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Thorpe Park Discussion Thread

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New plans have emerged, detailing the new Mack HyperCoaster's colour scheme and theming.

The coaster itself will be painted  pearl gold blending to papyrus white, so as to mitigate any visual pollution in the surrounding area. This also could hint at a potential mountain theme for the ride.



Here is a look at the station building, which appears to have a very natural timber, pearl gold and blackish grey metal aesthetic. A bird golden bird emblem also appears front and center.







There also these views of the highpoints from outside the park





















The full plans from this week can be accessed at the following link: https://docs.runnymede.gov.uk/PublicAccess_LIVE/SearchResult/RunThirdPartySearch?FileSystemId=PL&FOLDER1_REF=RU.23/0657

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  • 3 months later...

As of today, we now have an official animated on ride video of the new Mack HyperCoaster!

A new minisite has also gone live, teasing a potential bird theme with glowing/burning gold feathers



Construction is progressing well with a lot of footers now completed. Gold and white coloured supports have also arrived. image.png.ba43814f29aac55c354d22c88dc9236a.pngimage.thumb.png.0467a304dd423c2ec35efc0b83d6d1b3.pngimage.png.98398857baee1f80dfd181667098df34.pngimage.png.1728b131c809ffd04cc12336144ad0af.png

Here is the video again below for those of you can't open YouTube.



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New branding with the full coaster layout has appeared on the construction fence, showing the sheer distance in height from Colossus and Saw, both on the same corner of the park as Exodus. Goes without saying that this ride is going to dwarf absolutely everything.





A model of the ride has also appeared in the Megastore.


Source: https://themeparkguide.co.uk/news-page/Project-Exodus-Viewing-Windows-Installed-And-Model-Put-On-Display 


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  • 1 month later...

Thorpe Park have confirmed the name and theme of their new MACK HyperCoaster, as well as shared the first truly accurate on-ride POV.

HYPERIA, which will be themed to a fearless goddess, will take guests 236'ft in the air and make them feel weightless, a rare kind of sensation for a new rollercoaster in the United Kingdom.



Construction also went vertical earlier this week, the first pictures of the ride's installation were shared by Thorpe Park in their official passholders group.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Before stealth was named what it was today, thorpe park was planning to name the ride "edge" and there is proof to back this up, im wondering where to find a clear logo for it (there is a concept art logo on multiple claw machines in the ghost train area)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thorpe park has released an onride video earlier this week to promote the opening last Friday.

Also wanted to come here and share some bad news, Hyperia is closed again. Yes after the opening on Friday they had to close the ride literally the next day and the park has released a statement that the ride will be closed at least until the 29th of May (Wednesday). It's currently unknown what caused this closure or if the ride will be open on the 30th or beyond. 

I actually feel bad for everybody that couldn't make it Friday and had to travel from far just for it to be closed. The park did share free tickets to return later in the year but still.

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Hyperia is a magnificent coaster. It's firmly my #5 coaster in my world top 5, and is 100% the best rollercoaster that the UK has to offer. It really is a tremendous ride experience, offering some of the most unique and 'out there' elements of any coaster.

It may look short on paper, but on-ride it feels anything but, packing a great punch with its stellar lineup of elements.

The ride experience offers 14:08 seconds of weightlessness, blending some of the best hangtime and airtime that I've ever experienced on a coaster. 


The back row really ejects you, towards the front offers some beautiful floaty airtime.






The opening ceremony was one of the best the UK has staged, we rarely see events like this at new ride openings.

Here's the official video of the opening ceremony from the park:


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On 5/26/2024 at 4:23 AM, RCT3Bross said:

I actually feel bad for everybody that couldn't make it Friday and had to travel from far just for it to be closed. The park did share free tickets to return later in the year but still.

This isn't exactly a unique situation. We constantly see new rides go down for fixes and unexpected issues or miss their opening deadlines. I think anyone who is traveling from 'far' this early for the opening of a new ride should be accepting that they're rolling the dice the second they book their tickets.

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