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^That's another issue. Families are kinda the biggest market for amusement/theme parks right now. Much of Lady GaGa's act is not really appropriate for younger kids, which will make it hard to reach that market. I'm willing to bet that if you asked a handfull of parents if they would take their family to a Lady GaGa park, the majority of them would say no.


I just went to her concert on Saturday night, and it's amazing how many people had their kids there. They were well outnumbered by teenagers (also a pretty big market for things like this, I'd imagine - especially around the city and Long Island), but they were still there, singing and taking pictures and loving it all.

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Memo to me:


Run screaming away from this concept. Quickly. Do not stop at go, do not get a t-shirt.





I agree - lame. Unless of course, they let me wear a meat dress on a Top Spin or I get hauled around to all of the rides in a giant egg.

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^That's another issue. Families are kinda the biggest market for amusement/theme parks right now. Much of Lady GaGa's act is not really appropriate for younger kids, which will make it hard to reach that market. I'm willing to bet that if you asked a handfull of parents if they would take their family to a Lady GaGa park, the majority of them would say no.


I just went to her concert on Saturday night, and it's amazing how many people had their kids there. They were well outnumbered by teenagers (also a pretty big market for things like this, I'd imagine - especially around the city and Long Island), but they were still there, singing and taking pictures and loving it all.


Oh, well, I guess maybe it could work then. Not sure I would invest in it, but yes, stranger things have happened.

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^That's another issue. Families are kinda the biggest market for amusement/theme parks right now. Much of Lady GaGa's act is not really appropriate for younger kids, which will make it hard to reach that market. I'm willing to bet that if you asked a handfull of parents if they would take their family to a Lady GaGa park, the majority of them would say no.


I just went to her concert on Saturday night, and it's amazing how many people had their kids there.


Again, Lady Gaga is not someone an overwhelming majority of families would let their kids follow.

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Even if the theme park was made and GaGa's popularity was next to none in ten years... The GP will still know that there is "a theme park" in NY that they'll think about going to. I don't think they'll say "I want to go somewhere that involves Lady GaGa." They'll say "I want to go to that theme park in New York. They have cool rides!" or SOMETHING along those lines.


On a different ish note...



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^That's another issue. Families are kinda the biggest market for amusement/theme parks right now. Much of Lady GaGa's act is not really appropriate for younger kids, which will make it hard to reach that market. I'm willing to bet that if you asked a handfull of parents if they would take their family to a Lady GaGa park, the majority of them would say no.


I just went to her concert on Saturday night, and it's amazing how many people had their kids there.


Again, Lady Gaga is not someone an overwhelming majority of families would let their kids follow.


Then the families that don't approve don't go, and leave it to the what, hundreds of thousands of teenagers and young adults in the area? And then on top of them you do have the families that would go, just like they would go to her concert.

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Then the families that don't approve don't go, and leave it to the what, hundreds of thousands of teenagers and young adults in the area? And then on top of them you do have the families that would go, just like they would go to her concert.


How did that strategy play out for Six Flags?

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