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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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I'm sure the process is not that complicated... Knotts had B&M modify a support and it arrived on site the year they were building windseeker. Six Flags could've contacted Vekoma to manufacture new supports for the new location. (In that case could chance-morgan be manufacturing a new support for this ride?)

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^ That is Ninjas third train which has been under there for quite some time. Shockwaves trains went to SFMM to be used on Viper and SFGADV to be used on GASM, GASM trains went to SFMM to be used up on Viper.

Actually, one of GASM's trains is on Ninja (SFOG).

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Now that SFSTL can market their park as the "Coaster Capitol of Missouri," an attendance boost is sure to come.


hah. ok, sure.

You can paint a turd gold, and it will still be a turd.


And I bet tourists will flock to see that golden turd, just like the "Largest ball of twine," or the "Biggest ketchup bottle!"

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I really happy I live in Missouri but I can only afford to go to a theme park once this year so I need to choose between our Missouri parks.


Brand new (paint on a 20+ year old coaster that came from a different park and is the most copied head rattling coaster) for 2013: Boomerang! or Brand new for 2013: Outlaw Run, the double inversion wooden coaster with the steepest drop.


Guess I have a lot of thinking to do.

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Vertical construction on Boomerang has started, there are several orange supports up and lots of the pieces have been moved from the parking lot, so the ride will probably be built pretty quickly now (the opening date for the ride has not changed and it won't change from June 1).


Apparently the park is going to get a new attraction for 2013, in the form of an actual paintball course, that will go in the field behind the family raft slides in Hurricane Harbor and behind the exploding shack that is along the railroad tracks (near Batman), how much it will cost and how it will be incorporated into the park, I have no idea and how people won't get hurt playing paintball at the park is something I don't know either.

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Both of the lift hills are up and so is the station track, I would think that the loop will go up next (maybe by the end of the week) and then the cobra roll last. The ride is about as tall as the two bottom sections of Superman, you can see it from outside the park now, they removed several trees that were next to Rush Street (so you can see the ride from the area in front of the Mine Train), when the trees that are left have leaves on them, the ride may blend into the area more, but it's very noticeable right now.

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Why....just because you don't think it's a great addition to the park?? Give me a freakin break. They should have added anything to the park this year. Just another case of the SFAFanboy syndrome. Complain complain complain

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We would have been better off going a season without any new additions so that we could get something worth advertising in the future. It's a waste of spending.


This is the 'Jelly of the month club' of new park additions. I'm sure next year we will get something awesome........

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Found these construction pictures!!



Boomerang Roller Coaster installation at Six Flags, St. Louis

Using our Leibherr LTM 1250, a 300-ton hydraulic truck crane, Sterett is assisting the installation of a new Roller Coaster, The Boomerang, at Six Flags Amusement Park in St. Louis. We relied Sterett Heavy Hauling to transport the coaster into the park to our crane. Other equipment on site to be utilized throughout the installation includes our 80-ton Terex Rough Terrain crane, as well as a 130’ JLG Manlift, a60’ JLG Manlift, and a 9,000# JLG Reach Forklift provided by Sterett Equipment Company. The job duration is expected to be three to four weeks installing the Roller Coaster from the ground up.


Chris Goode is the operator of the 300 Ton Hydraulic Truck Crane and Jason Adrian is the operator of the 80-ton Terex RT. Our biggest challenge to date has been maneuvering the 300-ton crane through Six Flags and setting up in a small area by the Screaming Eagle Roller Coaster, as seen in the background.




The color scheme when it's all up.

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