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The "Happiness Pie" Thread


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^ We'll actually be there the weekend after. It's Gay Days but we are going to hang out with some queens ... and get our AP's processed.


I'm going there during that time too. I'm not sure who I'm staying with though. My best friend said he wants to go, but I can't pin down a confirmation from him so I'm saving up for the hotel room by myself regardless. Then last week I ended up hanging out with some, errr, adult stars (real long story... don't ask.. but it was innocent enough...only thing I got was a liquor flask Ethan Gage found on the floor filled with scotch; I cleaned it out and may have to take it on the Midwest Trip) who I ended up chatting it up with until dawn and they asked me if I wanted to chip in on a room at the host hotel and hang with them... so I'll see what pans out in the next few weeks... A Porn-N-Disney TPR would be kinda hot, although some of those pics may not be for public consumption!


Did I say I loving my workout program?


Terrance "Why is this camera pointing at the bed?" Weaver

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Two things:


1) After years of wanting to go, I finally made plans for going to GayDays in orlando at Disney in June. Earlier my best friend bagged on me and another wasn't sure, I scraped up the money to put down for the weekend at the host hotel. So whether I have someone tagging with me or not, I'll be there. And if I'm by myself, with all this work I've put in the gym, I doubt I'll be by myself for long!


2) One of my straight friends that I hadn't seen in years and his married friend just had to tell me that they were jealous of my body. I said "Um, that's nice. But why are you guys looking at my body?" There was silence at the table... then I started laughing. I'm starting to love painting people into that corner!

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I finished and presented my eight minute speech about Alternative Transportation Fuels.


I'm getting my braces off next Friday.


I got a 24-pack of Prismacolor Colored Pencils, a brand new sketchpad, and a metal pencil sharpener.


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Diana's trip to Mississippi over spring break will cost us...nothing! The kids raised enough money through fundraisers to pay for everyone.


(She's going down there with her church group to help rebuild homes of Hurricane Katrina victims.)



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