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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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-The banner is not up as reported earlier

-The only problem I am familiar with right now are the problems with the break runs malfunctioning.


I won't doubt that the floorboards have cracked on the train(s), but it is extremely hard to believe considering the floorboards are steel. Steel can crack, but that's a lot of stress.

The LED and sound systems on Rockit! are very lightweight considering other options available. If the floorboard(s) have cracked on any of the trains, then it is the fault of the manufacturer and not Universal. It is highly unlikely that the X Car is having any problems considering the fact that it has been used on other coaster with equivalency of the uniqueness of Rockit!.

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I take back what I said about the floorboards. I've been told that the (Fiberglass, I think?) areas around the LEDs in the front and back of a particular train did crack at the end of last month. The fractures were small and were in parts of the train that would not have caused any dangers to riders.

The trains have been repaired and a "fix" (What exactly they meant by this, I don't know) has been engineered and placed on all of the trains.


I've been told that the queue has been given its finishing touches and cleanings yesterday and painting is wrapping up on the lift and areas in the station. The only persistent problem seems to be a faulty piece of mechanics on the final break run that will be replaced or has been replaced.

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I've been told that the queue has been given its finishing touches and cleanings yesterday and painting is wrapping up on the lift and areas in the station. The only persistent problem seems to be a faulty piece of mechanics on the final break run that will be replaced or has been replaced.


Sounds like it could be opening soon! Hopefully in MID to late August, I will be going down August 16th but won't be going to universal until I think the 20th.

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I know a what really happened, while testing one of the rings fell on the train cracking the floor and fiberglass. On its way down it caught and tour the banner. After it hit the train it bounced on top of the station and onto the final break run, damaging the mechanical components, and causing it to have a delayed opening. Mystery solved, Yahtzee!!!!


Seriously though I buy the whole Fiberglass part. That could very well have been one of the many things that have gone wrong with this ride. From the moment Universal announced this ride I had a strange feeling like it would not go smoothly.

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Well, that banner is looking really nice. Hopefully they figure out what's wrong with it and get it open soon. (And by soon I mean before the end of the year.)



There is something wrong with the banner haha?


I'm pretty sure he's talking about whats wrong with the ride.. I will also be posting more pictures of the banner soon once my friend gets out of the ride he's on.

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Remember, you heard it FIRST from ME!!!


I believe it's on page 237 of this thread, I posted that the banner was up. I was the first to post this on this forums and I was second to post this on any forums!. Anyways, here's a picture as promised. (I know one was already posted but here's another one for the heck of it)


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Remember, you heard it FIRST from ME!!!


I believe it's on page 237 of this thread, I posted that the banner was up. I was the first to post this on this forums and I'm sure I was the first to post it on any forums. Anyways, here's a picture as promised. (I know one was already posted but here's another one for the heck of it)



Nope someone beat you by 12 minutes posting the pic on a different forum! oh well better luck next time! lol

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Remember, you heard it FIRST from ME!!!


I believe it's on page 237 of this thread, I posted that the banner was up. I was the first to post this on this forums and I'm sure I was the first to post it on any forums. Anyways, here's a picture as promised. (I know one was already posted but here's another one for the heck of it)



Nope someone beat you by 12 minutes posting the pic on a different forum! oh well better luck next time! lol


Hahaha ok, I updated the post I made

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