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Steel Poll Results are in

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1tSuperman - Ride of St SF New England

1tExpedition GeForce Holiday Park

3 Millennium Force Cedar Point

4 Nemesis Alton Towers

5 Katun Mirabilandia

6 Nitro Six Flags Great Ad

7 Pyrenees Parque EspaNa

8 Montu Busch Gardens Tamp

9 Superman - Ride of St Six Flags America

10 SheiKra Busch Gardens Tamp

11 Goliath Six Flags Holland

12 Superman - Ride of St Six Flags Darien L

13 Storm Runner Hersheypark

14 Apollo's Chariot Busch Gardens Will

15 XCelerator Knott's Berry Farm

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Honestly, I've been on SFDL and SFA...I think that SFA's is much better! DL's really seems to have problems, SFA's is awesome!


I totally agree with that!



BTW, it's funny to see Katun jump so much due to a few of us riding it this year, as well as Pyrenees...oh well, they're both some of the better B&M's, but not as good as Hulk, Kumba, DD, Montu, etc.


Wow, looking at the detailed results now...I think Robb is going to post about it...quite interesting how the Europeans attempt to piss off the GeForce people backfired! I wish people would take this seriously. Mitch puts a lot of effort into it, it's the least we can do!

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From Mitch Hawker's site:


Questionable Steel Ballots 2005


Questionable was used in the preceding because there seems to have been a campaign of sorts against Expedition GeForce as six european ballots ranked EGF as the worst coaster they had ever been on and quite a number of others ranked it way down on their ballot.


For comparison, no ballot even came close to doing this to the other co-number 1 Superman.


If EGF were simply removed from just two of these ballots it would be in a tie that would be broken in EGF's

favor by mutual rider preference.


In my opinion, it is obvious that some people tried to alter the outcome of the poll.


EGF and SRoS were declared co-#1's as that is the solution that is least distasteful to me.


Some among the ballots in question: #'s 6, 30, 32, 59, 78, 89, 216


I felt these steps necessary to protect the integrity of the poll.


Way to go DragonKhan, your immature ways wasted someone's time that has really contributed to the community. Congrats!



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From Mitch Hawker's site:


Questionable Steel Ballots 2005


Questionable was used in the preceding because there seems to have been a campaign of sorts against Expedition GeForce as six european ballots ranked EGF as the worst coaster they had ever been on and quite a number of others ranked it way down on their ballot.


For comparison, no ballot even came close to doing this to the other co-number 1 Superman.


If EGF were simply removed from just two of these ballots it would be in a tie that would be broken in EGF's

favor by mutual rider preference.


In my opinion, it is obvious that some people tried to alter the outcome of the poll.


EGF and SRoS were declared co-#1's as that is the solution that is least distasteful to me.


Some among the ballots in question: #'s 6, 30, 32, 59, 78, 89, 216


I felt these steps necessary to protect the integrity of the poll.


Way to go DragonKhan, your immature ways wasted someone's time that has really contributed to the community. Congrats!




Like I said before, I expected that... It was a way to make a statement, and I did. I wasn't the only one either...

What I think is NOT right is that:

"quite a number of others ranked it way down on their ballot. "

Worst coaster not right? Okay, that's fine and correct, but also skipping the opinions of those who might just not think it's a number 1 coaster for them?

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Like I said before, I expected that... It was a way to make a statement, and I did. I wasn't the only one either...

What I think is NOT right is that:

"quite a number of others ranked it way down on their ballot. "

Worst coaster not right? Okay, that's fine and correct, but also skipping the opinions of those who might just not think it's a number 1 coaster for them?


Dude, I don't know if you looked at those ballots, but they were obviously questionable. There is no reason for a ride of that caliber (that never has any complaints) to be ranked so far down. It's not like X where it is notoriously rough in certain points or anything. The only ballot that seemed like it could be justified had a dumb ranking system which probably is what made it questionable. You can't argue the legitimacy (or lack there of) of those ballots. Yeah, you made a statement, but trust me, you told us a lot more about yourself besides that you aren't fond of Holiday Park.

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What I think is NOT right is that:

"quite a number of others ranked it way down on their ballot. "

Worst coaster not right? Okay, that's fine and correct, but also skipping the opinions of those who might just not think it's a number 1 coaster for them?


I think that's a little ironic. You can't go out of your way to deliberately try to change the results of a vote and then complain that (possibly genuine) ballots from people marking Expedition GeForce a little lower (as in not 'worst coaster ever!' like yours) were treated with suspicion, when the suspicion was only caused by ballots which obviously deliberately marked Expedition GeForce low (of which yours was one)!

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Yeah, gotta love Mitch's solution to the coaster tools who try to make a statement (I believe that statement is "I'm an idiot, obviously I have no idea how to be fair about something, and as a result I will have my opinion taken away from me. Ding, fries are done!")


