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Vekoma have designed a new launched coaster

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Yes it's true, everyones worst knightmare has come true!!!!!


Heres what Vekoma say:


Inversions, some people just can't get enough of them, so with those enthusiasts in mind we have designed a compact footprint launched looping coaster with 10 full and one extra, almost complete, 140 degrees upside down inversion.


For those parks wanting to distinguish themselves, Vekoma created the Ten Loop Coaster. No element is missing from this newest high thrill ride. The Launch, Skateboard, Looping, Boomerang, Corkscrews, Heart line Rolls, Double spiral and a Camel back offering you a thrill of a lifetime.


You can just tell by looking at the pic below that the first inversion, over banked turn thingy after the launch is guna rip everyone's head's off!!!


People will die!


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Oooof! I can see the pain already in the banked top hat. The rest of it looks like they took an idea from Colossus at Thorpe, mixed it with their expertise of Jubilee Odyssey, and here's the end result. Luckily this is just an idea right now, hopefully it comes a few pages after the motorbikes in the catalog.

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I'll be amazed if that ride ever got built. Unless they added blocks, the capacity wouldn't be that great on this ride.


Vekoma seem to come up with a lot of ideas that look very good on paper, but they will never ever see the light of the day because they're too impractical.

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I hope somebody makes a more creative approach to a 10 inversion coaster...one without a bunch of heartline rolls strung together at the end...that's kind of like cheating in my book


And why hasn't B&M attempted this? Their coaster at Port Aventura, Dragon Khan, had the most inversions before Colossus came along, and it seemed a bit more creative in doing it as well.


Of all the companies that could top Intamin in this department...why Veklona?

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Its unlikely they'll ever build that coaster, besides, Vekoma is getting smoother in their newest designs so maybe this isn't such a disaster after all.


Although it is pretty laim to build another 10-inversions coaster that looks so much like its intamin equivalent, but like i said its proberly never gonna get build.

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All I can say is WTF is with that Top Hat? It looks freakin messed up and could you imagine the pain there would be going through that?

Maybe that is why they dont decide to build alot of their coasters. Because they look really good on paper, but when they think about it, they dont want to put us in even more pain than we already have been through?

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Both RNRC's aren't known for being rough and they're launched Vekomas.


But they are both looked after by Disney and when it comes to theme parks and themeing and ride maintenance they are the best.


besides, Vekoma is getting smoother in their newest designs


Um...... I don't think that comment is true, Kumali, brand new Vekoma, apparantly its getting rough already. They only seem to be smooth when the wheel alignment is on the outside of the track, ie Expedition Everest & Booster Bikes.

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