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Best Park Fireworks

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WDW Magic Kingdom.... When Tink appears in the tower window, somebody'd better hand me a hankie. My little girl refused to believe me when I told her the real Tinkerbelle was going to fly. I wish you all could have seen her face.


I also love Fantasmic and Illuminations!


Shari "can hear the PKI fireworks from my house" Shoufler

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I'd have to go with LaRonde but it's not really afair comparison. It's an apples and oranges arguement. LaRonde has an international competition with countries from all over the world sending their best pyrotecnics people to each put on a 45 minute show. Parks who do their own pyro do it on a more regualar basis and can't spend the money and time for a 45 minute show.

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I had a friend thats seen Wishes about 7 times and only seen her fly about 3-4 times, if that. Maybe she is just real unlucky.


Epcot's are great, but they aren't as grand. Plus, you've gotta sit there while the dumb globe goes around the lagoon. I do enjoy ending my day walking through the park while the fireworks go off.

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Another vote for Wishes at WDW. I like it much better than the previous show.


If you get a chance and don't mind crazy crowds, the 4th of July show at WDW's Magic Kingdom is unbelievable. They run a pretty standard show but also launch fireworks from all around the perimeter of the park.


Another Note: The best fireworks display I have ever seen was viewed from the WDW's Magic Kingdom parking lot. They were having a large fireworks convention at the Contemporary and set off a display from a nearby little field. It was unbelievable. Most of the shells were the size of the last one set off for "Wishes" and the show was like 30 minutes of Grand Finale.

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The best fireworks show is hands down Illuminations with the christmas ending. Even though I only saw a video of it, I have NEVER seen so many fireworks shot at one time before I saw the Illuminations holiday ending! I remember Robb saying he was blown away by the show!

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Another vote for Illuminations, though I have yet to see Wishes with my own two eyes yet (though I have to say I hate hate hate hate HATE the music. Fantasy in the Sky had a far more majestic feel to it).


And I will be making a special trip just for Holiday Illuminations. It violates my "no Orlando during busy season" policy, but from what I read, it's clearly worth the effort. Of course, I'll have to nab my table in Mexico three hours before it starts instead of the standard two, but those are the sacrifices that must be made... oh, wait, the margarita stand is like thirty feet away? I'll deal with it.

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This past Sunday I got to see Illuminations at Epcot and then ran to see Wishes at MK.


Illuminations wins hands down. There is no beating the combination of fireworks, lighting, an incredible soundtrack and lasers. Put that together with the story of the earth being created, life apearing, man's rise, and the celebration of the multitudes of nations we are today and you've got a clear cut winner. That's not to say Wishes isn't a good show. It is. But not when compared to Illuminations.


The only other Disney show which is even remotely close would be Fantasmic at DL. And that's not really a fireworks show, it's more of a stage show.

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  • 7 years later...

"Hey Ya, look what I found!!!


I believe I found a very old post that can be brought up, dusted, polished, and presented again for a new set of posts.


I haven't seen many park fireworks (Usually I'm gone by the time they started), but I did remember one attraction that was once shown at Six Flags over Georgia in 1993. This was a laser/firework show that deplicted Batman battling his four most fearsome foes.


Nearly seven years since its last post, I'm sure there have been many park fireworks both past and present. Care to join in and voice your favorite?

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My vote without a doubt goes to the new years eve version of Fantasy in the Sky. It is simply one hundred percent INSANE!! The show is done with 360 degree perimiter fireworks, which makes the grand finale (a whopping two minutes long) easily one of the most insane and beautiful in the entire world. Check it out here from the polynesian beach about a mile and a half away.


skip to about 2 minutes for the fireworks to begin and 8 minutes in to see the new years countdown and finale and 9:40 for the big finish! The fireworks are shot off from two locations, one in the middle of the lake behind the trainstation and another behind the castle. this means that when your in the park the fireworks are in both directions.
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This is one of those topics where I just have to answer "Whichever ones I get to see." (And yet I hate it when people say things like that about coasters, e.g. "My favorite coaster is whichever one I'm on now.")


I guess I would go with Disneyland, though I'll add that BGW's presentation last year seemed very well choreographed.


Probably my best PyroCoaster experience was riding the Coney Island Cyclone during their fireworks show.

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