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X down at SFMM! How long till back up?

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Hi, can anyone post a X downtime confirmation if possible, do we really know the extent of the repairs needed to bring X back on line? Does anyone in the "Know" have any estimate (a previous poster said possibly 3 weeks or more) is this realistic? (I guess for Magic Mountain it might just be


Either way any information would be greatly appreciated. I was hoping to get to the Park for the Holloween deal but if X is down to tell you the truth I would rather not go. Magic mountain does have some good rides but until Tatsu opens I would have to say if it was not for X I probably wouldnt bother going more than once every couple of years. Don't get me wrong the other rides are good but to deal with the frustrations of SixFlags it just sometimes is not worth the trouble, (unless there is X)

Anyways back to the point:


Any reliable estimates on X reopening would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by SpectralN
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From a friend of mine Jodi said that X has valleyed twice. I think in the luge inversion, forgive me I am not familiar with the inversions, at this point, I wouldn't hold my breath for it opening for another week or two.



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Well, it's already been down for about 2 weeks...so maybe they'll get it up again soon. We're meeting some friends at the park this weekend and I'll see if I can find anything out.


Maybe meanwhile some of our SFMM Secret Ops can post what they know.


As for X Valleying, I'm pretty sure it's done it many more than 2 times! This time it was sitting just before the 'lazyboy turn'.

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Forgive me for my ignorance on a ride that I consider my favorite but what exactly is occuring when "X is valleying"? What causes this to happen? someone mentioned before that the breaks reduce the speed to much so it cannot continue further? What is the process for bringing the train back to the station once that happens? I have fortunatly never seen this or experienced this on any coaster.

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I have seen Mr. Freeze (SFOT) valley a couple times. Most during testing before it ever opened (funniest one was, when they forgot to turn the motors on, on top of the spike). Freeze was designed so that if it valleyed in either section, after unloading the passengers, there is 4 foot sections of the track that come off so they can take the train apart. Only problem is that each car is almost 6 feet long.

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  BiCoastal Kid said:
^There are many variables that can contribute to a valley. Friction, temperature, winds, train weight, proper lubrication, ect.


To get it back, they will just pulll the train up to a high point and let it coast as far as it can.

WRONG!!!! I don't know if it's because it's SFMM or because of the design of X, but they cut the track last time. I know this for a fact, and it's not just some random rumor.

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Hahahahaha, I LOVE THIS! X couldn't be more entertaining even if it was consistently running three trains and the wait was never over 5 minutes and the trains blew bubbles while going through the course while they pumped "Tarzan Boy" through the loudspeakers.

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