazy things said in this thread, I'm surprised nobody has been like,"Why doesn't ACE buy it and save it???? There are so many members I'm sure they could do it!@!!!!"


If every member on TPR donated their vacation money to TPR, maybe TPR could buy SFMM!
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I heard mowing lawns and selling lemonade over the summer will easily make you $6-10 million. $10 million x the handful of you intent of buying the park = $60 million! That's like, 1/4th of 1/2th of 1/3rd of what they're asking.


Woah, you're 1/4th of 1/2th of 1/3rd there, WOOO-AH, you're living on prayer.

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they're not going to close magic mountain, that would just be STUPID. they just got a new coaster, and then tear it down? i doubt it.


It doesn't mean anything. It's a business. Their main goal is to make money anyway they can and to keep shareholders happy. If you think they actually care, and I mean the board members, about enthusiast, then you need to get your ass back to school. Or at least brush up on your street smarts.

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Ever since I was seven or eight playing RCT, I've always dreamed of SFMM. My first visit after four years of waiting, was arguably the best day of my life. Since, my life has been centered around this place.


If Mark decides to sell SFMM, he will have ruined my life and my dream.

If it is sold, I would give anything to slap Mark in the face, and tell him he can rot in hell, along with his "family friendly policy".


Just thought I'd quote this. Sometimes we forget who these business deals are really affecting.


Mark Shapro: Ruining 13 Year Olds Lives And Dreams Since 2006.

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This is exactly what I feared when RedZone/Snyder took over. When a company states their exploring "strategic options" or language to the like; they're basically announcing a sale or shutdown.........

Snyder is taking a page out of the KKR school of business. RedZone is restructuring the company. They're claiming to sell off certain underperforming assets (or explore "strategic partnerships for those who didn't take business speak 101 in college). They're implementing a series of cost-cutting measures (mainly at the expense of coasters). This new, "leaner and more efficient" company will be resold, once Snyder feels he stripped mined it for all he can; most likely with a significant return on investment.

................Again, read about KKR. You'll see Redzone/Six Flags all over it.



Great post,

lots of substantial information regarding the possible Snyder business model being used in his playbook. I agree with your analysis. Thanks for that post!

For those who have not read the entire post check page 17.

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Maybe they can make a trade with CF: SFMM for Knott's, cash, and a coaster to be named later.



I would think that would be a great idea for CF, I wish all this news would have came out before the Paramount aquisition. MM as a Cedar Fair property just seems to make the most sense to me. Although with all the money CF has put into Knotts would they be willing to let it go now? Would they (CF) have the money after the Paramount aquisition to purchase MM, probably not considering MM will cost some serious $$$$$$ in land value alone.

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