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Whats The Weather Like Where You Live?

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Sydney, Australia


it is 102F today


110F predicted for tomorrow and yes you are reading this correctly


116F predicted for Sunday


OH I wish I was in that snow you all have photos of !!!


I think in the last 4 weeks there hasn't been one day under 90F


and it only cools down to about 75F overnight

AGHH hate it


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we're going through a bit of a hot spell at the moment:

Tue - 43.2

Wed - 45.7

Thu - 44

Fri - 41

Sat - 40

Sun - 40

Mon - 39

Tue - 38

Wed -38


yeah we had it first then sent it down to you guys but you sent it back this week, the next 3 days are over 40C here in Sydney, 47C on Sunday ...


I haven't seen 47C for about 10 years, last one I remember was back in 1997 or 1998 .. damn

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15cm of snow and -5*C. FREEZING! The snow kept on coming all week. Never stoped It did for one day. It melted 'cause it got to a boiling 1*C. Then, that very same night, the temperatures plummeted and we got a heck of a lot of snow! Still, the school only opened 1 day out of five. I had real fun playing in the snow, but now my butt hurts from all the bumps in the hills from sledging.

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15cm of snow and -5*C. FREEZING! The snow kept on coming all week. Never stoped It did for one day. It melted 'cause it got to a boiling 1*C. Then, that very same night, the temperatures plummeted and we got a heck of a lot of snow! Still, the school only opened 1 day out of five. I had real fun playing in the snow, but now my butt hurts from all the bumps in the hills from sledging.



HAH! You think -5*C (23*F) is cold! Yesterday it got down to 7*F (-14*C) with wind chills of 0*F (-18*C) AND it hit -12*F (-24*C) the other night.

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