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The "Happiness Pie" Thread


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I drank a Jolt hopefully I won't be up all night.

My friend once had this SUPER-UBER-Energy Drink that had over 3,000mg of something...and it wasn't sugar. He couldn't go to sleep for a while, and the whole fencing team got this very tiny bottles of it.


My other buddy thinks energy drinks are made by the government to see which one makes a supersoldier.

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I drank a Jolt hopefully I won't be up all night.

My friend once had this SUPER-UBER-Energy Drink that had over 3,000mg of something...and it wasn't sugar. He couldn't go to sleep for a while, and the whole fencing team got this very tiny bottles of it.


My other buddy thinks energy drinks are made by the government to see which one makes a supersoldier.



Dude what was the stuff called I want to try and track some down. I'm always up for a new drink challange.

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Yes! Yes! Yes!


I am down to 180 lb. as of Monday morning!



That's losing (nearly) 15 lb. since the beginning of the year.


Woo hoo!


I am sooo looking forward to this spring and summer, LOL!


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For about 2 months I was haivng problems with the way my My Space profile was apperaing. I found the problem and fixed it. There was some lines of code out of whack. Grrr I hate rouge code.

I don't have a MySpace:

1)Full of snobs who think they are instantly awesome.

2)Pages that lock up your computer.

3)What is the point? I've got XBL. Good enough for me.

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OK, so im up at 4:30AM watching The View...


Only, ofcourse, because Kristen Chenoweth was a cohost for that episode, and i love her..


Anyway, and they mention turnining the musical wicked into a movie, to which kristen repsonds: "They say they're going to make a movie, but they better hurry or ill end up playing Madame Morrible."



So there are TWO great bits of news right there...

1) It's going to be a movie!

2) It's probably going to star the original broadway cast!!!


*Drools at the thought of seeing Idina Menzel and Kristen Chenoweth together again in Wicked*

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