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Efteling Discussion Thread

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This item in their Frequently Asked Questions appears to show that they're considering it, but there has not been a formal announcement yet.


What about existing tickets and booking online for a visit?


We are working on a reservation system and possibilities to reserve a visit with existing tickets. More information will follow later.

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Efteling left quite an impression on me (I rank it above Disney Parks), so glad i got the opportunity to visit last year and glad that they're reopening!


With that said I can never find much discussion about the park because it's european (most americans don't travel for parks outside us), does anyone have any thoughts about what the next addition to the park will be or just something that you find that's cool about efteling? I'd love to go back sometime soon!


Thinking about this specific park makes me all happy inside! It's a great memory/discussion to have with all the lockdowns to keep my spirits up!

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^ I have no idea what's next for Efteling, but here's a LINK in the Park Index to the park,

along with a number of trip reports to check out. Hope that helps.



Thanks! I don't know if this is the right forum but I was also wondering how likely it is for an American to get a job there? I just graduated Highschool and plan to go to community college and work at Cedar Point during the summers (already hired for this summer) and work at Kings Island when college is session (my community college is in Cincinnati, Sinclair community college, and am 18 and regardless of career is a great way to build a resume).


I think i'd like to work there when I'm done with my 2 years at community college, I don't know dutch but figure i'll take some classes in college. Can anyone offer some other suggestions or tips? I just fell in love with the place and thought it would be really cool to try and get involved somehow. (Also if it helps I'm pretty good at things like Planet Coaster but that's not really a qualification).

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Efteling left quite an impression on me (I rank it above Disney Parks), so glad i got the opportunity to visit last year and glad that they're reopening!


With that said I can never find much discussion about the park because it's european (most americans don't travel for parks outside us), does anyone have any thoughts about what the next addition to the park will be or just something that you find that's cool about efteling? I'd love to go back sometime soon!

Obviously they have Max and Moritz coming up to replace Bob, but the COVID-19 pandemic has been screwing everything up. They do have an expansion planned that the neighbors aren't too happy about, the decision on whether that moves forward comes here in about a month.


I know I keep a pretty close track on news and updates coming from Europe and post them, and we also have members from Germany, the Netherlands, the U.K. and more.


I don't know if this is the right forum but I was also wondering how likely it is for an American to get a job there?

Based on my own research for a similar reason, I think it would be easier for you to attempt to spin it as an internship during your years at college, at least from the immigration side. But yes, that's a different conversation and I would encourage you to use the search function for similar threads. We have had a lot of aspiring "enthusiast turn professional" members here too.

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Thank you, hope you had a good day. So it looks like they have the usual measures like markings in queue lines, lots of signage and are loading every other row (and keeping groups apart) on coasters. Did you notice anything else? How were they loading Villa Volta? I was thinking the two rows are very close together on Mad Houses, so I guess just one row each side with gaps between groups?

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Fairytale Forrest is open, like you can see in this movie. One direction, no short-cuts and 4 teams of castmembers who clean everything.

Aquanura will be operational as soon as the maintenance is finished.


Thank you, hope you had a good day. So it looks like they have the usual measures like markings in queue lines, lots of signage and are loading every other row (and keeping groups apart) on coasters. Did you notice anything else? How were they loading Villa Volta? I was thinking the two rows are very close together on Mad Houses, so I guess just one row each side with gaps between groups?


I don't know, but I've heard there are 5 numbered 'boxes' on the floor in the pre shows. I guess the main show has these too. This means 5 'families' can visit Villa Volta each time the doors open.

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Going through some pics from last year's TPR trip and forgot I had meant to post a comparison of the pre-renovation and post-renovation versions of Carnaval Festival. I took pics on the ride in 2016 and again in 2019, and after looking back the changes became more obvious. The newer versions are definitely cleaned up quite a bit. You can tell they improved the lighting too.




















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Thanks for the comparison shots, good to see them side-by-side. I went in November 2019 and -from memory- couldn't really tell a difference in the Asian section, but these pics make it clear.