Mitch puts a lot of time and effort into his poll and the results show. While I can't imagine that some of the far away B&M coasters are the best thing since sliced bread, I can pretty much count on them being better than the newer B&Ms. Its not like other polls where you see Beast and Magnum ranked at #1, and then you ride them and are just baffled as to how they got those rankings for like 15 years in a row. Best of all, it doesn't matter if you've been on 5 coasters or 500, your opinion counts equally....unless you're a toolshed.

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From Mitch Hawker's site:


Questionable Steel Ballots 2005


Questionable was used in the preceding because there seems to have been a campaign of sorts against Expedition GeForce as six european ballots ranked EGF as the worst coaster they had ever been on and quite a number of others ranked it way down on their ballot.


For comparison, no ballot even came close to doing this to the other co-number 1 Superman.


If EGF were simply removed from just two of these ballots it would be in a tie that would be broken in EGF's

favor by mutual rider preference.


In my opinion, it is obvious that some people tried to alter the outcome of the poll.


EGF and SRoS were declared co-#1's as that is the solution that is least distasteful to me.


Some among the ballots in question: #'s 6, 30, 32, 59, 78, 89, 216


I felt these steps necessary to protect the integrity of the poll.


Way to go DragonKhan, your immature ways wasted someone's time that has really contributed to the community. Congrats!




I think that sums it up, so I won't add to it.

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What I think is NOT right is that:

"quite a number of others ranked it way down on their ballot. "

Worst coaster not right? Okay, that's fine and correct, but also skipping the opinions of those who might just not think it's a number 1 coaster for them?


I think that's a little ironic. You can't go out of your way to deliberately try to change the results of a vote and then complain that (possibly genuine) ballots from people marking Expedition GeForce a little lower (as in not 'worst coaster ever!' like yours) were treated with suspicion, when the suspicion was only caused by ballots which obviously deliberately marked Expedition GeForce low (of which yours was one)!


Yes, yes, you got a point there. Something I thought of too and might regret.

I know of two friends that voted EGF somewhere in the middle, and they did not do that for the same reasons i ranked it the worst. They just don't like it that much! Is it that hard for you people to understand that this right might not be this "perfect" coaster it seems to be and some people might just not think it's a #1?!?! It's a good coaster, no doubt! If it's a number one is a matter of opinions, and just cancelling any votes that are below a 10 (example guess) is very wrong imho...


Look everyone...

There's a huge dilemma now that probably was caused by me. Was it right? Don't know, opinion, but maybe you should think about it that just MAYBE there's a good reason we did that?

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First off it's not a huge dilemna, and you didn't cause or change anything except annoy people!


You just said it yourself GeForce is a really good coaster...and yet you ranked it last, that's obnoxious!


And then you go and blame Mitch for the way he dealt with it? When you caused the problem?!?! Whatever!

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I'm not blamming Mitch for that he cancelled my vote, or similar votes. I even expected it!


I think it's wrong though, to EXPECT EGF to be best, and cancel votes that fall out of the usual order! That happens to other coasters too, did he cancel votes that were "too low" there too?



There was no "campaign"... I did not ask people to do this. Everyone, (at least me) did that on their own...

So you think that not just one, but a bunch of people, think it should not be up there anymore is coincidence?


Yes, yes, it's all opinions. I respect others, and I think you should also respect mine. While I might not rank it last, it would be very low on my poll this year. Maybe I should've done that, you're all right hen it comes to that...

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I still like to know the reasons for the "EGF must be ranked at the bottom of the list" campaign. Never got a real answer to that. There must be a really good reason to trash what is at least a decent ride, and attempt to screw up the one poll that actually gives realistic results.


The SFA S:ROS blows the DL version out of the water. I know they're the exact same layout, but the SFA one runs SO much better! I have no idea why, but it does.


I'll need to look over the list, but EGF is certainly at the top of my mine...



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^^ If you figured he'd throw your votes out, and you knew you were lying on the poll (you even admitted to it), wouldn't it have just been easier NOT to participate in the poll?


There are a lot of things I don't agree with, but instead of creating unnecessary drama and problems, I just simply choose to not get involved.


--Robb "It only reflects poorly on you." Alvey

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Why the hell is SROS at SFA higher than the one at SFDL? Neither one of them should be up there, those helixes are forceless!


IMO, SROS at SFNE is the only #1 steel coaster.


:shock: :shock: :shock: Forceless?? surely you have not experienced a typical ride on the SFDL one, anyways...


:shock: :shock: :shock:


Maybe i'm just particularly force-sensitive!

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I still like to know the reasons for the "EGF must be ranked at the bottom of the list" campaign. Never got a real answer to that. There must be a really good reason to trash what is at least a decent ride, and attempt to screw up the one poll that actually gives realistic results.


I'll need to look over the list, but EGF is certainly at the top of my mine...




