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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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^lol your kidding right? Read the last 10 pages of this thread and you should get your answer.


Just a reminder from your friendly neighborhood site moderator--please 1) be respectful of others and 2) remember that having a sense of humor is essential.


^The answer to your question is no.


You are right CFC. I should have been more respectful. The truth is, I could be wrong on this one. Maybe there is a chance they could get that lift finished, perform the pull through and several hundred hours of testing, and have it ready by next week. What do I know? I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya

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For all we know now, they could just be finishing off the station and everything else before the lift and that this isn't a delay.


Actually, the latest rumor is just that. They are unable to install the first piece of track that contains the chain because of temporary wood being used in the station. I'm assuming they are talking about some kind of temporary scaffolding being used by the workers. I guess we'll see once they get done with that section of the ride.

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so they are saying that they can't finish b/c they want to finish the station first? that's interesting. You would think they would get that track finished before they got all the technicalities finished in the station. o well. maybe they'll try and make it more dramatic...or something

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so they are saying that they can't finish b/c they want to finish the station first? that's interesting. You would think they would get that track finished before they got all the technicalities finished in the station. o well. maybe they'll try and make it more dramatic...or something


It's only one of many, many rumors. I personally think it has to do with the lift hill myself. ...The top of the lift, if you want to get specific.

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From all the various rumors, the one that I got as a response from most of the on-site construction workers was the lift motors. Either being faulty or being needed to be installed first. I haven't heard any problems that deal with the actual lift track itself.


So I have my fingers crossed that once the station and motors are finished that the lift will just fly up in a matter of days. All that's left after that is to fix the firehouse fail.

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Who else misses the heartline discussion?


To be honest it was funny at first but after a few pages it got boring. You guys were just dragging it on. Just my opinion though.


I hope that these so called "rumors" get resolved so we all can just stop talking and ride this ba coaster!



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^ yes it is definitely old now. but it was more interesting than no talking.

So does anyone know why the universal in hollywood doesn't have any coasters? hopefully that doesn't open a can of worms.


This is not the USH thread. Lets keep the discussion on track.


Has there been any target date for opening besides maybe June? I would think they would want to catch the Summer season.

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Well this was interesting but while in New Jersey coming back from a SFGA trip I was listening to the radio and I heard a USO commercial come on and they talked about the HRRR coaster. They are still saying this spring so I don't think they are changing the date because these were new radio commercials... so we will just have to see.

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We all know that rock is a critical part of this ride--indeed, it's part of its name.


If there is in fact a delay, I think it may be related to SeaWorld just down the street, and their spring break Shamu Rocks show schedule. You see, rock is a finite commodity, and because Shamu rocks so hard, spare rock might be a little hard to come by in Orlando right now.


This Saturday is the last day that Shamu Rocks will be performed at SeaWorld for a while. Consequently I wouldn't be surprised to see the pace pick up at Universal next week, as the supply of rock will finally be restored.

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I'm heading to the park next week, so I'm hoping the front of the station is done by then. That way we can see if the temporary scaffolding used by the workers is the reason for the lift delay.


The scaffolding has nothing to do with the lift delay.

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We all know that rock is a critical part of this ride--indeed, it's part of its name.


If there is in fact a delay, I think it may be related to SeaWorld just down the street, and their spring break Shamu Rocks show schedule. You see, rock is a finite commodity, and because Shamu rocks so hard, spare rock might be a little hard to come by in Orlando right now.


This Saturday is the last day that Shamu Rocks will be performed at SeaWorld for a while. Consequently I wouldn't be surprised to see the pace pick up at Universal next week, as the supply of rock will finally be restored.


See? I knew there was a perfectly logical explanation for all this.

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We all know that rock is a critical part of this ride--indeed, it's part of its name.


If there is in fact a delay, I think it may be related to SeaWorld just down the street, and their spring break Shamu Rocks show schedule. You see, rock is a finite commodity, and because Shamu rocks so hard, spare rock might be a little hard to come by in Orlando right now.


This Saturday is the last day that Shamu Rocks will be performed at SeaWorld for a while. Consequently I wouldn't be surprised to see the pace pick up at Universal next week, as the supply of rock will finally be restored.


it all makes sense!!! finally, we know!

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