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I'm writing the song "Credit Whore"

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I guess I'd be a hypocrite if I made fun of Barry for this one..


I'll try to make something up:


On the first day of christmas vekoma gave to me...

1 nasty headache

2 red ears

3 neck fractures

4 aching limbs

5 killer inversions

6 breaks from riding

7 cuts a-bleeding

8 riders a-moaning (?)

9 cars flipping

10 white knuckles

11 purple bruises

12 reasons not to ride Vekoma


That's from the "Make a Coaster Christmas Carrol Topic."

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OK, I'm going to up the ante. The first person who goes to one of those "Record your own songs" place and posts the MP3 of them singing Barry's song will get a free TPR DVD!




I tried to sing it in the shower, but it sounded like a bag of cats.


If you are going to record it, change the borrow 3 year old boys line and the Taxi Jam line to:


"I need credits more and more

I need a kid to ride the Taxi Jam"



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  • 1 year later...

It's been a long time since I last saw this song, but I updated some of the lyrics...


"Credit Whore"

(To the tune of "Sk8tr Boi")

A song by BarryH


Montu I’ve rode

Gwazi I’ve done

Now it’s time for some Wacky Worm fun

Hey, it’s an SLC

You say that they’re the same

Even with different names

It adds to my count

All just the well, I log them into Excel

Rode all the Deja Vus

And the Superman: Ultimate Flights

They brought my credit count to newer heights


I am a credit whore

I need credits more and more

I need a kid to ride the Taxi Jam

The seats may be too small

I may be too tall

But I will ride every coaster on Earth!


5 months to go

I sit at home

Waiting for the opening of another Dark Knight clone

Boot up my PC

Access RCDB

Where is the nearest Jeepers to me?

I called up my friend

We wanted to go

To Astroworld, you know,

To ride the Serpent before the park closed

Hey, look what I found

There’s a Boomerang around

No credit shall be turned down


I am a credit whore

I need credits more and more

I need a kid to ride the Taxi Jam

I’m at 99 coasters, you see

What will my 100th be?

The Woodstock Express, of course!


I am a credit whore

I need credits more and more

I need a kid to ride the Taxi Jam

Vekoma skater time

No kid needed according to the sign

I’m waiting in the 60 minute line


Does Journey to Atlantis count, my friend?

It’s got the coaster part in the end

How about Dudley Do-Right’s Ripsaw Falls?

It’s got a lift hill, after all

Credit whoring can be fun

Just ask Jeff Johnson

Waive 5 bucks in front of the operator’s eyes

Maybe he’ll let me take a ride


There’s a Minor Mike

A ‘Lil Shaver I like

Here I found a Dragon Wagon

I am in love

They’re powered, I know

But I still count 'em 'cause I'm a credit ho!


I am a credit whore

I need credits more and more

I need a kid to ride the Taxi Jam

Visited the Six Flags Over Georgia park

Visited Dixieland on a lark

Now I’ve got a new credit to mark


I am a credit whore

I need credits more and more

I saw a Fiesta Express

My credit whoring is in excess

But you do the same

I just know!

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OK, I'm going to up the ante. The first person who goes to one of those "Record your own songs" place and posts the MP3 of them singing Barry's song will get a free TPR DVD!




The scary thing is I have a kareoke CD with it on...


Ice "lets whip ou the mic" Dragon

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Hmmm...I'm actually pretty good at recording at home. Don't have anything planned tomorrow night so I'll see what I can do...I'll probably use a drum loop and layer it with some electric guitars and such or just make it an acoustic song. Is the final version of the lyrics on the previous page?


p.s. some of the stuff I recorded a while ago, I have since gotten better at recording:



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Okay then. I might just remove the vocals from the actual audio track to make it go a lot faster...Then all I have to do is record vocals. Actually, that might sound better altogether...


Oh, and is the free dvd offer still in place?


I'll take over the free DVD offer. I'll send you one of my coaster DVDs for free to the first person who posts a recording of them singing the song.

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Some one in the mid 80's did a parody of some rock songs ala Weird Al.

One song was- I love roller coasters, tune of Joan Jett- I love rock and roll

The others were really funny. Now I have to find that tape. someone did almost 8 song. The a couple of others were VH and Def leppard.

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