First of all, there was no campaign... It is all personal opinion. If justified or not is a different story...


Also, I have stated my reasons to bottom EGF several times. Look at the old Steel Poll thread...


^^ If you figured he'd throw your votes out, and you knew you were lying on the poll (you even admitted to it), wouldn't it have just been easier NOT to participate in the poll?


There are a lot of things I don't agree with, but instead of creating unnecessary drama and problems, I just simply choose to not get involved.


--Robb "It only reflects poorly on you." Alvey


Yes, I understand, an I don't want to justify myself. After all this I realized I should not have bottomed EGF just because i hate the park it is in for handling it the way they do, but actually rate in correctly (which would still be far from #1).

Many of you don't understand the problem I have with the park. The only ones that can are regular visitors, germans... This is not about the coaster and how it got boring with too many rides, but about the park. Which why it is wrong that I did that, considering it should only reflect the coaster itself and not the park it stands in. so I take full blame in that...


But my opinion of the park doesn't change. And it makes no sense explaining since you'd have to be there several times...

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I still like to know the reasons for the "EGF must be ranked at the bottom of the list" campaign. Never got a real answer to that. There must be a really good reason to trash what is at least a decent ride, and attempt to screw up the one poll that actually gives realistic results.


I'll need to look over the list, but EGF is certainly at the top of my mine...




First of all, there was no campaign... It is all personal opinion. If justified or not is a different story...


Also, I have stated my reasons to bottom EGF several times. Look at the old Steel Poll thread...


^^ If you figured he'd throw your votes out, and you knew you were lying on the poll (you even admitted to it), wouldn't it have just been easier NOT to participate in the poll?


There are a lot of things I don't agree with, but instead of creating unnecessary drama and problems, I just simply choose to not get involved.


--Robb "It only reflects poorly on you." Alvey


Yes, I understand, an I don't want to justify myself. After all this I realized I should not have bottomed EGF just because i hate the park it is in for handling it the way they do, but actually rate in correctly (which would still be far from #1).

Many of you don't understand the problem I have with the park. The only ones that can are regular visitors, germans... This is not about the coaster and how it got boring with too many rides, but about the park. Which why it is wrong that I did that, considering it should only reflect the coaster itself and not the park it stands in. so I take full blame in that...


But my opinion of the park doesn't change. And it makes no sense explaining since you'd have to be there several times...


You say you explained your reasoning in the older thread.... IMO you really didn't. Here's what you said:


Oh don't get me wrong. It's not because other people like it so much. As a matter of fact, I do like a lot too! I've been rating it constantly as my #2 after MF (no it would fall back behind Lisebergbanan). I got bored with it, but that's normal and does not hold me from appreciating a good coaster.

The reason I put it there is not the coaster itself, but the park it is in. And I have many reasons there. Some good, some not so good. Does it justify me putting it on 0? No, probably not, but as you said already, it's not gonna matter. I don't wanna see EGF at the bottom of the barrel, I just don't want to see it on #1 anymore, and I'm not the only one there. IMO tha park simply does not eran that anymore...

My opinion, which doesn't matter...


You just say that it's because of the park, you have some good reasons and some not so good reasons. I'm not gonna criticise your opinion as such, but if you're going to instigate heated discussion by a) voting as you did, and b) telling people the way you voted, then surely you could explain your reasoning?


You also say you really like the coaster, if so then why zero it anyway? Doesn't seem like you're gaining anything from it. :? Why not just write to the park stating whatever your complaints are and then score the coasters the way you truly believe you should? You say yourself that you think it's probably your no. 2... Sorry, but I'm confused. :?

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Agreed, doesn't really belong here as you also deleted my post...


I just want to say I'm not trying to justify myself. It was wrong to bottom the coaster just because I hate the park. Nuff said...


So back on topic...

Anyone else glad to see Millie and Nemesis that high?


And Lisebergbanan on #17! Score!!!


But KK on 20 and TTD on 22? Not expected by me at least...

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Many of you don't understand the problem I have with the park. The only ones that can are regular visitors, germans... This is not about the coaster and how it got boring with too many rides, but about the park. Which why it is wrong that I did that, considering it should only reflect the coaster itself and not the park it stands in. so I take full blame in that...


Oh wait, I do think a lot did understand the problem *very* well. Let's put this into some (apparently stoopid but IMO well working) metaphers:


You have a problem with your gf/wife, so you just shoot the neighbor's dog. :shock:


That's at least how this particular "downvoting actions" appears to me.


Messing up a coaster's own quality with issues of a park advertizing it is IMHO ignorant, misleading and totally missing any credibility. At the moment, I must admit, I have lost a lot of respect for some of these so called "experienced riders" out there. It looks like the so called opinions of all these oh so bored and obviously totally overfed enthusia$$ts are the worst possible guidance for having plain fun, for which i personally am heading.


At least we do know know.



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