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VIDEO: My hell!


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Welp, to see how many people download this video in a live fashion, so I can keep track of when I'm going to hit my bandwidth limit, I submit to you my CHEESY Katrina video via my website... (trust me, you don't wanna browse around... LOL)


Things to note before downloading...

1-Rated PG-13 for adult language!

2-Yes, I'm really THAT gay.

3-The video of the actual winds don't do it justice, being the winds at the time of recording were 35mph sustained, and 65mph gusts, you don't get to see the tree when standing normal. Trust me, I was scared it was going to snap! I'm also protected by the house, so you don't hear the winds too much. But you get the idea.

4-Yes, I'm really THAT gay.




Enjoy the show, and hopefully, this won't kill my host! LOL

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That was great. You are great. And I hope that things are pulling thru better over there for you and yours. AND I wish you were on the UK tour with us. Can I adopt you???

Edited by Nrthwnd
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lovely video. I guess I would call it cheesy because of the easy cheese. mmm..easy cheese. *drools* um, the dancing..yeah, I've seen worse from gay(er) men so no complaints about that. I swear at one point I saw naked DenDen ass but after reviewing the video again (at the 8:20 mark) it wasn't the case. I wasn't hoping, but thought that would have been hilarious. I'm sure with the lack of A/C it was tempting. I don't think you're really *that* gay. not flamingly obvious anyway.


LOVED the "Blair Witch" references! LOL.

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Thanks everyone for the response.


-The title came out of nowhere, and was going to use "My ex-girlfriend is a ho" from Tony Tone Toni as the soundtrack, but I couldn't find my CD.

-I am VERY adoptable!

-The only gay men that can dance are the professionals that aren't drunk, and the prostitutes that are.

-The hot tub is STILL not in operation. During the storm, the side panel flapped in the breeze, and let tons of rain water in the electrical compartment. It will take a couple days to dry out.

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Holy Crap! I can't believe that I watched that entire video! Ten minutes of my life! Lost forever! Just Kidding!!!


I've ridden out one Hurricane in my life, and I was very young when it happened, but I still remember it vividly.


My parents taping up the windows, and doing whatever it took to protect our home from the impending storm.


Mother Nature can be a deadly foe, never to be taken lightly.


With all of the destruction that came from Katrina, you seem fortunate to have ridden it out relatively unscathed. I'm sure you'll bring your hot tub back to its orginal form.


Going all of those days without electricity is rough, but at least you received a portable generator to help you along. Life without AC in a hot and humid environment is unbearable at best.


Katrina was with out doubt a Ho!!! She will be remembered for being the infamous storm that she was for many years to come!

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