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Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff


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^Noticing a lag and a lot of getting kicked when visiting friends earlier today.


I spent almost 48 hours straight almost exclusively playing this stupid game since schools were on Spring Break. Now I'll probably just be ignoring my town most of the time since I won't be able to pay much attention.

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I have so many tasks right now that I'm having a hard time figuring out which to do first.


I'm having the same problem (besides having no $$ and I can't get it to sync with my iPhone).


But, the FB page for Family Guy just posted a link for walk-thrus of sorts. I may have to check that out later.

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The response from them is that it is a known problem. Seems like the app is not shutting down on your device. I seem to only have the problem from my iPad. They recommend to be sure to and kill the app

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I ended up using a gift card to buy some clams and now wish I used it on coins instead. Coins are definitely much more valuable at this point in the game. The only thing I actually spent clams on so far is on the extra worker and Jake Tucker. I know they wanted to differentiate themselves from the Simpsons game, but it would be nice if they added a little more incentives (like earning more XP and coins) to getting the premium items. With that said, I will probably get Daggermouth Cave but still need to clear two plots of land to have enough space.

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^ I am surprised and impressed with how valuable and how much I have had to wait to get the amount of coins to get the next building going. Of course I could just be jaded on having way too much money in the Simpsons game and never thinking about it.


I've been stuck on getting all the costumes unlocked to complete related tasks. At this point I keep putting people on the long tasks to get the items needed and keep getting screwed over.

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^I think that's the problem for a lot of us. We're so used to Simpsons and having a ton of money that this game is a bit more challenging, especially at the beginning. I think it's better that you don't get the stuff every turn though because then we'd all be done already and bitching for an update! As of this morning I have NINE tasks going only 4 of which I'm making progress on because I need outfits or buildings or characters to do the others.

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Build a crap load of buildings like Larry and I did and coin isn't as much of a problem. That time bug is what is killing me. I have lost a number of nights where my clock didn't update. It has made playing during the day slow because everyone is still off doing long tasks.

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Build a crap load of buildings like Larry and I did and coin isn't as much of a problem. That time bug is what is killing me. I have lost a number of nights where my clock didn't update. It has made playing during the day slow because everyone is still off doing long tasks.


I saw that you were also doing this to a lesser degree


^Still no time bug for me and I don't have slums! Maybe you're just being punished!


Hey, Those are standard office building not slums. I only built standard ones since they appeared to have the best return on investment.


^ I am surprised and impressed with how valuable and how much I have had to wait to get the amount of coins to get the next building going. Of course I could just be jaded on having way too much money in the Simpsons game and never thinking about it.


I guess I lucked out having never played Simpsons Tapped Out. I also had the idea to spend the majority of two days have Peter, Chris, Bonnie, Bruce, Mort, and Quagmire doing only 1 minute task repeatedly which netted me well over 1,000 coins per hour just from those characters.

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Really liking this game so far. The dialog is great, and I like that it just doesn't hand you lots of money right away. I also love when you visit other people's towns that you can easily see the stuff you have to click on, instead of scrolling around endlessly like STO. Makes that part of the game so much faster and less frustrating.



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I am also liking this game. I love the randomness of how to move along in the game, so every person gets to decide what they want to do in the order they want to do it. Right now I'm trying to clear as much land as possible, while doing the longer tasks that produce items to get the different outfits.


I don't have "slums" as I prefer the term "office district."


I still can't get it to sync and run on my iPhone, so I'm limited to my playing time when I can use my iPad at home.


Also, I love the detail of the graphics, and the ease of zooming in/out to watch the characters actions. My next major task is to build the aquarium (to get Meg), but I needed the extra land.


I do wonder a bit about updates, and if there will eventually be more content. I mean, it looks like the playing grid could be huge, but is there enough show content to add a lot to it. The added premium items do involve quite a few clams, so I'm not sure how far I want to go. So far though, I have picked up Jake and Consuela.

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Looks like a small event just started in the game.


Says there's a limited time circus in town until Sunday. You can get some premium items, regular coin items, and a new outfit for Peter. There are also terrifying clowns walking around your town now!

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Yep, looks like if you buy the premium items it will help speed up the time it takes to get Peter's Clown Suit. I have Chris hula-hooping so not sure how he will exactly interact with the clowns. It just says you need to clear 10 of them to pass this mission.


I did buy 3 cotton candy stands and am going to repeatedly tap them for the next 20 minutes to get that part of Peter's suit checked off.

Edited by ernierocker
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