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TPR Cruises the Disney Fantasy!

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Wow! This looks amazing in every way! I LOVE Disney but can hardly remember my families Dinsy Cruise(I was in second grade) and seeing something like this makes me want to plan a trip in the (hopefully) near future! Everything looks awesome from the youtube updates to the pictures... one of the most impressive looking ships I have EVER seen! Truly magical! Also KT is totally rocking that dress... makes me want to go to Pirate League when it opens in the parks(if it hasn't already... can't remember) and take my Christmas picture!


This looks awesome!

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These updates totally make my Disney Geek come out and want to go on a Disney Cruise. Just curious if there was a stand out dish you tried? And what were Elissa's parents overall feelings about the Disney cruise experience vs other cruise lines?

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This looks like a great ship! I've been on many NCL, Princess, and Royal Caribbean cruises (I don't mention Carnival because of the atrocious service) but they don't seem to compare to this. Going on a Disney cruise is on my bucket list of things to do before I die. I'm glad you guys had fun. It seems like a great cruise.

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Ok, let's get to the parts you REALLY want to see... MEXICO!!! Ok, wait...I mean AQUADUCK!!!!


Click here if you missed Part 1 of this report.

Click here if you missed Part 2 of this report.


Here we are... Deck 10 on the Disney Fantasy! Lets go wander around the ship


The ship does some very random activities, and one of them was the "Jack Jack Diaper Dash."


It was a baby crawling contest. Now, I pretty much hate babies, but this was pretty funny!


Love that this is the name of their cooking classes!


This was on someone's door... Um... We support cancer... too? I think?


Hooray for Toy Story movies playing on the "Funnel Vision."




Tonight's dinner was in the Enchanted Garden.


A very "elegant" restaurant which looks nothing like your typical cruise ship restaurant. This one of the reasons I like Disney so much!


While this restaurant doesn't transform as much as Artists Palate does, you'll see some things change by the end of the meal.


Lets take a look at the menu...


Page one...


Page two... All yummy!


Here's one of the flowers that will bloom by the end of the meal.


Having a bit of fun at dinner! (and yes, KidTums had pulled out all her fancy hairdo by dinner time!) lol


Ahi Tuna and avocado tower.


Yummy salad...


All the food has been exceptional.


Joey Ray would absolutely die!


Yay! The birds sing words and the flowers bloom! Well, the flowers bloom.


Another Mickey bar! These are so much better than at the parks... First of all, they aren't frozen solid to the point of chipping your teeth, and secondly... Toppings!!!


Who needs Carsland?


The "fake" portholes are amazing. I seriously like this better than having an exterior or balcony cabin!


In the adults section of the ship, there are these ridiculously high-end toilets.


Why? We have no idea... But it's cool.


Again, the portholes are so cool! I haven't been this entertained by any balcony stateroom we've ever had.


We've probably seen at least 25-30 different shows so far!


Hooray! Grand Cayman... We won't be getting off the ship! Lol.


Beautiful day to NOT go to Grand Cayman and have the ship to ourselves while everyone else is on shore.


Since this was our first port, everyone got off the ship! It was amazing!


It was so much fun exploring without anyone around.


Gotta love all the Disney movies shown all day and all night on the Funnel Vision.


Time for us to ride Aquaduck!


Sorry, Time to marathon AquaDuck! Check out the POV video below...


While I realize this isn't the most "wild" water slide in the world it's pretty darn cool being about 20 feet above the pool deck and at one point, the slide goes off the side of the ship over the water! It's actually a lot of fun! A mix of a water slide and a "lazy river!"


While its not the wildest ride in the world, it's VERY cool and a lot of fun!


Elissa and KidTums about to ride AquaDuck! Unfortunately, this would be the only day KidTums could ride. She was *RIGHT* on the 42" line in bare feet (she's well over with shoes), but the ride op this day decided she made the mark, even gave her the 42" wristband for the day, but the next time we tried to go on a few days later, we were told she was too short. It was more than a bit frustrating, since she had already ridden it, and we are NOT the type of people to try to sneak our "too short kid on to a ride." It was a disappointing experience with the ride operations staff. Even though she was at the 42" mark, this ride op told us she needed to be *over* the 42" mark, which wasn't what the ride op said prior. Again, I have very few complaints about the ship, but the fact that they were so inconsistent about this (even showed them the picture of her riding), and they still wouldn't let her ride again. She cried... a lot...it was not a highlight of the cruise...


KidTums played on the slide for what seemed like hours!


Her favourite was actually in the Nemo area!


And after AquaDuck...PIZZA!!!! The pizza on the ship was actually pretty decent!


You know, not only is it the Disney magic that makes this ship awesome, it's the little things. For example, they have these little lid dispensers that work perfectly! They aren't disgusting or a mess, and when you are on a ship with a crap load of kids, you NEED cup lids!


Same thing with these wipes. While other ships have gel dispensers, which again get kind of disgusting, the Disney ship hands out full hand wipes. It's the "little" things...


