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Favorite Buildings..


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I admit that I have a bit of a thing for architecture. I haven't officially studied it in any way, but there are loads of buildings which I just love. I thought it might be fun to see what other people like too.


I'll start with two of my favorites:


The first is of course the Sears Tower in Chicago. Not sure why I like this one so much, it's just a cool almost humble building. Plus I work close enough to it that I pretty much see it every day






Another absolute favorite of mine is the Chrysler Building in New York. I know it doesn't get anywhere near the attention that the Empire State building does (which I consider to be terribly over-rated), but I'm just in awe of it's art-deco awesomeness.





Anyone in Manhattan should definitely take a peek inside; security won't let you far into the lobby, but what you can see is just stunning.




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Fun story about the BOA plaza: apparently, it was designed by a Georgia Tech architecture student for his senior design project. The professor flunked him, saying the top was hideous - so when the student got a job designing buildings, he made sure that it could be seen everywhere on Tech's campus to prove that the professor was wrong. Of course, its now used as a navigational beacon at GT


Not sure if true or not!

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This is a house known as "Falling Water" designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Even though it was built in 1935, it still looks pretty modern.



This one is just a work of art. I just love how it towers over everything!

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FLW is always to me one of the finest creators of modern archetechture (Last year for my B-day, the BF took me to the Marin County Civic center- my 25th FLW building!)


But there's something about Saarinen...



Washington Dulles International Airport- Look so much better than it is to fly through it...


And lest we forget:



TWA's Jetport of the Future- featuring the classic lines and TWA Logo of the 40s-2001. (Flight Wing One, the first jetbridge addition opened with the terminal- Flight Wing Two was added at the dawn of the 747 age at TWA.

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By far, the Empire State Building. Although it is the tourist destination of NYC, it is still such a surreal experience seeing all of New York below you from the observation deck. This building, in my opinion, defines the city. and even though it is extremely tall, it looks just like every other building surrounding it. It has a tone that the new Ground Zero towers won't be able to compete with.


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Gotta start off by kickin' it old school. I'll always have a soft spot for the Atlantis Condominium in Miami. By today's standards, I suppose the design is pretty tame, but back then it was mind blowing. And as a kid in the mid-'80's, you couldn't drive by this without humming the Miami Vice theme in your head! Hell, I still can't.







CenturyLink Field, home of the NFL's Seattle Seahawks.



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The Pantheon in Rome. It's nearly 1900 years old and was built without modern machinery, but with unlimited slave power. The portico has 40-foot single-piece granite columns that had to be brought over from Egypt by boat. Sectionalized columns look tacky and cheap in comparison to these Rolls Royces of columns. The oculus (opening at the top of the dome) gives the interior a unique ambience.


Rome has many essential sights, but the Pantheon is perhaps the most essential sight.






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Great Thread!


Can I just say the City of Chicago, hands down. The Sears Tower (Will always be Sears tower to me), Trump International Hotel & Tower, John Handcock, Waterview Tower, Two Prudential Plaza, OHHHH I could go on and on!




Outside of Chicago, two of my favs are:


Bank of China, Hong Kong


The Gherkin!!!

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I love 333 West Wacker in Chicago. It bends along a curve in the Chicago river and has alternating bands of green glass. Probably the best skyscraper from the 1980s.

source: jolyn27 on Flickr


source: spudart on Flickr


Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is awesome and very unique:

source: ShertilaTony on Flickr


source:GerargW(:)ng on Flickr


And the monasteries in Meteora, Greece are also amazing because of their location (my pics from vacation):


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I'm gradually becoming aware of more examples of great architecture in Manhattan.


The Chrysler Building: people love it for good reason. The design almost seems simple in a way, yet it's so artful.



Time Warner Center: I know not everyone admires it, but I love it, especially in person.



United Nations Secretariat Building: there is something so satisfying in its ever-so-simple shape, which is rumored to incorporate the golden ratio.



And just for fun...the Sony Building: not something I would design, but the Chippendale top is rather amusing.



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Well this thread sounds fun.


Pretty much any building designed by Frank Gehry, although I love the Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame. Some people dislike the exterior but I love it and combining it with the Seattle Space Needle is just beautiful.


The Burj Khalifa, I followed the construction of this from start of design till opening. I just love the design and the inspiration for it and the fact that it claimed the title for the World's tallest building before actually being finished.


One close to my heart (I know a bit cheesy) is the Glasgow Transport Museum. It's just so beautiful and the inspiration for it is the waves of the Clyde symbolising the Clyde as a gateway for shipping.

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