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Whats The Weather Like Where You Live?

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Weather is pretty better than is was, we had the large historic flooding just north of us; [i live in Louisiana], it's really, really, cloudy; but at least our city escaped flooding compared to Baton Rouge, and other cities; I have family who were affected, and lost a lot of their personal items from the flooding, but going strong.

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I live in Catalonia, a part of Spain which is where Port Aventura is located. Although you may think that my weather is perfect, I live in a slightly inner part of the zone and it feels like a desert. You can have about seven days in a row with maximum temperatures of 100ºF (35-40 ºC) and you have no humidity, which makes it even worse. In the winter you have the other side of the coin: a lot of fog and 30 to 40ºF degrees from late November to early March.

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August was wet! July was even wetter! Now it's September, it's officially autumn, and the forecast says it's gonna be a sunny week with temperatures in the 22-25 degree Celcius range. What the hell is going on?? Heck, even for tonight the temperature is not gonna drop below 18 degree Celcius (64*F). It's like summer again LOL!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Lots of rain.


Normally we would have the same this time of year. However after a shitty summer the autumn has been absolutely fantastic. This is how the last 30 days have been for us. Blue shows rain, red shows temperature (max/min)


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^ I am hoping for one of these days to be dry enough to get to our local Fright Nights at Playland (PNE).

But, except for today which was clearer than usual, it's supposed to be raining (and colder) for much of this coming

weekend and into next week. I am hoping for the Wednesday or Thursday to be dryer for a visit.


So - I am envious of your present weather conditions, lol!


http://www.pne.ca (For local Fright Nights info.)

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