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CP or Bust: Trip Planning Advice Needed

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Bro already said he wants to do Black Widow, he wanted to ride the version @ Kings Island but my sister would not ride it with him. I think I would try it if I felt up to it. We both love the Screaming Swing so we'd hit that for sure too.


I highly recommend skipping Black Widow and doing Max-Air at Cedar Point instead. When I went last year Black Widow was taking about 10mins to complete a cycle. We had a 2 cycle wait and by the time we got off 34mins had passed since we got in line. Max-Air may have a longer line but will definitely have a shorter wait time.

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Phantom's Revenge is also a unique ride out there and out of every coaster out there, it's the one I'd chose to ride again if given the chance.


It looks very unique to me and an all around fun ride. From the looks of it Sky Rocket looks right up my alley and the woodies like like good classic rides.


the fact that the 2nd drop goes THRU Thunderbolt is just amazing and fun.


the Helix around the Turtle ride is fun too.. but word of advice.. .either lift your butt off the seat or pad your testicles once you pass back thru Thunderbolt (and into the Helix, bunnyhops).


your balls will love you for it, and you won't be walking crooked the rest of the day

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Bro already said he wants to do Black Widow, he wanted to ride the version @ Kings Island but my sister would not ride it with him. I think I would try it if I felt up to it. We both love the Screaming Swing so we'd hit that for sure too.


I highly recommend skipping Black Widow and doing Max-Air at Cedar Point instead. When I went last year Black Widow was taking about 10mins to complete a cycle. We had a 2 cycle wait and by the time we got off 34mins had passed since we got in line. Max-Air may have a longer line but will definitely have a shorter wait time.


Black Widow seems taller tho.


it might just be location, but I could swear we were so, so high, on BW.

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What I did not mention is that we're likely going as a foursome - me, my bro-in-law, my sister, and my lady. All of us love coasters but the missus and my sister may want to take it easy and not go crazy hard riding like me and bro will want to do. So that is why we'd like to stay on site and why I asked about the other things to do as far as restaurants, etc. We can split up if they want to go drink/eat or do the beach or pool or whatever while we're doing rides. Or vice versa (tho I predict bro and I will ride as much/often as we can, we're already kinda freaking out that this trip is actually materializing).


Anyways, yes we are trying to keep the budget as small as possible but I think we're feeling like if we're gonna do CP on Memorial Day weekend to just go all in and stay at Breakers.


Great advice so far on CP and KW, still hoping some folks chime in on budget hotels near Hershey. Once again its why this board and its members are so awesome, you all will make this trip so much easier and likely better than if I didn't have this resource. Viva la TPR!


The Hotel Breakers (or even Sandcastle Suites) is definitely your best option then. For Hershey, I stayed at this Sleep Inn when I visited in October. It was about a fifteen minute drive from the park and was excellent.

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I like eating at Famous Dave's at Cedar Point. You have to exit the park and walk across the access road to the Marina.


I whole heartedly disagree with the comment that SkyRocket is skippable. I love that coaster.

Edited by larrygator
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I like eating at Famous Dave's at Cedar Point. You have to exit the park and walk across the access road to the Marina.


I whole heartedly disagree with the comment that SkyRocket is skippable. I love that coaster.


^ Agreed. Kennywood only has six adult coasters. You're paying for it, so don't skip it. Plus it's very fun (back seat recommended!) For Hershey, I stayed at the Motel 6 in New Cumberland South - about a 15 minute drive from the park. $50 a night. Staff was super friendly. As for Skyrush, the restraints are very tight, and the airtime can be borderline painful. If you want to enjoy it, try closer to the rear of the train and ride it like a mechanical bull! There's nothing else like it. For CP, I've been there ten times and all ten times I stayed at the Sandusky/Bayshore KOA. $30 a night if you're into camping. There's a convenience store around the corner where you can get snacks and booze, but they close at 11 I believe. If you're looking to eat out near CP, go for Thirsty Pony - cheap beer, awesome deep dish pizza, and burgers/sandwiches come with fried pickles! While in the park, get there for opening, start with Gatekeeper and work counterclockwise. Be sure to leave Top Thrill for last, you'll see what I mean

Edited by Angle O. Descent
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Lines at CP don't really get bad until July/August in my experience... We typically go once a week, for reference.


I highly suggest you stay at a resort hotel with early entry. If you get this in May/June, you can easily knock everything out. My suggestions...


Make sure to get to early entry on time and go right to Maverick and ride once or twice. Head to MF and get your ride or two on that. Since Rougarou will be popular this year, stop by that before the park opens. You should easily be able to hit all three in the early entry hour.


