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The RCT/RCT2 Preview Thread

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I do apologize. I'm sure that 'frequent' updates are considered a lot more than I'll be able to do them, but it does take a very long time for me to achieve what I want to in this game. haha


That being said.. i have a tiny screen for you guys that took me a solid 4 hours of working out just to get this right so..



NCSO park.bmpFetching info...

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Why would you want to spend all of your life on that game? I couldn't sit still for that long!


The development looks absolutely fantastic though. The only quibble that I have is that there might be too much grey, but NASA and the like typically don't paint their steel girders.

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^^ OH MY GOD! That is AMAZING!

^ While I am not claiming to be NEARLY at the level of Nin(who is probably one of the top players in the world) I can say that it feels awesome when everything comes together as it should... and for all of our egos. Getting compliments cause your awesome always feels better than getting feedback, even if feed back is more useful!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Up above is my full scale park, but here's a little hint for a design I will be working on. The coaster will be called El Torro(original, I know) and it will "tell the story" of a wild bull who wreaks havoc on a beautiful farm in the heart of Spain after escaping from it's pen. I am planning on it to be more similar to the GCI version than the intamin version, but it will be an entirely custom designed coaster, not a recreation. That being said it may borrow a few parts from other coaster... maybe even both El Torro's if I want the design to be a bit more original and less based on something else, but I am not remotely close to that process yet, this is the VERY beginning... but I have had the idea for a while to do a coaster themed to an actual bull, but I have wanted to improve my skills before the attempt.



SCR8.BMPFetching info...

The entrance... I am planning on adding a few more details to what you see here, but everything is a work in progress.

SCR7.BMPFetching info...

The Spanish farm will require a lot of beauty and landscaping, so expect a lot of shots similar to this, but similar to a China shop a bull will wreak havoc even in the most beautiful places!

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  the ghost said:
Sorry for the double post, but me and XYZ are bringing back a beloved company!


*everything here is a work in progress and a lot will be changed/modified at thread making time!


Thanks for sharing this, CJ.

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^That looks absolutely amazing. I really wish I could build structures that well.


But in the meantime, I'm at least really good at designing layouts!

All of these are "microcoasters", ranging in size anywhere from 8x8 to 6x14. I posted one of these a while back on this thread, but I took much more time and made a full-blown park of them, and I have to say I'm really proud of it so far.

I might throw up a download link soon if anybody is interested. These go really well with the challenge scenarios: They're cheap, ridiculously tiny, well themed, and attract crowds like nobody's business.

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