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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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There is no new track for the lift. It's the same track. It came down and got moved around. The track was not orignally designed for the ARB, so additional mods were are required.


There is stilll a lot of work yet to be done and everything possible is being done to get open in one shape or form as soon as possible. As of now, there are no confirmed dates, but progress is being made.

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I'm actually pretty underwhelmed with how Rockit seems to be turning out. I'm sure the coaster experience will be great, and the general public will love it. It's a smart move for Universal and should be a great addition. Having said that, it's queue and station seems like that of a Six Flags coaster. I love Universal Orlando for it's atmosphere and theming, and this seems to lack it. From the 3D POV, it looks like the line is just a bunch of outdoor/shaded switchbacks with fans. Does anyone know if this will have a preshow? I'm assuming not but am hoping for the best! So far it looks like Terminator outdid Rockit in the theming department!

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I was in Orlando a couple of months ago for a French competition. My room at the Doubletree Hotel had a wonderful view of the Universal skyline. I was able to see the Incredible Hulk, Dueling Dragons, Doctor Doom's Fearfall, and...what's that red thing? "Joe! Alex! Ryan!" I called to my three francophone compatriots. "You must see what they're building!"


All I was able to see was that vertical lift hill, but at the time, I thought that it was going to be a launch. "Dude, that looks absolutely wicked," Ryan said in astonishment. None of us knew about this new coaster, but from that point forward, we thrill afficianados looked forward to the day we could ride it.


Unfortunately, the leaders of the French competition would not let any of us leave the premesis to go to Islands of Adventure or Universal Studios, even though we tried asking in French ("Pouvons-nous aller rouler aux montagnes russes, s'il vous plaît?").


Two months later, I look at the construction. I scrutinize the video posted on the website. My conclusion is that this roller coaster doesn't seem like it'll be worth the hype. The first drop is going to kick ass, as is that non-inverting loop, but I don't see this roller coaster as living up to the expectations of the theme park community. Cool, there will be music and flashing lights. You'll even be able to buy an overpriced DVD of yourself riding it (which I surely will do on my mother's dime, for it is a great novelty item). But alas, I simply do not see this roller coaster as being amazing. Sure, it'll most likely be fun, but it won't be groundbreaking in the way that the Hulk was groundbreaking.


I'm still going to ride it multiple times, of course.


On another note, the people-mover loading system is awesome and can seriously cut down load and wait times, but I envision it being a problem with the elderly, the obese, and the stupid.

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^ Of course Terminator's theming won't compare to HRRRRR's. Everybody knows that SF theming isn't as extensive as Universal's theming.


Unless Universal does a poor job of theming, which I doubt, SF's current attempts at theming shouldn't compare to Universal.

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Terminator: Salvation is pretty well themed for a Six Flags ride.

The only problem is that Terminator:Salvation kind of disappointed. Most people only consider it an "okay" movie.

It looked really cool, though, and there was a lot of hype behind it.


Would Six Flags have themed a coaster to that particular movie had they known that it wouldn't go over well?


It's like the Backdraft attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood.


So, Terminator:Salvation is a great ride themed upon a so-so movie.

(Sort of like Revenge of the Mummy)


I think that there's a little bit of theming going on with Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit!. It may not be as extensively themed as other Universal attractions, but it will be a great coaster that will draw in crowds...which Universal needs.

They're probably adding a coaster to bring over the thrill seekers that go to Islands of Adventure...and to silence the notion that one park is better than the other because they have more thrills.


Maybe a ride without a theme or a very loose theme is better than a ride with a theme based upon a "so-so movie" or old franchise.

Just my $.02


I'm glad that Universal is getting a new coaster.

And I'm glad that Universal ISN'T getting something like a Land of the Lost coaster.


Fake Edit: And no, I'm not hating on Terminator, Mummy, or Land of the Lost. And I think a Land of the Lost ride be kind of interesting...not "cool" but interesting.

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  BamaRob21 said:
I'm actually pretty underwhelmed with how Rockit seems to be turning out. I'm sure the coaster experience will be great, and the general public will love it. It's a smart move for Universal and should be a great addition. Having said that, it's queue and station seems like that of a Six Flags coaster. I love Universal Orlando for it's atmosphere and theming, and this seems to lack it. From the 3D POV, it looks like the line is just a bunch of outdoor/shaded switchbacks with fans. Does anyone know if this will have a preshow? I'm assuming not but am hoping for the best! So far it looks like Terminator outdid Rockit in the theming department!