I'm glad the Efteling made these modifications, it was a huge cringe factor in an otherwise cute ride. Saying this as a Dutchman.

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I found in previous visits, "it was what it was", and who knows if things would eventually be changed?

Apparently it was a bit of a while, but things seemed to have (now) been altered, for the best. Yay!


And all it really is, is removing buck teeth from Asian characters, and everything is alright, now?

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I found in previous visits, "it was what it was", and who knows if things would eventually be changed?

Apparently it was a bit of a while, but things seemed to have (now) been altered, for the best. Yay!


And all it really is, is removing buck teeth from Asian characters, and everything is alright, now?



Also, the African characters aren't literally monkeys anymore, which is good

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday night and this morning I had the oppertunity to ride Max & Moritz. I have to say I had my doubts but the rides are pretty fun. The ride is a bid faster then I expected it to be and while I like the surrounding area the station and queue aren't my style. The station has some nice things in it but the overal picture is messy and very bold collors that I don't think mesh well with the rest of the park but thats my only complaint. Yesterday I rode Moritz (Green track) and this morning Max (Blue track) and I have to favor Max. Max feels quicker and seems to keep a better pace. I think it's a okay addition to the park.

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Thanks for the mini-review. I have to say this isn't a ride which has really interested me much but not sure if that's just because I don't know much about it and it's been off the radar for me, or because it's just a powered coaster which nowadays isn't super exciting as a ride system. This is nothing against family coasters because a lot of them are tons of fun. Does it duel all the time or just when you're lucky? I've not seen any POVs yet.

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Thanks for the mini-review. I have to say this isn't a ride which has really interested me much but not sure if that's just because I don't know much about it and it's been off the radar for me, or because it's just a powered coaster which nowadays isn't super exciting as a ride system. This is nothing against family coasters because a lot of them are tons of fun. Does it duel all the time or just when you're lucky? I've not seen any POVs yet.

It's not at all dueling the rides go in oposite directions and Moritz is already halfway into the station before Max enters it (rides stop around the same time though, Moritz slows down signifantly in the station while Max keeps a bit of speed).

I also had little intrest around the ride, It's that I was early yesterday night and had about a 15 minute wait or els I would have skipped the ride because I knew I would go this morning. But knowing I only was allowed one ride this morning (what I don't agree with because there was no line (previeuw was before opening) and 20 minutes later I was on my way home) I thought it was worth it to try one track last night and the other this morning .

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The station has some nice things in it but the overal picture is messy and very bold collors that I don't think mesh well with the rest of the park but thats my only complaint.

At the end of the day, there's so much at the Efteling that "doesn't mesh" you have to conclude the entire park is a bit messy.


Looks like a solid addition to me. They've kept (and improved) the station, gave the whole thing a quirky new theme, and the ride fills a gap in the park's lineup. Kids seem to love it.

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The station has some nice things in it but the overal picture is messy and very bold collors that I don't think mesh well with the rest of the park but thats my only complaint.

At the end of the day, there's so much at the Efteling that "doesn't mesh" you have to conclude the entire park is a bit messy.


Looks like a solid addition to me. They've kept (and improved) the station, gave the whole thing a quirky new theme, and the ride fills a gap in the park's lineup. Kids seem to love it.

I'd disagree with Efteling not meshing well, it doesn't make literal sense as Magic Kingdom or Disneyland doesnt make sense (a 1920's US mainstreet in front of a flamboyant european inspired castle with a fantasyland behind, tomorrowland to the, east and adventureland/frontierland/liberty square to the west).


But at the end of the day both parks become cohesive, Efteling is all attached to fairytales and does a insanely good job at giving a themed experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^I honestly cannot describe why I have that feeling, all I can say it's down to the use and ratio of the colors, I don't think that meshes well with the rest of the park.


On a side not the park shared the onrides of both tracks today:



Source: Efteling Youtube channel.

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