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Everything posted by Mtl_Shag

  1. Wow! Thanks for the feed back. All of it is very much appreciated. From what I can gather, using some simple ranking and weighting in excel, the top 3 are 1) Europa Park 2) Liseburg and then 3) De Efteling with Alton one point back. Time to hit some discount airline websites...
  2. I'm planning a trip to Europe in October, and while parks are not the main reason I'd like to hit a few while I'm there. So my question is, for those who've been to several European parks, what would be your top 3, can't miss, kick yourself if you miss them parks? I honestly don't care where they are in Europe as long as there's an airport nearby with discount airlines that connect to London. I've got my own ideas of places I really want to go (i.e. Blackpool, Tivoli Gardens) but I'd really like some first hand advice.
  3. I'd have to go with LaRonde but it's not really afair comparison. It's an apples and oranges arguement. LaRonde has an international competition with countries from all over the world sending their best pyrotecnics people to each put on a 45 minute show. Parks who do their own pyro do it on a more regualar basis and can't spend the money and time for a 45 minute show.
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