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Bill's Souvenirs Shack

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Don't worry.


You'll get there, eventually.



^^ Julie, I was going to post to you, that the second piece of film you had posted was of a scene from the orginal Fritz Lang silent film, Metropolis and that there was Futura being created and 'activiated,' heh heh.

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Love - those - steins.



Wonderful! I have a few drinking cups myself, incl.1975 plastic from Horseshoe Review in DL! And a few commem. mugs and cups for WDW 15th Anny and DL's here and there, lol.


Nice look at "a bit of" your collection, thanks! I look forward to nipping over to your site there for a better look at what you have.



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I've got a road wheel from Jaguar, several blocks of Ghostrider wood (one has a strip of track on it).


I've got a giant guitar pick from the Grand Opening of Rock N Rollercoaster Starring Aerosmith (a whole wall of stuff from that ride)


The only thing I've got from my current park is a custom made Revenge of the Mummy jacket that I won just before it's opening (I was on the first "official" train out at the party, but I'd ridden several times during the cycle time testing).

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While I dont own very many collectable pieces of theme park history, I did manage to get a few shots of some cool stuff at Coaster Con this past summer. They include AE blueprints, an 1992 park map with B:TR as a standard sitdown coaster (and also Rolling Thunder is still there), and this Lusse Auto Scooter bumber car history poster (^that same company that your badge is from). Look for those picture tomorrow though, as Im too tired to post them now...


Colin C

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know some of you guys like to collect maps of parks.


Here's the newest one of my park, Playland, here in Vancouver.


Pretty 'basic rectangle,' huh? Yeah. Me, too.


The whole thing needs a good ripping up, and buying the old stadium space that was/is next door, and turning the landscape into a really nice park-like setting for the flat rides, etc.


Do't be fooled. The "green spaces" there are just coloring. They have trees in giant pots on the asphalt for themeing..... anyway.


Oh, and the corkscrew used in the "Final Destination 3" movie? - There it is, in the back there.




Here it is - light blue means kiddie rides. Whee.

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Weston? To me, Wes usually = Wesley.


Hmm. Never knew that.


Or remembered it, I forget which, LOL!



We do have a Weston Bakery that produces snack crackers and a very nice (grin) Stoned Wheat Thin.....


Go figger, huh?

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^^ OMG, that is aweome and it only cost $ 399,000.00!


One of America's largest personal Mickey Mouse collections including museum cabinetry.

Presently the collection is displayed in a 1500 square foot private museum.

12,000 pieces spanning from 1928 to present including rare and hard to find collectibles and complete collections from countries around the world.



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  • 1 year later...

Thought I would dust this thread off, re-vamp the topic title (just a touch) and bring up a new and unique "souvenir" of the TPR Japan Tour'07 I would like to share with you.


Photos to follow. But here's the set-up...


The morning we left for Fuji-Q Highlands (sigh) we had a nice day of easy travel ahead of us, 'cause Elissa and Robb had made plans for a coach bus to take us Up to Dee Mountain, etc. etc. And the park. But more importantly...


Eeejanika (or whatevah the &^$#@ it's called)


a/k/a/ Japanese 'X' coaster


Anyway - since there's less than the thirty of us tourers (several of the group had already done their own F-Q tour and didn't want to repeat.), we all get double seats on the coach to spread out, enjoy the scenery... and the hour+ or so of backed-up traffic, that extends our travel time to the park..."just a touch," heh heh.


In my seat, I look at the net bag in front of me, where you put a magazine, bottles, etc. for easier acess... and there is this little bag with pretty blue printing/logos all over it.


And, something inside of the bag.


A small bottle/vial, half-full with a bluish liquid.


The lettering on the bag says, in english, "Just for you!" And then underneath that opening line: "I hope you have a wonderful time on this special day..."


Bag had a twist tie around it, easy to open. So, I did.

Looked at it, took out the bottle, decided to sniff it not-too-closely..... and




The most rank odorous sssssmell invaded my nose and immediately told me to tightly reclose the lid and don't open it again!


That done, I then proceeded to "try it out" on a few on the coach as we returned back to the hotel for the night....


Same reaction as I had - OMFingG what-the (&%^#$ is that?#!?? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease don't open that again, blah blah blah...



And so, I naturally kept it with me, double wrapped it in bubble pack and made sure it wasn't on my carry on bags, lolol.


And now it is in a safe place, safe from harming others, safe from smelling up the place (we still don't know how to describe it's uh... "aromatic fragrance?") and possibly safe from an impending disaster that could've been worse.


Pix will show our "saftey and storage procedure" for such an unexplained substance, LOL!


And that is my newest WTF Souvenir from a tour - especially a tour with TPR, heh heh


Anybody else got some"thing" to share and have a good story to go with it?


And finally, the containment unit is....closed. (Actually this thing is in our freezer, "until further notice" LOL.)


Bigger shot of the containment unit for storing the said "unexplained item".


The item in question, being prepped for advance and safe storage.

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One of my friends has a framed poster of Greezed Lightnin' at Astroworld just after it opened. Will try and find a picture of it.


I imagine it's worth quite a lot now!


I've only just noticed that now Tom lol!!!


I've also got some vintage woodie coaster posters that need ironed lol!! Got a lil piece of the Wildcat from the now old Pleasureland! A bit of BPB mr funshine carpet, a lapbar thing from Frontierland, some nuts n bolts, oo Pepsi Max Big One step too that I carried from Southport on public transport to Bury, my my that was fun lol!! Also got loadsa leaflets and random stuff hanging around!!


The best headboard ever that even got me in the Southport newspaper ;-)!


Mmm sex on a wall!

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I collect things and then usually give them to someone else, donate them to auction or just lose them


What I keep:

Park Maps (Easy to store)

Steins (Only old ones. Usually find them in thrift shops. Catrina loves them )

Tickets, Fast Passes, other small bits of paper


I used to have one of the horse collars to Steel Phantom, but donated it.


I still have my Psyclone bolt though. Might make that one into a door-knocker one day.

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:lmao: do you even want to know what it is?


Probably not.


Having it remain 'mysterious' makes it all the more...um... collectible?


Actually, I was thinking of having it analyzed somewhere, somehow.


I just found out, the liquid freezes in the freezer!


New things ya larn evey day at TPR, heh heh.


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Bill, I'm surprised you kept that damn bottle. Opening it once was bad enough, but you had to share it with everyone. Well, I should be thankful that it didn't smell like rotten eggs. That and skunk spray are the only things worse smelling than what's in your bottle.



Maybe it smells better now that it's frozen.



Then again, maybe not.

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