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What do you think is the most Extreme flat ride ?

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How can a wave swinger be considered an intense flat?


It's a Yo-yo set directly out in the middle of the lake. The chairs swing way out over the water, and the seats rock back-and-forth.


That thing is terrifying.

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I'm going to have to go with Top Scan (Space Roller) as the best flat ride, ever. Talk about being a rag doll at the mercy of the ride, that thing shakes you every which way but, oh wait, some park managed to do that to.


I thought Tango was interesting, a bit harsh on the male anatomy but interesting. I can see the family lineage between Top Scan, Tango, Power Surge, and a couple other rides that do the same general kinds of motions.



Some that haven't been mentioned:


Moonraker - This was a "Quest for the Grail" type ride, its extremely rare in the US, I think the last surviving example played the Florida State Fair in 2006 and given its (lack of) uptime at that show may have been canned. It operated maybe 2-3 days of the whole fair and was replaced by a Cliffhanger on day 5 of the fair. When it did open it opened for maybe an hour or two here and there, and then only ran a half dozen of its many seats, if that. The ride LOOKS awesome, like a big flying saucer, the ride action is not wholly unlike a sit down round up, except it spins much faster than the round up, tips up to an insane angle, and then the whole ride goes around on a turret while the flying saucer is also spinning at high speed. You were secured by shoulder bars, not that you needed them with the high g-forces almost pushing you through the back wall of your seat. I am proud to say I have the Moonraker credit, though that did involve camping out on the stairs of the closed ride for over an hour while they worked on it.


Rok-N-Roll - Sure its a golden oldie (or is that moldy oldie), imagine 10 round tubs not unlike dryer tubs, put two people in each one held in only by some of the widest seatbelts you will ever see, then whole ride goes around in slow circles, but just wait till the "dryer tubs" start acting just like dryer tubs as they go around. Wins points as you can influence the ride. Similar to the Looper at Knoebels, except Rok N Roll doesn't have the foot pedals in the tub, instead it has a mechansim that automatically rolls the tubs, controlled by the operator, not you.


Tempest - no love for the Tempest? It can get you spinning pretty good, I remember the feeling of getting thrown about the cages before they started adding seatbelts to these.


Experience - I got to ride this one once up at the Minnesota State Fair - Its actions at heart aren't that much different from a Troika except that instead of a ring of cars on each of the three arms, it only has 8 seats at the end of each arm, 4 facing each way. So the whole ride lifts up and spins like a troika, but then the seats you are on can do flips, and are controlled by the ride, it can even hold the seats upside down. Evil ride, sort of like a poor man's Top Scan.


Speaking of the Florida and Minnesota State fairs, thats where some of the best traveling flat ride collections in the USA come to gather. Up in MN I got to also try the Eclipse (imagine a Tilt-A-Whirl with a severe case of hyperactivity disorder), the Shake (Magnum) - a Break Dance with cars than can flip upside down as well as spin around, the Spin Out (okay I also got the Spin Out credits at the OHSF, FLSF, and Morey's Piers). The KMG Fireball (Afterburner) which just doesn't do it for me anymore. The Techno Power is good (an Orbiter with open air legs dangling seats)


FLSF wins the award for bringing in stuff like a HUSS Enterprise, HUSS Tornado. and HUSS Rainbow to a fair. Also the only time I have seen the Zamperla Fireball knock-off - Nitro. Flip-N-Out was also memorable as a Top Spin like ride where the two ends of the gondola can move in opposite directions, twsiting the gondola in all kinds of weird and interesting ways.


I have ridden several of the rides already mentioned in this thread - the VF Riptide is a nice ride, is not as bad on the male anatomy as you might think, and is also good at getting you totaly soaked. Then again I didn't find Acrophobia (Viagraphobia) at SFoG to be all that bad either.


I'm going back to Cedar Point in a couple weeks and am actually kind of looking forward to riding Demon Drop again, if only to remind me how nasty those things are. Then in the fall going to vegas and I hope the insane circle swing ride on top of the Strat decides to run for me, last spring I went to Vegas when it was windy all week and they wouldn't run it. The see saw ride on top of the Strat is good once or twice in the front seat for the visuals.


