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So what new coaster is coming to BGW in 2007???

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Will Busch give Le Scoot the boot?


By Bill Tolbert

The Virginia Gazette


Published March 8, 2006


JAMES CITY — Next year's new attraction at Busch Gardens is becoming clearer even though the company remains highly secretive.


On Wednesday the Planning Commission will consider a special use permit related to the new thing. The request points to another roller coaster. It appears that Busch may scrap the Le Scoot log flume to make room.


The planning request is deliciously oblique and omits the main attraction. “Busch Entertainment Corp. proposes to erect a queuing building and an embarking/disembarking station, collectively totaling approximately 7,500 square feet in size.”


Busch also stipulated the need for “additional auxiliary support buildings, as needed, to serve a new theme-park expansion in the New France area.”


The new attraction will span five acres, presumably displacing the log flume. The old ride is conspicuously missing from the theme park's website. It has been a mainstay since the park opened in 1975 as a family ride on a hot day, but its mild 120-foot drop has become anachronistic in these days of radical coasters.


There's more evidence a new coaster is coming. A waiver has been sought to the county's height restriction to allow some of the “expansion” to exceed 60 feet. It will actually reach heights of 210 feet from grade level.


The new thing is planned “near the center of the theme park near the northwest end of the Rhine River, and just north of the existing Alpengeist roller coaster attraction. The new buildings and expansion will replace an attraction currently located in that vicinity.”


The park's own map shows just two attractions in New France the log flume ride and the Royal Palace Theatre. Since Busch has been promoting that it's getting back into the concert business, it's unlikely they will raze the theater.


The flume drops below grade some 25-30 feet. If the new coaster starts at the same grade, that could mean a drop of around 240 feet at some point creating the sharpest drop in the park.


The planning staff has pointedly not had to decide on the roller coaster, just the ancillary structures. Approval was given since they would have “minimal visual or audio impact” to neighbors, namely Kingsmill. Four other conditions were added, including a lighting plan.


More The Planning Commission meets at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 8, in Building F of the County Government Complex off Mounts Bay Road.





Any ideas/rumors on the type of coaster??

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Will Busch give Le Scoot the boot?


By Bill Tolbert

The Virginia Gazette


Published March 8, 2006


JAMES CITY — Next year's new attraction at Busch Gardens is becoming clearer even though the company remains highly secretive.


The new attraction will span five acres, presumably displacing the log flume. The old ride is conspicuously missing from the theme park's website. It has been a mainstay since the park opened in 1975 as a family ride on a hot day, but its mild 120-foot drop has become anachronistic in these days of radical coasters.



Any ideas/rumors on the type of coaster??


I just LOVE how these newspaper reporters get all their facts wrong. A 120 foot drop on the log flume? Um...no.


Anyway, I am looking forward to this new attraction, but I think that when parks get rid of log flumes (BGW's and Cedar Point's), there is nothing left except the super soaking of Roman Rapids or Thunder Canyon. Just my opinion.

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Well considering Apollo's Chariot on full lot wise sits on about roughly 8 acres of land this won't be all that much smaller in area . Also with the height capped off where it is thats a smart idea between 60-210ft for testing and application giving them plenty of room to give B&M to toy with if its a beemer. Last time I went out there I did note alot of odd things.


1. I asked an employee and they told me "look to BGT for hints for our upcoming seasons" which could mean alot.


2. When I went last on the train ride if you go back by Drachen fire's old lot, there are flags everywhere seemingly in an odd shaped pattern, red, yellow and white in a layout formation that goes right over the train tracks .It then makes its way around in a helix turn shape and goes back over the tracks, there are also some blue green and grey flags in the area forming a straight line about hmmm as I recollect 30ft from the tracks on the right hand side.


3. There were alot of park representatives walking around the New France area. I mean atleast 12 or more.

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I don't know what this newspaper is smoking, but I see Le Scoot on both the web version of the park map as well as in the rides list. I highly doubt BGW will get rid of its popular log flume, unless it builds a watercoaster in its place, which I don't think is going to happen. I see plenty of room (plenty of room!) for them to build a coaster in the remainder of New France, even if it is like DarkStitch mentioned, an out and back that ends up over at Drachen Fire and parallels the train.

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Perhaps if it is a dive machine it will do the splashdown where Le Scoot's last drop is.


I could see them removing Le Scoot, not saying I want them to, but... Log rides typically get very long lines due to bad capacity, not always because of popularity. Also, BGW already has a rapids ride and a shoot-the-chutes ride to keep people cooled off.


I still think they could squeeze a decent coaster in there without removing it, but maybe they feel its getting a bit old.

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Another point missed is that Le Scoot isn't remotely close to the location description on the "expansion proposal". That description (along with the attached map) clearly shows Le Mans location which makes a little more sense. Le Mans is probably getting expensive to operate since fuel costs are up and the cars are older than most cars on the road. With DarKastle and Corkscrew Hill, the park has plently of exciting family rides. IF Le Mans does go I will miss it since I rather enjoy seeing my kids having a blast driving a car, but I understand the reasons (if those are the reasons).


Don't forget that the VA Gazette is a little 10 page "newspaper" in Williamsburg, so that don't exactley have Bob Woodward reporting.

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I don't know what this newspaper is smoking, but I see Le Scoot on both the web version of the park map as well as in the rides list. I highly doubt BGW will get rid of its popular log flume, unless it builds a watercoaster in its place, which I don't think is going to happen. I see plenty of room (plenty of room!) for them to build a coaster in the remainder of New France, even if it is like DarkStitch mentioned, an out and back that ends up over at Drachen Fire and parallels the train.


