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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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It's sad that a remodeling of Scooby spikes my interest more than the boomerang.


You might be the most consistently negative person I've seen on this board - does it not get tiring having to swing in and post the same negative crap, constantly?


I think that Boomerang looks great - proof positive that a fun color scheme and excellent placement can turn even the most mediocre of ride additions into a decent move. It does seem strange to go through all of the costs of disassembling/relocating/preparing/repainting/installing such an old, seemingly outdated ride...but, despite all of that they've done a great job so far. It will be interesting to hear how highly ridden this ride is in, say, 2-3 years and if that lands within the matrix for what they expected per their expenditures.


Does anyone else find the paintball idea to be a bit...odd? It's not nearly as easy to control intentional/unintentional out-of-bounds shots as, say, a golf range.....is this field within splat distance of actual park rides/buildings?


Haven't been to this park in years, but I have to say that their ride offerings continue to be decent....despite/in spite of the "hated" Boomerang addition.

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Does anyone else find the paintball idea to be a bit...odd? It's not nearly as easy to control intentional/unintentional out-of-bounds shots as, say, a golf range.....is this field within splat distance of actual park rides/buildings?


Haven't been to this park in years, but I have to say that their ride offerings continue to be decent....despite/in spite of the "hated" Boomerang addition.

Yes, especially the fact that it is an outside company running it. I'm just wondering how well it will do when the 110 degree, humid summer comes.

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Scooby-Doo is pretty much as popular with kids as it was ten or so years ago when it was rethemed to it. But, a pirate theme could work for the ride.



I don't get why they don't re-theme it to Wile E. Coyote/ Roadrunner. I even have a story for it:


You get in your ACME Rocket Sonic Boom Boats and try to capture the Roadrunner by hitting Roadrunner Targets. If you get like 700, You catch him, If you don't, It Blows Up in your face.


Just an idea.

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So what would be the best flat ride for SFStL to get? I'm not a big fan of flats, mostly because most of them spin, so I've never really known what the park was missing. I do know it needs another good flat ride though.

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A Top Spin would probably work for the park, Either that or a Swing Ride.



I agree, a Top Spin would be a great addition! But as far as a swing ride, they already have Sky Screamer. What other swing ride could they use?

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I have a feeling Excalibur will leave the park soon. Either at the end of this season or the end of next season.


Maybe in four to five years. Six Flags is super cheap, they wouldn't waste this much money on repairing the ride if they were planning to remove it soon.

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Personally, the ride really doesn't need to be rethemed of their only concern is that Scooby-Doo may be getting outdated.

The real problem is the loudness and monsters that scare most of the toddlers on the ride, which is funny, because they're the main audience.


The pirate theme kind of makes sense, since it's a boat ride and they already have a giant boat inside (where the ghost pirate from scooby doo is)

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So what would be the best flat ride for SFStL to get? I'm not a big fan of flats, mostly because most of them spin, so I've never really known what the park was missing. I do know it needs another good flat ride though.


Giant Swings are great. Most of the top spins I have seen have either been down for repair of they have had short lines. I don't think they are very popular.


It's sad that a remodeling of Scooby spikes my interest more than the boomerang.


You might be the most consistently negative person I've seen on this board - does it not get tiring having to swing in and post the same negative crap, constantly?


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I agree with the Top Spin but when it comes time to retire Excalibur a Zamperla Giant Discovery would be a nice replacement. Black Widow at Kennywood was awesome.

Exactly my thoughts. Is there any main difference in the riding experience between the Huss Giant Frisbee and the Zamperla Giant Discovery? I've only been on the Huss one, so I'm kind of biased.

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While the sensations are basically the same for some reason it felt like the seats on the Zamperla were a little roomier and not as confining as the Huss Giants, which are also among my favorites. Also the Giant Discovery spins in both directions during the ride.

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Ok, so heres my view. Add a Top Spin, a Giant Swing, and a signature steel coaster. I think that would be awesome for our park! And they could put one of the flats where the hannibarrels are.

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Ok, so heres my view. Add a Top Spin, a Giant Swing, and a signature steel coaster. I think that would be awesome for our park! And they could put one of the flats where the hannibarrels are.


Wow... there are a few ideas I've never heard...


The boomerang is the most steel this park will see for a long time.

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