After Rougarou, head over to Dragster and get your ride on that, followed up by Magnum.


Now take your time to enjoy all the other rides in the back of the park... Gemini, Mean Streak, Cedar Creek Mine Ride and the flat rides. I would say just explore the park and let the front of the park crowds settle a bit, going there late afternoon to get Gatekeeper, Wicked Twister, Raptor, Blue Streak, Corkscrew, Iron Dragon... Lines should be fine. If long, just come back in the evening to the front of the park. Even on the most busy days, two hours before park closing the front is dead. I have waited 10mins for Gatekeeper and Raptor on a full-lot July 4th weekend on Saturday.


It's very easy to hit all the coasters, even on busier days. I don't expect heavy crowds in May/June at all, it should be fine. Make sure to ride Millennium Force later in the evening when it warms up, it is probably the coaster that benefits most in my experience from a nice warm up period... Morning rides typically suck (slow, 'rougher'). By evening, it can be a complete 180*.


As far as Kennywood goes, its a great little park. I think Sky Rocket is a very fun ride. Of course, Phantoms Revenge and Thunderbolt are also very awesome. Exterminator is fun as well, make sure to hit this one early though as lines get longer for it. They have a very good selection of flat rides (turtle, whip, bayern curve, etc...).

Edited by Invertalon
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Skyrocket is skippable?


I actually think that Sky Rocket is Premier's best coaster to date. It has far more airtime than most compact loopers.


I wouldn't call it skippable, but I don't agree that it's their best. It's fun and fits in great with Kennywood, but it just seems to be missing something. I don't understand that slow trick track at the end, either. Very front and very back are the best two seats on the ride.

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Skyrocket is skippable?


I actually think that Sky Rocket is Premier's best coaster to date. It has far more airtime than most compact loopers.


I wouldn't call it skippable, but I don't agree that it's their best. It's fun and fits in great with Kennywood, but it just seems to be missing something. I don't understand that slow trick track at the end, either. Very front and very back are the best two seats on the ride.




There is nothing going on in the back 1/2 of the ride.


We rode it with no line, and we agreed that if there HAD been a line, we would have felt it wasn't worth it.


so for US I'd consider it skippable. We wouldn't ride it again.


but then again, he knows that I've been to Hershey and HATED Skyrush and WIldcat (and he liked those).. so he does have a point of reference into what I enjoy in a coaster

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For Hershey, I stayed at the Motel 6 in New Cumberland South - about a 15 minute drive from the park. $50 a night. Staff was super friendly.


Good to know, this type of info is helpful. We're really looking to make the room in Hershey a really cheap no frills, nothing special, just a cheap place to crash as we'll be out early.


As for Skyrush, the restraints are very tight, and the airtime can be borderline painful. If you want to enjoy it, try closer to the rear of the train and ride it like a mechanical bull! There's nothing else like it.


but then again, he knows that I've been to Hershey and HATED Skyrush and WIldcat (and he liked those).. so he does have a point of reference into what I enjoy in a coaster


Yeah, like I said I've just been to Hershey in October and Skyrush was my favorite ride in the park - it's my favorite steel overall so far. Rode it 4xs that night, compared to one ride on everything else - not because I didn't like anything else, we just did a short 4 hour evening so not much time - would have rode Skyrush more, but the park closed. I can see why people complain about the restraints, they were a little awkward and I'm sure after marathoning it I'd be in pain, but they didn't bother me like I anticipated. I could not, however, ride hands up. I tried, but instinct would take over on the airtime hills and I'd be back to whiteknuckling it. Wildcat I didn't love but I far from hated it. I just felt it was a decent woodie, rougher than Lightning Racer for sure but it didn't kill me. Maybe I got it on a good night or something, I don't know. I do remember the first thing I said when I got off was "coaster enthusiasts are pussies". Another factor could be that I rode Thunderhawk at Dorney a few weeks before and THAT was the absolute worst wooden coaster I've been on yet. Just horrible. Painful and zero airtime.


I whole heartedly disagree with the comment that SkyRocket is skippable. I love that coaster.


Skyrocket is skippable?

I actually think that Sky Rocket is Premier's best coaster to date. It has far more airtime than most compact loopers.


I don't know why but from videos I think this looks like a great little ride. Right up my alley. Out of their line-up its my 2nd must-do after Phantom. Surprised it gets such polarizing opinions, but that makes me want to ride it more haha.


I like eating at Famous Dave's at Cedar Point. You have to exit the park and walk across the access road to the Marina.


If you're looking to eat out near CP, go for Thirsty Pony - cheap beer, awesome deep dish pizza, and burgers/sandwiches come with fried pickles!


