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Tokyo Disney Resort Discussion Thread

p. 78 - TONS of new Fantasy Springs info!

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  GwaziBSRider1 said:
Maybe an elevator would work. The train could stop at a point and go up/down with a story element.


And maybe they'll design and build a diagonal elevator! And the attraction

could have more than one elevator. Like Transformers...but more than they have!


"it's all possible....with Disney!"

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  Nrthwnd said:
And maybe they'll design and build a diagonal elevator! And the attraction

could have more than one elevator. Like Transformers...but more than they have!


"it's all possible....with Disney!"


The Luxor in Las Vegas built diagonal elevators to move guests to the rooms in the upper levels of the pyramid 20ish years ago. It probably wouldn't be all that much of a stretch 20 years later to apply that concept to ride vehicles.

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^ Agreed. Still, a trackless ride...with slopes! That would be cool.


That said, I think that now the Top Two exciting interests for myself,

are Arendelle in DS (?) and a possible Alice attraction(ride?) in DL.


Also. Below is a very early concept drawing of the original Alice in Disneyland.

Enlarging it would certainly fill an old Small World Bldg. hmmm? (o;


Thankyou to MouseHub for the photo of the artwork.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  PeoplemoverMatt said:
  Nrthwnd said:
And maybe they'll design and build a diagonal elevator! And the attraction

could have more than one elevator. Like Transformers...but more than they have!


"it's all possible....with Disney!"


The Luxor in Las Vegas built diagonal elevators to move guests to the rooms in the upper levels of the pyramid 20ish years ago. It probably wouldn't be all that much of a stretch 20 years later to apply that concept to ride vehicles.



There's also the St. Louis Arch!


I'm just so excited for the future of this park. It really is the best park in the world.

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^ You and me both. My/our future plans are to get to the resort every three years,

(2017, 2020, and 2023) so that by the time 2023 comes along, everything is finished and

in place (hopefully), and we'll still be able to afford some nights at the Tokyo Bay Hilton....

or TDS' onsite Mira Costa Hotel, lol.


EDIT to add: Anybody interested in joining me/us on this "3 x 3" visit tour to TDLR?

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^ Stay tuned, then. Of course, if a TPR Tour came up in say, 2016 or 2017, I would definitely do that, too.


Also, my trips back to Japan will be primarily around the Disney resort.

Several+ nights will be at the Tokyo Bay Hilton. For now, I have no interest in

going back to Fuji-Q, but for you it's a first visit, I know. But I would enjoy

a bullet train over to Osaka, and hit Universal Japan...



There's time to plan...


To the left, Disneyland Hotel and Space Mountain view from my fave hotel room window, at the Tokyo Bay Hilton.


To the right, looking to the back of Disney Sea. Hey Mt.Prometheus! And (the back of) Indy!


And in between, the BAYSIDE Monorail Station, taking me to all that is Disney.

Edited by Nrthwnd
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Something I just noticed, from the artwork concept of the announced (page.102) Fantasyland Expansion.

Up where ToonTown is, the Gadget Go-coaster appears to be gone, and in it's place (if you look really

closely) seems to be a clone of the Seven Dwarfs' Coaster ride! With fairy tale like village buildings around

it. And is that the Dwarfs' home up there?...



Don't know why they would do that, unless the Snow White dark ride shutters and

something else (a Princess Meet & Greet?) takes it's place.


Until then, we stay tuned, lol.


If you look closely, you can just make out a tiny brown colored "coaster train"...

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^ Never say never. It took me until I was into my 50's to go there, with TPR's help.

But I did it. And I have now been to Japan four times!

