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Sexual Orientation

What's your orientation?  

2,138 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your orientation?

    • I'm a guy who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys
    • I'm a girl who likes guys
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys and girls
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I haven't figured out what I like yet...
    • Hobosexual (I'm a person who likes hobos)
    • Hoosexual (I'm a person who likes owls)

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I can't believe we don't have any lesbians on the board!!!


First inverted I rode (Top Gun at PGA), me and the bf were in the front row, alongside 2 butch lesbians. As the loading platform fell away, I felt extra safe, knowing they were beside me...

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So 20% of the respondents so far are gay men, which, while not overwhelming, confirms the idea that we're overrepresented in the "coaster community." An interesting question is "Why?" Coastering certainly doesn't fit the stereotype of an archetypically queer pursuit.


I'm participating to others forums on the net, Skyscraperpage.com, metrodemontreal.com(subway), and Uer.ca (urban exploration). Don't ask me why but in all these forums, gays are overrepresented. I would really like to see a logical explanation, but there isn't one.


Btw, I'm gay and not effiminated... I know that some gay people call themselves "straight acting" but it think it's a kind of homophobia, fear of being mistaken for a sissy. But being a sissy should not be something someone would be ashame to be, even if i'm not effeminated, I think it's a form of homophobia.


I may be wrong, that's just my opinion !

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I am a straight guy and I have many gay and lesbian friends.


Lesdian ladies are grat fun to go out with. You can have a real laugh with them cause there's no 'are you trying to pull me' stuff going off.


Had one occasion when a lesbian couple I know and myself spent the nicht in a club winding people up by hunging and kissing each other all night. Some of the looks were priceless. (They are both really lovely looking ladies and I'm no oil painting). You could see 'How the hell has he managed that' scrolling behind their eyes.

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Had one occasion when a lesbian couple I know and myself spent the nicht in a club winding people up by hunging and kissing each other all night. Some of the looks were priceless. (They are both really lovely looking ladies and I'm no oil painting). You could see 'How the hell has he managed that' scrolling behind their eyes.


F-ing with people's minds like that is so much fun!

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See the problem with the misinterpretation is that people always label gays and lesbians to a certain motiff...All people are different and have different likings. Gays are normal human beings except for their sexual preference. Liking dudes has no effect on liking rollercoasters, they are two different things...So just because your a lesbian or your gay doesn't mean it is weird to like coasters because well you know lol...I'm going round in circles...

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^Why... :?


--Davon "just curious" Dorsey


Because butch lesbians are the same as a built straight guy who can snap you like a twig. One of my Dads cousins is a lesbian and her g/f is a little butchy but very nice.


Oh. OK. Thanks for telling me.

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Just a note of gratitude for the consistently civilized tone of this thread. I've been on coaster boards where sexual orientation issues have been flamebait and worse. It's nice to be hanging out with a better class of people.

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Just a note of gratitude for the consistently civilized tone of this thread. I've been on coaster boards where sexual orientation issues have been flamebait and worse. It's nice to be hanging out with a better class of people.


That was why I asked on here. I figured people who get TPR wouldn't have a problem with GBLT people


I find it interesting that so far about 21% of total respondents are gay or bi, which was about the ratio I was expecting (seems like about the same ratio as at an ACE convention).

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Robb listens to Erasure!!! Oh crap, I knew there was something wrong with our relationship!


ROTFLMAO!!!! And to really confuse you, I'm gay, but hate erasure, Barbara Striesand, and Rosie O'Donnel, and I think Tom Cruise is one of the ugliest men on earth.

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