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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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Someone I knew who has gone to Disneyland's Halloween event has had a bad experience when it comes to the characters. This person happens to be one of those Disney nuts who has to have their pictures with the rare characters (Not that I'm judging those who are the same way ). She said that right before she could get in line to see one of the rare characters, the employee cut her off saying that they weren't letting anymore people in.


She goes on to say that Disney has done her a huge disservice by doing that and Disney needs to hire more characters that are willing to work on an eight hour basis. She goes as far as to say that that Disney is going out of business just from her experience and the rumor about Star Wars land being put on hold! I tried to explain to her that Disney is a business, they have to make decisions to make more money (etc. etc. etc.), but she still is convinced that Disneyland and WDW are going out of business. I just....it's ridiculous trying to argue with people sometimes.

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I so love this thread.

In fact, it makes me be aware not to say my opinion out load at event or places I'm less of an expert at. Before you know it, you're quoted on a random forum and everybody laughs with what you said


I am with you here. If I do not know I keep quiet.

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At WDW's Magic Kingdom:

GP-"This park must've opened in 1955 if it's 50 years old now."

Cap'an Jack-"Disneyland's 50 years old, this park is only 34 years old."

GP-"No it's not."


GP-"Tokyo Disneyland doesn't have the same castle as us!"

The Captain-"It's slightly smaller but otherwise nearly identical."

GP-"No it's not, The Disney Company wouldn't copy castles."

Cap't-...walks away...


GP-"Pirates of the Caribbean sucked, where was Johnny Depp?"

Cap'an Jack-"It's a classic ride made in 1972, the movie was made in 2003, and the ride inspired the movie."

GP-"So where's Johnny Depp?"


GP-"That mine train over there must be Splash Mountain"

Cap'an Jack-...rolls eyes...


GP-"Where's Mr. Toad?"


GP-"This is Disney's first park, Disney World."



GP (in front of Mission Space)-"There's Space Mountain!"


GP (on Soarin')-"We just flew over Disney World Park!"


AT WDW's Animal Kingdom:

CM (on Kilamanjaro Safari)-"This is a two week safari..."

GP-"Is she serious?"


GP-"All the animals are robots."


At Six Flags Great Adventure:

GP-"Look at Kingda Ka's corkscrew!"


GP-"Nitro's tallest."


GP-"Where's Mickey!?!?!?"


GP-"How do they get you to the top of Kingda Ka?"



IN CONCLUSION-The GP seems to think they know what they are talking about...and I'm not afraid to correct them and obviously they're not afraid to "incorrect" me.


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^It's a very different ride to some people without the vertical loops and rock work.


It's like looking at the Matterhorn at Disneyland now versus how it was in the 60s. Riding it now, it would be hard to guess the whole thing was hollow at one point!

Edited by MayTheGForceBeWithYou
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Well I was at Movieworld's White Christmas last night and while in line for Green Lantern a girl in line just ahead stated that this ride doesn't go upside down just a train as z train tipped over to upside down. She kept insisting all while watching the trains turn over.

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The other day someone told me that Buzzlightyear Space Ranger Spin was closed in Disney World and has been closed for a few years. My response was "no it's been open and I'm pretty sure Disney plans to keep it open". Went home and checked my computer because I got really nervous that I missed some information and was right that It did not close..... Always follow your gut never the GP.....

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Was just talking with a couple of GPs last night. The conversation turned to roller coasters and here's some of the amusing things they have said:


"Superman at Magic Mountain was going to be the word's largest coaster. They just stopped about one-fourth of the way through because they ran out of money"


Uh....I don't think so.


"Roller coasters are NOT safe. I know you said you're ten times more likely to die in a car accident, but I don't believe that. ONE person DIED in a roller coaster recently!"


Uh-huh. And how many people have died in car accidents since the NTAG accident?


"The only coasters I'll go on are the safe ones that have no track. You know, he ones that stay in one spot and just shake."


I've got nothin' here.

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