Yea true Le Scoot has long lines every time I go. Its very popular, I've seen it personally get over an hour line once or twice , que house always full.

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Another point missed is that Le Scoot isn't remotely close to the location description on the "expansion proposal". That description (along with the attached map) clearly shows Le Mans location which makes a little more sense.


I think the confusion re. the location of this new "structure" is that the paper refers to New France, which makes the current location of Le Scoot the logical spot. But the Le Mans ride is actually in Aquitaine--maybe Busch is thinking of giving New France some of Aquitaine's turf?

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As a former employee of BGW/BGT the company always has a unique way of salivating peoples appetite for new attractions. I will be leaving this Hawaiian rock at the end of the year (after 12 yrs) and returning to work for BEC-BGW. To add my 2 cents worth lets peer into past history and add fuel to the rumor fire. 1. Recall when Kumba and DF were built (DF was orginally going to be done by B&M, but several issues broke down and went back to Arrow-a stape of BGW at the time). Then, notice how BGT had very similar aspects of DF (supports, etc) that were "orginally" to been incorporated into DF (I wish B&M did DF since working on it and riding it became a nitemare within itself). Then, part 2. Look at Montu (test bed) and then BGW posted APLPENGEIST (topping Montu-height/inversions-so on. Based on the trend(s) that B&M signed another 4 (or 5) yr. agreement and the DIVE MACHINE/BEC clause, the best bet is BGW WILL build a new DM &! add another 1-2 inversions (possibly a new pretzel-type inversion with a 0-g roll incorporated). I believe the rumor that I recieved is not 200, but 226ft. tall (over by Flume) and head towards the Rhine river area. Two additional (future expansion rumors to wet your palet). 2012-a woodie will be installed at old DF site (trees lining that end of property will buffer the noise level away from Kingsmill) and the politics and other issues based on a charter will expire. Also, I recall a NEW design from B&M being in final stages of testing and believe that we may ALL be wrong and Busch gets the newest B&M creation. And to add one LAST confusion dream..lol; CP adds its dueling/hyper flyer, BGW waits till 2008 to add its OWN Flyer (record breaker) and just re-themes NEw France, adds small/medium rides/shops/eateries and 2008 has its signature ride for that section (remember 26month permits and so on). Ok off to go swimming..lol...Aloha..

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For some odd reason the name "Rocket Coaster" came into my head I don't know why. It owuld be fighting since there just so happens to be a rocket coaster mahem going on. I personaly wouldn't want to see a Dive Machine unless it had a new Pretzel Loop type loop in it (liked mentioned earlier). I don't think a Dive Machine would be fit for this park, or a rocket coaster ( o crap now I'm turing on ym self! here come the voices!).. Maybe a woodie But not 200 feet tall, I just don't know....

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here are some off the wall dreams that would add more fuel to the fire.

1.A linear induction-launched floorless coaster.

2.A launched 4D/S&S coaster (over200ft).

3. A HYPER-water coaster..lol

4. Busch goes all out and adds the (CP rumor) HYper Flyers (DUELING)

5. A 200+ tall woodie with a loop and shock the ENTIRE industry (remember this is BGW and the past issues with woodies here)

6. A totally new B&M concept kept under wraps (remember those early tales on the Batman ride and 6Flags came about and how EVERYONE laughed when they announced it at press conference?); Look where we are at now....whose laughing? B&M-all the way to the bank!

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Earlier today I spoke with an executive at BEC-St Louis and we had quite a chat (good ol days when we both worked at BGW/BGT). I will be planning on visiting the park this summer to finalize deal on job offer with BGW (and possibly BGT as well). I can only add to the rumor-mill fire that a new Dive Machine (B&M) will occupy the New France location in 2007. He/She remains confidential of course out of respect for their job...lol There was even a discussion (among management) about the new S&S 4-D coaster!!! Although I am not inclined to take the latter, I have a new found idea that CP may indeed get a 4D coaster INSTEAD of the Hyper (dueling?) flyer(s). Another way to track this rumor is that there was a person that lives in Ohio close Clermont Steel Fabricators and possibly can be looking at the lot for new track arriving (outside the factory) possibly by mid/end of summer. Although I could not "squeeze" any more information out of him/her, I can be pretty positive a DM will go into the BGW property in '07 (still hoping perhaps a flyer would be quite awesome with the terrain). Look for an announcement perhaps mid-summer (if similar to the Drachen Fire and AP, and Alp. announcements). Exciting news indeed and hope we are ALL in for a nice surprise next season.

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Whooo...that got your attention now..lol

Anyway, here is whats going up:

B&M built the worlds most unique ride.

A DM-4D! With wooden support structure (and peeps wear 3d glasses-perhaps to watch those birds "close-up" when Fabio rides opening day).

The trains (6) are ALL in the FLOORLESS mode and when each train hits the mid-course block brake, each passenger does a Chinese fire drill and enters into a new Flyer-train configuration. After, the train disengages and 'splashes' towards the Rhine river, swoops under Alpie's cobra-roll and heads back toward the station....hmmm I wonder if that covers ALL of the scenarios and perhaps speculation of what coaster-type BGW receives in '07....did this cover ALL the possible combinations?...hehe...Ok, back to work...lol


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