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OMG Snow!


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Funny Here in NJ we have 14 inches on the ground. Yet In the carolina's people panic and hit the grocery stores like theres not going to be a tomorrow if they hear thier going to have 1 inch! or if they hear the word "Ice" its rather funny. Yet I am going to be living down there with these people soon. .

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Funny Here in NJ we have 14 inches on the ground. Yet In the carolina's people panic and hit the grocery stores like theres not going to be a tomorrow if they hear thier going to have 1 inch! or if they hear the word "Ice" its rather funny. Yet I am going to be living down there with these people soon. .


Actually, ice storms are often nastier than snow storms in the South (unless you get a blizzard like they had in the Northeast yesterday).


We had a few morning flurries around Williamsburg yesterday, with some "spits" of snow throughout the afternoon, but no accumulation. So no big freak outs here. But if it snows more than say, a half inch, it's panic time for a lot of folks! Schools close! The world ends! Dogs and cats start living together! Aghh!


They do a lousy job clearing the streets around here, too.

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Is it just me or is there a CAR below the huge pile?!


I sure hope not.


It's hard to see, but that pile is directly in front of the tenant parking. So that might be what you're seeing. My spot is just at the left of the picture, though you can't see it because of the snow.


When they cleared the snow they dropped a giant ice boulder the size of my tire beside my spot. Luckilly it's in such a position as to not bother myself or my neighbour.


I'm pretty sure hitting it would result in my car falling apart.

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Funny Here in NJ we have 14 inches on the ground. Yet In the carolina's people panic and hit the grocery stores like theres not going to be a tomorrow if they hear thier going to have 1 inch! or if they hear the word "Ice" its rather funny. Yet I am going to be living down there with these people soon. .


Actually North Carolina gets its share of snow. South Carolinians would probably act like us, and everyone down here is aware of the danger of the wicked ice storms we get. I'd take a foot of snow before taking an ice storm, you can at least drive in the snow.


I don't consider the snow that we had in Atlanta yesterday REAL snow!

It looked and felt like REAL snow to me. I don't know what you think it is

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People say that he is a wuss because of the snow, but if it ever gets to around 100 degrees up here in the summer, 95% of you cry because it is too hot!


But we can still drive properly when it gets over 100 degrees.


Unlike when the south gets a bit of snow.

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