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Warner Bros. Movie World (WBMW) Discussion Thread

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  original said:
^^ The exception of the last couple of years with some new rides opening in around the Spring school holidays, its always sort of been tradition that the parks open their news rides on Boxing day.


Interesting, Maybe the thought is that you get the rush of people early in the season and to get people to come back you open a ride half way through.

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  gisco said:
Interesting, Maybe the thought is that you get the rush of people early in the season and to get people to come back you open a ride half way through.


Well the parks here operate all year round so there isn't really a 'season' to speak of. They get the busiest from boxing day onwards until school goes back. They also get really busy over Easter and any other school holidays, including winter as people come up form the south to get away from the cold!

They now also have a $99 yearly pass for their 3 parks, so its even busier.

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