I completely agree with your statement about Terminator Salvation's theming being superior to HRRR's. I'm assuming those of you who are disagreeing with this haven't looked at the great job Six Flags did on Terminator Salvation which in my opinion out does the theming on any previous Six Flags ride.


I mean the queue may be mostly outside and full of switchbacks, but there are plenty of props to look at while in line as well as a lot of theming that makes it appear as if you are really in a post-apocalyptic setting. Then the coaster has three superbly done pre-shows that really tie the entire attraction together.


All I've seen from HRRR is a ton of shaded and un-shaded switchbacks and some paintings on the surrounding walls. Seems like real amazing theming to me... . I really think that HRRR's theming will be mediocre compared to all of the other attractions at USO. Though I am saving my opinion until the ride is open, I just don't have my hopes up at the moment.


I'm not trying to knock down USO in any way, I just feel they could have done a lot better with this attractions theming. I am also curious as to if the attraction will have a pre-show. Does anyone know?

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  VT_340 said:
  Earl said:
The track was not orignally designed for the ARB, so additional mods were are required.


What is ARB?


Anti roll back.


So many opinions on a ride thats not even open. The themeing is fine. Its all about the technology in the ride. We are seeing some roller coaster firsts here.

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  sugart said:
We are seeing some roller coaster firsts here.


Does that truly make a roller coaster good? Just because Maurer Söhne can build a drop that goes underground and call it "Drop Tuning" doesn't guarantee HRRR to be a good ride. In my opinion, all of the hype over these "new" elements is just to attract the average Joe. As I mentioned before, I do not see HRRR being as good of coaster as expected. That's not to say that it won't be good and/or fun, but I doubt that it'll make many top 10 lists.

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^As much fun as it is to state "I think I'll be disappointed", I don't think I'll toss in the hat just yet. I'm waiting till I actually ride it to make a decision.


In my opinion, a great coaster doesn't need theming. Lets face it, you are waiting for the ride, not the pre-show. Although looking at something is nice, I would rather have an awesome coaster over a nicely themed queue any day.

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I mentioned this on the previous page, I think - I don't doubt that this roller coaster is going to be fun, but currently, it is being billed as "amazing" and "incredible", and I'm simply not seeing it turn out that way.


I would love for Universal to surprise me, however...

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  Keasbey Nights said:
  sugart said:
We are seeing some roller coaster firsts here.


Does that truly make a roller coaster good? Just because Maurer Söhne can build a drop that goes underground and call it "Drop Tuning" doesn't guarantee HRRR to be a good ride. In my opinion, all of the hype over these "new" elements is just to attract the average Joe. As I mentioned before, I do not see HRRR being as good of coaster as expected. That's not to say that it won't be good and/or fun, but I doubt that it'll make many top 10 lists.


No, but it makes it unique. Of course there is hype to attract the average joe, its called marketing. Thats what makes money for everything and anything Universal does. Ive said it before in this thread that I am worried about the pacing of the ride with all the block breaks, but that doesnt mean I am ready to write it off as bad ride, espeacially since no one has ridden it yet.


Besides how many rides open each year make top 10 lists? For that matter who cares about top 10 lists. Terminator Salvation may have better themeing, but I dont think that will be making any top 10 lists either.


I think its gonna be a solid addition to a very solid park. I dont know the height requirement, but it looks like something families can enjoy together.

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  Keasbey Nights said:
In case it wasn't evident, I was posting from a coaster enthusiast's point of view. From where I stand, it's not going to be an amazing ride. As I've mentioned three times now, I'm sure it'll be fun, but I'm not expecting much.


Coming from a Universal stand point, no one cares what you think. Your judging a ride before its even built. Ive said Im worried about the pacing because of the clock brakes, which everyone can see. You just keep saying it wont be an amazing with nothing to back it up.

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Calm yourself. I have every right to express my thoughts on a message board. I do agree with you that it seems trimmed to hell; I recall at least 3 MCBRs from the animated video. I don't have any other specific reasons as to why I am not expecting much, but it simply doesn't seem like it's going to be a top-notch ride.

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