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Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread

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I love how we all decided to direct Six Flags to other ideas like Dark Rides and Roller Coasters. Their ideas aren't that bad but no one seems interested in them as a new attraction. It will be a year since the accident happened soon and I can't believe this is still going on.

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We finally got to ride backwards Batman. OUCH!! I won't miss it when it is gone. My head got banged around worse than a teenage boy at a Metallica concert. And that was in the 2nd car, middle seat. Glad I didn't wait more than about 20 min for that head bashing. It was fun trying to predict what twist or roll will come next. A novel idea. I'll give them that.

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The girlfriend and I will be heading down to Texas for a week of Roller Coaster riding and baking in the sun and heat. We will be at SFOT from August 9th-11th before hopping on a bus on the 12th for San Antonio to hit up Six Flags Fiesta Texas and possibly Seaworld. I have been reading a lot of negative stuff about the operations at SFOT and I am already expecting shoddy operations but I do have some questions that I hope can be answered


1..I noticed that starting Monday,August 11th that the closing time goes from 10pm to 7pm...is there a particular reason for that? ( schools going back to class?)


2...There is a Exclusive Ride Time event on Sunday August 10th for Discover Card holders and Season Pass holders..is it safe to assume our Six Flag:America Season passes will get us into this event? How busy are these events usually and what rides are usually included?


3..Is the park anal about people bringing their own water bottles? I like bringing my own and fill it up as the day goes along.


4...Are there any coasters that tend to open up late? I really don't want to make a beeline straight to New Texas Giant only to find it does'nt open until 11 or later.


5....And I guess I'll ask the standard...."What will the crowds be like?" question as well.


Thanks in advance for your answers/help/advice and I am really looking forward to finally scratching this park off my bucketlist in about a months time

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In regards to the Water Bottle question, I have been told before at the gate not to bring one in. I'm not sure if it is park policy or not. But you can get free Ice water at any concision stand or restaurant just ask for a cup of water "don't let them sell you a bottle of water". Another good tip is to get a souvenir bottle with free refills for the day, then use the water cups to share the free refills among your friends.

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  Stephen G said:
..."don't let them sell you a bottle of water"...


On our visit last month, we stopped at a stand to get some ice cream bars and cups of ice water. The employee was too busy talking to other employees to pay attention. I was busy handing out ice cream bars when my wife about came unglued over the nearly $50 bill. The genius translated "cups of ice water" into "$5 bottled waters." 5 bottles of water @ $5 a pop. Insane! Especially with a vending machine right around the corner from the stand selling the same bottles of water for $3. I got my refund and we got our free "ice" waters (with no ice). That guy was a winner.

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I always have a bottle of water with me coming into the park. Always. They have never given me crap over it. I've even gotten them refilled with ice water. I usually keep a Milo in my purse and the guy with the wooden spoon has never said anything about it. Our niece came with us last time and brought her water bottle and had it refilled with water no prob.


As for rides. Last time we went at opening, Texas Giant was not open. But, with that being said, Titan and Giant are neighbors, so if you make your b-line to Giant and it isn't open, Titan is close. And I highly recommend Titan either early or late. It gets really hot and Titan packs a good punch in the g-force dept. It is much more enjoyable when you aren't already overheated and dehydrated. Batman is another one I recommend either late or early. They are slooooooow dispatching that ride and so the train sits in a sweltering holding area waiting for the train in front to dispatch.


I personally don't have many gripes with the park. I always walk away having had fun. That's the goal of being at an amusement park. The one time I didn't was on a BAFF day in the spring, and everybody and their dog was there. We were there for after hours ERT. So, that part was fun. The stuff is expensive, but get your hand stamped and Denny's is as close a walk as your car would be and cheaper. Plus you get a break from all of the park noise. I recommend if you have one of those nifty popcorn buckets, you bring them. Refills are $1!


My 2 cents.

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  coasterjunkie1975 said:
4...Are there any coasters that tend to open up late? I really don't want to make a beeline straight to New Texas Giant only to find it does'nt open until 11 or later.


