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This is so wrong

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Wow I wonder which is worse? Being spooged on by the Oozinator, or by a Water-Filled Dummie passing over your head during the testing of Tatsu?


Who can we ask???


At first I thought this was a skit from Comedy Central or some other show, but it's listed on Amazon for $24.99! (It has a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5) Apparently many people enjoy playing with their Oozinators!

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How about having a Tatsu Water Dummy oozinating on innocent bystanders admiring the ride as the trainload passes by.


OMG! I checked out the reviews for the Oozinator at Amazon.com and one of the reviews had me laughing...the guy who reviewed it wasn't quite referring to the toy it's self...

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  • 1 month later...

I laughed so hard at those comments on Amazon that I just Oozinatored on my monitor.



Best product ever.



And I wonder where they get their ooze from.......the adult entertainment industry has to be good for something, right?

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