More of these. A big concern of ours going into this is having eat park food from Friday night to Monday morning. It's looking more and more likely we are staying at Breakers so that we can come and go from our room to the park as we please. All of us would rather have the ability to go back to the room/pool/beach for a break or nap at will instead of having to have all four of us drive back to another hotel/motel off the peninsula. It's definitely not cheap, but I think if we can manage to stretch our cash on the first two Hershey/Kennywood days, we can just splurge and go all in @ CP.


Lines at CP don't really get bad until July/August in my experience... We typically go once a week, for reference. I highly suggest you stay at a resort hotel with early entry. If you get this in May/June, you can easily knock everything out. My suggestions...


Thank you for responding! I follow you on FB and love your photography and know you're obviously at the park A LOT lol. I just keep thinking Memorial Day Weekend = PACKED. But I guess some fast passes will take care of that. THanks again for the advice everyone, I love TPR! I'm getting so excited!

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8) Skyrocket is completely skippable. We rode it on the way out of the park and agreed that it was just "ok" and if there had been a line, we would have wasted our time.


I would agree to disagree here as I thought Sky Rocket was great fun! Very unique and with crazy air over the first launch/drop....definitely not something to miss if this is your first (and perhaps only) trip to the park.


In terms of CP on Memorial Day, as others have said...you will be more than fine with FLP & two days in the park. Crowds will certainly be existent unless the weather is questionable (which it can be in the Great Lakes Region at that time of the year) so make sure to bring the rain gear with you just in case!


As others have said...if you want to go with cheap lodging near CP there are a lot of reasonable options off of I-80 and Rt. 2 as long as you don't mind driving a little way. The Motel 6 off Rye Beach Road off of Rt. 2 is decent and reasonable, but beware of the railroad! Almost all of the hotels and campgrounds near Rt. 2 and Cleveland Rd (roads that leads to CP) are very close to the railroad tracks and they run all night, every night & about every half hour.

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I would totaly recommend the thirsty pony. I have not had a bad meal there yet in the 20 or so times we have been there. They have awsome food. The pizza and wings are killer, plus they have a great beer selection.

Agreed, agreed, agreed!


It may look shady on the outside (and the inside), but the wings are amazing. We went 2 or 3 times alone our past trip.

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It's news to me the Sky Rocket is skippable. It's not as intense as a Maverick or anything but it's a lot of fun. It combines the way a wild mouse gives you that twisted feeling with inversions. It's a well done ride.


One thing I should have mentioned about staying near Kennywood. Pittsburgh is a near impossible to navigate city if you don't know the area. The road signs are inadequate, roads that a GPS want to take you on can sometimes be either non-existant or near impossible to traverse due to inclines, and the multitude of hills and mountains can mean missing a hard to spot turn will mean twenty minutes or more to get back where you were going. I never could have imagined what it was like but apparently its a secret that Pittsburgh simply learn to navigate by feel because their road system is so inadequate.

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We're not staying near Kennywood, the plan is to stop through on the day we drive from Hershey to Cedar Point. The missus' family is from Pittsburg so she's been there a bunch and (kinda) knows the area and is probably the most excited out of us to visit that park. It will essentially be an afternoon stop between the other two parks.

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One thing I should have mentioned about staying near Kennywood. Pittsburgh is a near impossible to navigate city if you don't know the area. The road signs are inadequate, roads that a GPS want to take you on can sometimes be either non-existant or near impossible to traverse due to inclines, and the multitude of hills and mountains can mean missing a hard to spot turn will mean twenty minutes or more to get back where you were going. I never could have imagined what it was like but apparently its a secret that Pittsburgh simply learn to navigate by feel because their road system is so inadequate.


This is very exaggerated. The problem with Pittsburgh's roads right now is the large amount of construction going on at the moment. Yes, it is somewhat complicated due to the three rivers and Mount Washington, but it's one of the EASIEST cities I've ever navigated. Not to sound rude, but the GPS you were using obviously wasn't very good.

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it IS true that Kennywood is not in the best of neighborhoods tho.


I very much enjoyed the free parking (and even parking close was way cheaper than SixFlags or CedarFair parking).


The Waterfront area we stayed in (about 10 minutes from the park) was beautiful tho.

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This is very exaggerated. The problem with Pittsburgh's roads right now is the large amount of construction going on at the moment. Yes, it is somewhat complicated due to the three rivers and Mount Washington, but it's one of the EASIEST cities I've ever navigated. Not to sound rude, but the GPS you were using obviously wasn't very good.


I don't think it is exaggerated at all, personally.