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Just saw on a Korean blog pictures of a fast pass style lottery and then saw it on the official website, but did that new projection show always have a fast-pass/lottery system to be allowed to view it from in front of the castle? http://www.tokyodisneyresort.jp/en/tdl/entm/show/once/index.html


In the pictures it seems a very popular fast pass line and you choose one of two show times to enter the lottery. I'd have assumed it was first come first serve but the website makes it seem like you scan your ticket and it either grants you a seat or it doesn't. I'm kind of curious on how it works, being Tokyo Disney i'm sure its awesome but i'm still curious. Are there actual seats set up now so you get a seat number or does it just let you in an area? It says your party is allowed one go per day so if you had a party of 4 does that mean one go or you can try 4 times with each ticket and if one is approved all the party can go in the area? I wonder if resort guests are more likely to win.


Curious if it's pre-decided when you get your ticket at the start of the day if it's a winner or loser or the machine decides once you scan it (was thinking more that when you buy tickets as a group if those are already decided on that way you have say a family of 5 who scan and get all winner tickets than the machine deciding per person and lots of families with one winning ticket trying to use it for 5 people) If the machine decides, wouldn't they probably run out pretty early?


Edit: seems they also use it for a show: http://www.tokyodisneyresort.jp/en/tdl/entm/show/one/index.html and disneysea show: http://www.tokyodisneyresort.jp/en/tds/entm/show/band/index.html


I'd assumed fast pass like world of color which is why I hadn't brought it up, but reading the Korean blog, he talked about how he didn't win when he tried for tickets on his trip.

Edited by Garet
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^ Honestly, I have no idea about this. I do know it's a local thing which supports the whole resort.

They have a similar thing with a show in Tomorrowland that has been running for several years.

You show up, show your pass and get a chance to see the show at particular performances.


It's a Japanese thing, is all I can make of it.

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According to leaked insider information, the new port of call being developed is indeed Frozen. Not a surprise given its staggering popularity in Japan. Apparently, the budget for the star E-ticket attraction itself will be over $400 million (at a minimum). Not much else is known about the attraction other than it will likely be housed in the giant ice castle shown in the film. It will be interesting to see how they will juxtapose it with the buildings of Arendelle since that already contains a castle too. I wonder if they will incorporate the rolling hills/mountains that make up the land around Arendelle. I'm really crossing my fingers for groundbreaking stuff. I hope it will be a bit more complex than the trackless rides they've been putting out recently (Mystic Manor and Ratatouille). I'm hoping for something on the level of Forbidden Journey or higher.

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^ For your first post here, that's pretty amazing news. But...


Until the concept art, and an Official Announcement happens, this is all still a rumor to me.


And P.S. Elsa's ice castle is not a "port of call." Arendelle is.


EDIT To Add: And the current incarnation of Arendelle in Story Book Land at DL is a perfect example model of

how that corner of TDS could be done. With the show building behind (or inside) the hillside/mountains.

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  KPTSN said:
Apparently, the budget for the star E-ticket attraction itself will be over $400 million (at a minimum).


I'm gonna call BS on that, Radiator Springs Racers cost ~$200 million, I am extremely skeptical of them spending double that on a single attraction.

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  scbt said:
  KPTSN said:
Apparently, the budget for the star E-ticket attraction itself will be over $400 million (at a minimum).


I'm gonna call BS on that, Radiator Springs Racers cost ~$200 million, I am extremely skeptical of them spending double that on a single attraction.


If I remember correctly, RSR was actually closer to $300 million or even higher by the time it was completed. One of the insiders on another board mentioned the rockwork pushing the budget considerably higher than the initial number released to the public.


The fact that this is OLC financing the project and given the marketing power of Frozen, I really wouldn't put it past them to invest big in a project like this. They have roughly $4.5 billion to work with over 10 years, so $400 million for the headliner attraction isn't really that preposterous. The recently finished Wizarding World of Harry Potter area at Universal Studios Japan cost around $450 million to build, so I could easily see OLC spending a similar amount on a equally detailed Frozen port.


In any case, this is one project I will definitely be following very closely. The insider in question seems very confident with his sources, but I'm sure nothing is concrete until OLC officially announces the project.

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