Still can't believe the porthole idea has never been done before. Such a simple concept yet VERY effective!


And the "enchanted art" are probably my favourite "little" thing on the ship... In case you missed the video earlier in this report...


Hello Nigel!


This is so much better than Grand Cayman!


Our next dinner was at the Royal Court...


Here's our place setting... Very fancy...


And our menu...


The French Onion soup is Elissa approved!


Have we mentioned how amazing the food is?


My steak kinda looks like it ran over something! But OMG that balsamic glaze was amazing.


Here is how the dessert menu comes packaged.


I see something that I want!


"Amazing cupcakes!"


This peanut butter thing was better than normal sex! OMG! It was like a rich persons Reese's cup. Incredible!


Yay! We got fireworks on our porthole!


Once again, Disney perfects how to move people around! This place is going to be SLAMMED with people momentarily as the show let's out and the characters arrive.


So lets have some fun before everyone else gets here!


OMG! It's Princess Tiana!


I found me a new woman!!!


Drink menu at "The Tube."


We upgraded our fish extender with a present that someone left us! (Thank you Mickey cut-out person!)


Today we are in Costa Maya, Mexico!


For some reason I think it's funny that they are flying a Disney flag and a Mexican flag together!


Every cruise ship port pretty much has the exact same crap...


In Mexico, everyone has a ukulele, do you should, too.


All of Mexico looks exactly like this.


I'm told this is actually Jesus' skull... For reals!


In Mexico, they have chairs that look like butts!


I'm sure this has a double use!


Some every-day Mexican stuff going on here.


Thanks for covering up, dude!


One of these things is not like the other... One of these things does not belong...


"Excuse me, I'd like to buy everything on this table for $1. Thank you!"




Best part of Mexico is the great view of our ship!


Yup, there's where Aquaduck goes over the side!


The Dumbo on the back is an amazing touch!


Click here to continue to Part Four of this report!


I'll post more photos and videos soon! Now...



Edited by robbalvey
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The food looks fantastic. They have certainly upped their game since the late-90s, if only in presentation (although the portions are certainly smaller than they were back then).

It was sort of mixed. I felt while some portions were small, others were decent sized. And I guess the fact that you can order as much as you want plays into that factor as well?

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The food looks fantastic. They have certainly upped their game since the late-90s, if only in presentation (although the portions are certainly smaller than they were back then).

It was sort of mixed. I felt while some portions were small, others were decent sized. And I guess the fact that you can order as much as you want plays into that factor as well?


I guess it would make it easier to try multiple items as well. All the food looks amazing!

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I guess it would make it easier to try multiple items as well. All the food looks amazing!

That's exactly what I do. I probably had 1 or 2 starters and 1 or 2 entrees at each meal. Thankfully, not many of the desserts appealed to me so I could keep getting Mickey bars! They were seriously amazing on the ship!

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O.K. I've always been a Cruise Naysayer...my argument being that I'd far rather spend the money on a nice room at at nice resort in one location and explore that area...and we all know the Cruise ships hit the finest spots in most Caribbean and Mexican ports...but you are converting me with this TR! As always, thank you for sharing your families time with all of us...we are all the ultimate voyeurs through your adventures...and now I'm hungry...!

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And the report continues....


Click here if you missed Part 1 of this report.

Click here if you missed Part 2 of this report.

Click here if you missed Part 3 of this report.


Tonight was the second night in Animator's Palate, with the theme of the restaurant changing from Crush to "Animation Magic", one of the most unique and impressive "Disney experiences" ever!


The restaurant has transformed once again with scenes from different movies.


Animator's Palate is simply one of the most amazing looking Disney restaurants ever. I'm shocked this concept hasn't been brought to a park or resort.


The theme is truly amazing.


Love the art from Ratatouille on the screens tonight!


Tonight Animator's Palate does something called "Animation Magic" where everyone has to draw a character...


Here are some of the characters we drew...


Work of art!


Jack Hannah would be so proud!


Anyway,we'll get back to the characters in a bit... Lets look at tonight's menu...


Again, another awesome selection...


Page two.


KidTums is not so sure about the appetizer sampler! Lol.


Once again, colour plays an important role on the plates in this dining room.


Mickey comes on the screen to let us know his team of Animators are working on our character drawings!


Lumiere kicks off a "dinner themed" montage of Disney footage.


Lots of clips from Ratatouille were included. We like this.


This is "popcorn soup" ... Very strange... But very yummy!


Quite possibly the best peppercorn steak I've ever had!


Another view of Animator's Palate.


Mickey is back to let is know he has prepared a special animated feature with our drawings... And them something amazing happened...


Not only do the characters you draw come on screen, but they are fully animated...


They are first presented running across the screen...


Showing off all the characters to the tables around you...


And then... They are incorporated into actual Disney cartoons and movie clips!


Everyone in the restaurant is in awe of this, clapping along, and the atmosphere is totally nuts!


Watch this video below. While I feel it's impossible to capture how awesome the show and atmosphere was in a video, this will at least give you some idea...