I have been going to Pittsburgh for many years and its ALWAYS under large amounts of construction... The roads are also very congested, even at weird off-times (Sunday afternoon, for example). Pittsburgh is a mess to navigate, how you find it one of the easiest cities is beyond me! I don't mind it personally, but I find most large cities easier to navigate than Pittsburgh if your new to it with a GPS. Coming through the tunnel into the city, you best be ready to skip 4-5 lanes and hit one of the endless off/on ramps that hit you quickly. Very easy to miss the exits you need... Be sure to watch everyone else as well, I have almost been side-swipped a few times by people switching lanes like crazy due to the poor design.


I only live about 2hrs from Kennywood but don't go often because the traffic/location just sucks. I always run into a half hour or more of traffic somewhere. Last time, we got detoured some stupid back way that was an absolute mess. I HATE where the park is located.


That being said, it's a nice park... I just wish there was a freeway that was closer that didn't require the trek through all the residential and endless stop signs and traffic lights to get to. It's a pain, at least for me.

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^ I agree.


We have been to Kennywood many times, and every time it's an adventure on the roads. The gps goes crazy in certain areas because of line of sight, and it's very confusing if your not familiar with the area.The traffic in the area is just crazy as well. The big yellow arrows helped us a few times though.


We even took a tour bus to the park once, and the driver of the bus had an issue finding the park.


I like this park however, and can't wait to return.

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The only times I've ever had problems with Pittsburgh is when there's a heavier-than-usual amount of road construction, but I do try my best to avoid these times. I suppose SOME of the intersections in the city are a bit strange. I guess I'm just used to it because I always know where I'm going.


It's a shame that most GPS devices will only give you directions to the park by taking you through Downtown. That being said, here are some directions to the park that avoid Downtown Pittsburgh.

  • Take I-70 to Exit 46B onto PA-51 N toward Pittsburgh
  • After several miles, you'll come to a bridge that crosses the Monongahela River. On the immediate other side of the bridge, take the exit to the right to merge onto Rt. 837 N toward Clairton.
  • Continue on Rt. 837 until you see the signs for Kennywood's parking lot. Watch out for the following two intersections (I don't really know the exact locations, but I'll describe as best as possible):
    1. There's a stop light at a turn with a gas station on the left and a tavern straight ahead. Make a right at this light, do not go straight! (You can't make a right-on-red at this light).
    2. There's a bridge that says Rt.837 toward McKeesport and toward Duquesne. Be in the right lane toward Duquesne!


Recommended way to go from Kennywood to Cedar Point:

  • Make a left at the light out of the parking lot back onto Rt. 837 N.
  • Continue past the Waterfront and Sandcastle. Turn right onto Rt. 885 N.
  • Follow and merge onto I-376/US-22/US-30 W toward Downtown.
  • Continue onto I-279 N. This will lead you to I-79 N, which will take you to the Turnpike (I-76 W).

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Thanks for all of that, everyone! ^^^ We'll all have GPS but the planner in me won't be able to help having printed directions as well for each leg of the trip, so this definitely helps.

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I've only been in once but I thought Pittsburgh's roads were terrible. The highway sections have so many on- and off-ramps, some immediately after others, that my GPS unit was regularly a few steps ahead or behind. The city sections aren't much better, with a lot of poorly made five-way intersections and aging equipment. I'm sure that once you spend a little time you can work through it all but I thought the roads in Pittsburgh were worse than any other city I've driven in, by a wide margin.


But anyway that's totally beside the point. More on topic, I'd been looking at doing a trip similar to the one you're planning and just wanted to throw out the idea of stopping at Waldameer on your drive home. It adds around 1.5-2 hours to the drive, but Ravine Flyer II has gotten some really good reviews in the past (#6 on Mitch Hawker in 2013), it's pay-per-ride so you can hit RFII and go, and frankly when else are you going to be anywhere near Erie? You've probably considered it already, but just in case you hadn't wanted to bring it up! Good luck with the trip!

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Thanks, but not sure if we'll be doing that since our last day will be a long drive home and a big comedown. My sister and my fiancee will be completely wiped by that point, I'm sure and will likely not feel like going that far out of the way for one ride after so many over the few days prior. ^ You originally from Philly? Not everyday you find a Flyers fan from Boston, lol.

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^ Totally understandable, I think years of seeing "PA" listed next to RFII and knowing that it would still be an 8 hour drive has made me assume that everybody else is as intent on riding it as I am, haha.


I've lived in the Philly suburbs (Abington) all my life, but I'm going to school in Boston at the moment. It's not easy being surrounded by Bruins fans but hey at least people like hockey here.

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