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Walt Disney World Disney's Animal Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 74: Tropical Americas land announced!

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Well, forgive me for seeming too negative about it. I didn't mean to do that. I was mostly just talking about some of the things I had read and was wondering if it was really as bad as some people were making it out to be. I agree that it looks like a great ride. But like someone mentioned...it doesn't quite seem as immersive and seamless as say Indy or BTMR or TZ:TOT. Maybe we were expecting too much though? I don't know. Perhaps it isn't fair to compare this ride to the really really great rides. I was hoping for more though. In my opinion (based on the photos and videos) the ride seems kinda unfinished. I expected more of an exciting ending too. Perhaps some more twists and drops in dark tunnels with mere glimpses of the Yeti before the big face-to-face encounter, and maybe a big surprise drop right when you finally see him or something. I'm hoping that they will come back later and at least add rocky tunnels around the helix.


I also found this animated layout of EE a few days ago.




Click on the part that says "Expedition Everest - View Animation" It is really cool! (Forgive me if it is old news)



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Yah, its a bit of old news, but it was fun when it came out.


I don't know -- I just don't think anyone can adequately judge a ride being good or bad -- its just a ride -- there's pros and cons to everything.


Enough of my diplomacy -- here's an update graphic for those who got a little lost.


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Let's do a pros and cons thing. Show wise -- they've done some amazing things




Like? Frankly, I didn't find anything about the ride "amazing". Especially when there's only one show scene, and it's a simple projection. I don't count a 3 second fly-by with an AA or a bird on a stick as show scenes. Certainly not "amazing" ones.

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Shockwave: are you even old enough to have played with the original toy? el oh el I miss my Jetfire.


The ride capacity is in the upper 1800's an hour. Technically they can run 5 trains -- but they use just 4, its easier to manage.


JT3000 -- have you ridden the attraction?


Its not a 3 second fly by btw, its 4-5.


BTMR -- how many show scenes are there? Any big AA's? That goat is crazy! What about Space Mountain? Any AA's there? Is that ride crap? TOT -- how many show scenes - -- WAIT no AAs! - isn't it just a one trick pony with the elevator?


There's all sorts of ways you can look at a ride -- if you want to be all negative -- as I've said elsewhere -- that attitude says more about you than the ride. If you deem the ride inadequate - well,


To me the cool thing about the ride is they've attempted to get the track switch (normally reserved for access into train sheds) out in the public for constant use. That's a huge technical hurdle with major testing needed imo.


Also, the break they use after the yeti scene is a tech. achievement. -- something like that isn't too common. Its a quasi block/slowdown segment.


The yeti is amazing. Its large -- animated, they've got a great fur on it with a nice subtle wind effect. But I guess you could argue its crap too (what's with the cable back there?)


Again, have you ridden the attraction?


Because if you have, and you go 'meh' -- well -- what attraction would you say rocks or is amazing?


Something tells me you don't know of one or can't say any ride today you've ridden is 'amazing'.

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Ok, so I am not going to read though 53 pages of comments but I did read the last few pages and it seems like most of the comments that people have about the ride is the fact that you can see some of the back staging area from the ride, part of the structure, etc.


In my opinion, who cares? About 99% of the people who ride will give a rip about what they see, they care about how the ride is and from what I saw first hand over the weekend, the general public love the ride.


I love coasters and all, but some of this is just going too far. I probaly have a more 'general public' attitude toward coasters and for this one, all I know is that my 5 year old loved it and wanted to ride multiple times.


That is enough for me.


I thought the ride was great and I look forward to riding again in just about a month.


Good job Disney!

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JT3000 -- have you ridden the attraction?


Its not a 3 second fly by btw, its 4-5.


Yes I have. And I fail to see how 4-5 seconds makes some kind of earth shattering difference compared to my estimated 3. I mean wow.


Mod Edit: You can disagree about the ride, but don't be rude about it. You're acting childish.

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^That was really sad.


I've never ridden it.

I've seen the videos.

Im going to take my OWN OPINION of the ride and that is that.

I WANT to ride it.


Certain rides in this world are going to be better than others, and it all comes down to the individual experience. If you hated it...fine. If she loved it...fine. Get on with your life and just be happy that you rode it and got to experience something that others haven't yet, and maybe never will!!


Everyones entitled to an opinion, but it's when you try and force an opinion on someone else that it just gets pathetic. There's no point in trying to act all macho about the facts.


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My diabolical plan is WORKING! Soon I will take over the whole world!!! BWA HA HA HA! Just kidding...Gosh...I didn't mean for my comments to spark such a heated discussion. I just like good themed rides and love Disney rides in particular. It would be cool to design them as a career and then we could make them however we want them. I guess we'll just have to settle for Roller Coaster Tycoon for now.



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I'll have to ride EE again to solidify my opinion, but honestly, I have more fun riding Big Thunder than I do riding EE. I may receive flack for that opinion, but thats fine.



Nah you should not receive any kind of flack for liking one coaster over another. It is all a matter of opinion, nobody should tell you otherwise. I mean, Space Mountain is still my favorite WDW coaster after all these years, lol!

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MK's Space Mountain did give me a nasty shot to the back when I rode it (a real stinger) a few years back. Strangely enough, my mother, who was hobbling around on a bad knee when she wasn't riding a scooter, experienced no pain on it at all. Go figure. I was riding in the very back of the rocket--she was in front.

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