I got to ride the Jump when it was at SFGAdv, shame there aren't more of those around, as thats actually a pretty fun ride. Another rare but fun fnd is the Hexentantz (think the Tumblers at MoA and Knotts)


Then there are those flat rides that are so nasty - they get dishonrable mentions from me - currently the Chance Sky Diver and Larson Hi-Roller are on that list for just being too evil for their own good.


I did manage to get the Cedar Point Vertigone credit - yes that was the most open feeling, riding it in head down drop mode with just a restraint that looks like a special needs bus vest. The more open and vulnerable you can make a drop ride the better. Disney learned this by taking the lap bars off of Twilight Zone and just having seatbelts. I far prefer the "Drop Zone" ride that comes to the OHSF every year to the 300' Drop Zone at PKI, why, because the one at the state fair, you could easily fit two people under the shoulder bar in its tightest setting. talk about room to move around and appreicate the airtime. Shock Drop at Beech Bend does manager to have that open vulnerable feeling.


So many flat rides, so little time.

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  • 4 years later...

^I'm not really into flats rides either. In fact, I've never been on a top scan, top spin or any of those rides. I tried maxair at CP and really liked it but, apart from that and drop towers/S&S combo towers there's not much I've been on.

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Out of the ones I've been on, the Crypt HUSS top spin at Kings Dominion sure surprised me. Crazy ride had me gripping hard on the restraints when it flipped, and I loved it! I also loved the super short lines!



In terms of flat rides I've never been on, Tango looks like a crazy one from POV's I've seen.

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This evil contraption broke me.





Talocan at Phantasialand, Germany. I've ridden tons of Top Spins in my life and this one is from the bowels of hell itself. The program is extremely long, it flips more than an Olympic gymnast, AND THERE'S FIRE!!!!!!!!!! My brain locked during this ride. Ask anyone who was sitting by me (Ryan, Kevin, Ken, etc) and they'll tell you I went blank and started yelling "Holy s*%&! Holy s*%&!" over and over and over again.


Now THAT was a fun ride!

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This evil contraption broke me.





Talocan at Phantasialand, Germany. I've ridden tons of Top Spins in my life and this one is from the bowels of hell itself. The program is extremely long, it flips more than an Olympic gymnast, AND THERE'S FIRE!!!!!!!!!! My brain locked during this ride. Ask anyone who was sitting by me (Ryan, Kevin, Ken, etc) and they'll tell you I went blank and started yelling "Holy s*%&! Holy s*%&!" over and over and over again.


Now THAT was a fun ride!


Never seen one of these themed so well, awesome

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Talocan at Phantasialand, Germany. I've ridden tons of Top Spins in my life and this one is from the bowels of hell itself. The program is extremely long, it flips more than an Olympic gymnast, AND THERE'S FIRE!!!!!!!!!! My brain locked during this ride. Ask anyone who was sitting by me (Ryan, Kevin, Ken, etc) and they'll tell you I went blank and started yelling "Holy s*%&! Holy s*%&!" over and over and over again.


Now THAT was a fun ride!



Such an awesome ride - maybe the only Top Spin I've re-ridden.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems like a lot of people voting for the Top Scan, I have only seen this ride once and only two of the three arms were operating right, so I decided not to give it a go.


My votes go to:

Energy Storm

Twin Flip

Top Star Tour was a beast in itself just looking at it. Better than the Move Its I have rode. Although a Move It 32 is no slouch!

Fly O Plane - if caught in the wrong place at the wrong time! Something so simple can be a head rush.

Freak Out - Not too extreme, but it seemed to go higher and faster then the Afterburner.

Power Surge - Only if the main arm is rotating. I have seen fairs not rotating the arm and the ride is "ho-hum"


Those are rides I have actually ridden. Looking on youtube, there are many rides in the UK that are more extreme looking, but looks can be deceiving at times.

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