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The "Happiness Pie" Thread


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Had the most amazing day just messing around with Pan's Labyrinth characters. My Pale Man impression has a few of my teachers convinced I'm insane. I was basically hyper for the whole day and I had a blast!


Go see Pan's Labyrinth.

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Had no school today, because a part of the class we're going on a extra course to hear some lectures stuff, so there was no point teaching the "leftovers" at school anything new=free day

I did also go to the Intl. Travel Fair in the city, it was nice. Later I also had a real good 'Bonusplatter' -steak at a gasstation, and overall it's been a great day today.

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Had the most amazing day just messing around with Pan's Labyrinth characters. My Pale Man impression has a few of my teachers convinced I'm insane. I was basically hyper for the whole day and I had a blast!


Go see Pan's Labyrinth.



OMG yes go see it!!!!!! Its an awesome movie. Great costumes and a touching ending.

But I like more the title in spanish: "El Laberinto del Fauno"

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