In my first few trips to SFOT, Titan opened later than the rest of the coasters - but that was pre-NTAG. I would ask the attendants at the entrance if either coaster is opening late (whether or not they know, it can't hurt to ask). The last time I visited I didn't get to the park until after 11 AM, so all of the rides including NTAG were open by then. I also highly doubt any other coaster in the park would open late, except for maybe Shockwave.


A few of my visits to SFOT in the past were at the end of August, and the crowds weren't too bad - but early August could be a different story. I've never encountered more than a wait from the station on Titan, but most other coasters have had 30-45 minute waits.I'd look for Mr. Freeze and NTAG to have the longest lines as well as Superman Power of Tower. However, Superman usually has a single rider line open which is very nice.

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  The Yeti said:
  coasterjunkie1975 said:
4...Are there any coasters that tend to open up late? I really don't want to make a beeline straight to New Texas Giant only to find it does'nt open until 11 or later.


In my first few trips to SFOT, Titan opened later than the rest of the coasters - but that was pre-NTAG. I would ask the attendants at the entrance if either coaster is opening late (whether or not they know, it can't hurt to ask). The last time I visited I didn't get to the park until after 11 AM, so all of the rides including NTAG were open by then. I also highly doubt any other coaster in the park would open late, except for maybe Shockwave.


A few of my visits to SFOT in the past were at the end of August, and the crowds weren't too bad - but early August could be a different story. I've never encountered more than a wait from the station on Titan, but most other coasters have had 30-45 minute waits.I'd look for Mr. Freeze and NTAG to have the longest lines as well as Superman Power of Tower. However, Superman usually has a single rider line open which is very nice.


We tend to arrive in the mid-late afternoon when we go, but on occasion we do go at opening. Titan isn't usually closed unless it experienced technical troubles.

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The background in that picture looks like rockwork... could this be the exit of Runaway Mountain?


I doubt Mr. Freeze is going anywhere but could this mean that Mr. Freeze is being repainted back to Blue?


Or this just a hint that this will be a dark ride ... since dark rides only have exit signs since they are in a building (i.e. the large theater we've already been focusing on).

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The bottom of that picture really reminds me of the walls on the inside of Mr. Freeze's queue. Maybe they are adding more tunnels to Mr. Freeze? Maybe one side will be facing forward and the other will be facing backward? Or both...

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Hi folks, short-time lurker, first-time poster. SFOT is my "home" park, relative to Oklahoma City. I just got the survey email, and the comments section claims "Your comments WILL be read by the park president and management team." So I took the opportunity to bang out a few sentences about lackadaisical ride operations and such (and joined the little advisory panel thing at the end, we'll see if that goes anywhere).


I went last week for the first time since the Batman flip (well, I was there on 7/2, but with a non-pass friend who I didn't want to make wait while I rode the preview) and noticed it was too busy for impatient me, while Freeze was virtually a walk-on all day--a complete reversal from what I'm used to. I usually ride BTR a bunch and skip Freeze, but did bunches of rides on Freeze for the first time in years. Kind of forgot how fun it can be. I assume it's been slow since the BTR change?


And I'm not ashamed to admit that SkyScreamer scared the bejeezus out of me, and I don't plan on going up again. I can do any coaster anywhere, but the height, the minimal restraints, and the twisting in the wind made my brain go into "HOLY CRAP DON'T DIE" mode. I'm suitably impressed but nooooo thanks.

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And I'm not ashamed to admit that SkyScreamer scared the bejeezus out of me, and I don't plan on going up again. I can do any coaster anywhere, but the height, the minimal restraints, and the twisting in the wind made my brain go into "HOLY CRAP DON'T DIE" mode. I'm suitably impressed but nooooo thanks.


I have to agree with you. I have no interest in being in a swing 500 feet off the ground. I don't even care for the smaller swing rides. So I have absolutely no interest in going on SkyScreamer. As I'm getting older I'm starting to develop a fear of heights. Just to give myself a thrill I rode the Superman Tower of Power and it scared me. I like to be lifted at a slow pace into the sky, not launched. I wasn't exactly ready. I got off and swore I wouldn't ride it again, but I was so scared and and shaken up, I can't wait to ride it again. I just don't feel like I get enough of a rush on Titan and NTAG anymore. Even though I love riding them, I wish they would build another thrilling ride in the part. We'll see what is coming in 2015.

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