Your characters dance with Mickey...


And are fully animated along with the real characters on screen...


Photos and video do not do justice of how "magical" the experience is or the atmosphere of the restaurant.


Again, I am so shocked that no other Disney park or resort has tried to incorporate this concept.


Once the show is over, they list all the guest animators!


There's Robb, Elissa, and Kristen!


Oh, and there is also dessert! Since creativity was the theme, tonight was the "create your own cupcake" night!


This was a pretty big hit for KidTums!


It's even Elissa approved!


I, of course, had another Mickey bar!


We all got our characters back with an official animator stamp!


Another absolutely amazing night!


Time to go check out AquaDuck at night!


More of the awesome Disney artwork around the ship.


AquaDuck at night was really amazing! It was like the waterslide version of Space Mountain! Watch this video...


The entire ship has amazing lighting at night.


And the best part... There was no line for AquaDuck at night!!!


The ship really does look amazing at night.


And even in the quieter, "adult" locations of the ship, they still have fun, "enchanted art" to play with...


Hey! That looks familiar!


It's just like being on the boat ride at Epcot!


Just in case you forgot what boat you were on!


Click here to continue on to Part 5!


I'll post more photos and videos soon! Now...



Edited by robbalvey
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^ The Animation Magic experience is exclusive to the Disney Fantasy. Remember that only Dream and Fantasy have the video technology in Animator's Palate, and only Fantasy has itineraries where everyone on the ship experiences the dining room twice.

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Outside of the time at the Boutique, how much time did KT spend in the kids club? I saw in the first post that she liked it, but did she spend all day/half day/whenever you wanted some time alone in there? Was it easy to get her to go in and then get her out? Just wondering as we're trying to get on a cruise again with Lily next year. Might be Alaska again, but would rather go on a new ship. It's not my call.

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Outside of the time at the Boutique, how much time did KT spend in the kids club? I saw in the first post that she liked it, but did she spend all day/half day/whenever you wanted some time alone in there? Was it easy to get her to go in and then get her out? Just wondering as we're trying to get on a cruise again with Lily next year. Might be Alaska again, but would rather go on a new ship. It's not my call.

Here's how I would list the pros/cons of the kids clubs (Elissa may have additional stuff to add as well)



- The facilities were FANTASTIC, high tech, high end, amazing play and learning areas.


- The fact that princesses come to read your kids stories, characters like Pluto and Stitch come to play with the kids, and Peter Pan comes and hangs out, has to be insanely "magical" to most children.


- They seemed to offer quite a wide variety for the kids to do, everything from games, puzzles, play areas, crafts, team-building video games, educational stuff, etc.



- They two clubs used to be split in age groups, but Disney has removed that so siblings could play together. This I "get" and makes sense for a lot of people. With an only child, she's left on her own to make friends (wasn't a problem), but because there are so many kids, the club staff really doesn't get to know your child or have any personal interaction with your child. This is very different from the other cruise lines, which usually have much fewer kids, and the kids club staff all know you child personally by the end of the cruise. Disney's staff doesn't seem to have this "connection" with any of the kids. They are simply glorified "door monitors" who make sure kids stay in and the correct parents pick them up. And they actually do that job quite well.


- We noticed that, while they had LOTS of activities and variety of things to do, quite often they didn't stick to the schedule of what was supposed to happen. This led to some disappointment with KidTums. To be fair, we've had this same thing happen on RCCL ships, but it seemed to happen more often on Disney, probably because there were just simply more things listed? Not sure.


- They had quite a few "open house" times in the area that KidTums liked the most. The "Open House" was there to encourage parents and kids to play together in these amazing play areas. KidTums didn't really want to go when it was open house because she liked to play with some of the other kids. So when they were doing open house in the area she liked the best (the ex-younger kids area), she only had the older kids area available, and even though they did age-appropriate activities in that area, she preferred the other section of the club.


I would say in general, she really enjoyed the kids club. There were days where we couldn't tear her away from it, but there were also days where she said she didn't want to go and just spent time in the stateroom playing on her iPad. She cried quite a bit at the end of the cruise saying she didn't want to leave, which speaks volumes.


I would say that on most days, she spent 2-3 hours during the day, and then almost every night she went in there from just after dinner until around 9pm - 10pm. We also let her make those decisions. If we wanted to, we probably could have encouraged her to spend more time there, but it wasn't really necessary for us. The kids club were open pretty much morning until midnight (and I think maybe even slightly past mightnight) on most days.


If anything, I would say that while I thought the kids club was actually really well done and an amazing looking place, this is probably the area that I think Disney would need to focus most because the staff really didn't give any personal interaction with the kids, and if your child has ever cruised on another line before, they would probably be more used to that level of attention.


These play areas were much more like "controlled playgrounds", and while they did have a lot of staff to monitor what was going on, it wasn't very often that they interacted with the kids. Most of the interaction was done by the "entertainment" staff which would come in and do stuff with the kids, and then leave. And that being said, all the entertainment stuff was top notch!


Hope that answers some questions!



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