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Six Flags River of Adventure [RCT3]

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There once was a Six Flags Park so deserted, so quaint, with so much potential. The park was known as 'Six Flags River of Adventure.'


Coasters rarely operated.


Rides were plopped in with no effort, no logos, and sometimes, no names.


Rides that operated were few.


Lines were always in-existent.


Shops and park areas as a whole had no theme, just 'Six Flags.'


Rides would be removed for no reason, with nothing to replace them.


Originally record breaking structures go un-used.


The park's star attraction, 'Superman: The Escape' is rarely operating, and when it is, launches only half way up the tower and runs one side alone.


More on the park soon.


-- David

Edited by mcjaco
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This park has the feel of SFA in so many ways... Save the crowds. SFA has the crowds- but nothing ever works the same way.


I'd add a Vekoma SLC, a TOGO standup coaster, and perhaps a few other attractions that really would add a 'suck' factor before renovating the park. It would add that SF charm that so many parks have going for it.

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Hey, maybe things will get better with the help of a wealthy investor!


I always love the fresh smell of a new "rags to riches" story--there's always so much potential.

Maybe.. We'll have to see.

This park has the feel of SFA in so many ways... Save the crowds. SFA has the crowds- but nothing ever works the same way.


I'd add a Vekoma SLC, a TOGO standup coaster, and perhaps a few other attractions that really would add a 'suck' factor before renovating the park. It would add that SF charm that so many parks have going for it.

Meh. Good Ideas, just not what I had in mind.


It may just be me, but is this park purposely parodying Six Flag's habits in their parks? If so, I like it!


I'd suggest replacing the "Boss" with a better woodie...something from GCI perhaps?

Ask.. and you shall _________.


Great collection of unnamed, random rides! If this park does get renovated, I'm sure it would be good! I hope to see more soon.

Hah! Something Six Flags in 2000 likes to do.

It may just be me, but is this park purposely parodying Six Flag's habits in their parks? If so, I like it!


I'd suggest replacing the "Boss" with a better woodie...something from GCI perhaps?


How can you replace and out'n back with a GCI?


Anyways, is this going to be another parody park for RCT3?

Not a parody park, but The Boss is definitely gone.


This isn't reminiscent of Six Flags at all, simply the standard answer to "how can i have a park that excuses me from building anything in it?"

Please, learn to READ the topic. Learn what past, present, and future tenses are.



Look what I just happenend to stumble upon..



More Soon.



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Are you suggesting I didn't read it? When you slap the Six Flags brand (or any for that matter) onto a park, I expect it to be reminiscent of that particular brand during what ever time period you aim for, whether it be past, present, or future.

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  • 1 month later...

April 2005


After months of painstaking hard work and a short 2003 season, Six Flags River of Adventure presents.. FOUR NEW COASTERS!




Six Flags River Of Adventure will now have SIX coasters to rival collections of competing parks, including Superman: The Escape (2), Poltergeist, Ultra Twister, Roar!, and Bugs Bunny's Wild Run. We've also expanded our collection of foods and services with TWELVE new resteraunt choices in both our Food Court, and 'International Market' (Opening May 2005).



The skyline looks magnificent!


Poltergeist casts a scary shadow of a 230ft. coaster!


At only 29ft. Bugs is a bit smaller.


This is 'The River Food Court' where you can grab a quick bite and get back to the fun!


ROAR might look small, but packs a punch!


Poltergeist's reTURN also packs a huge punch!


Over planning at it's best.. haha


Six Flags, It's Playtime.


At the International Market, you can experience the whole world within a few steps!


The Grand Hall will "re-open with a bang!" in 2006.


Ultra Twister should not be rode after dinner!


More soon. Stay tuned!

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Poltergeist and Roar are fine, but I don't really like Ultra Twister or Bugs Bunnys Wild Run, they just both seem very unrealistic for the type of coaster they're supposed to be. The rest of the park looks nice though with great buildings, just think those two coasters need some reworking!

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July 2005


While management goes on an down hill battle against the investors, the park seems to be going through a few battles itself!


Is there something missing in the skyline?


Apparently, guests seem to have absolutely hated Ultra Twister, and the park found it more feasible to ship it to Astro World in Texas.


Families really love Bug's Wild Run though!


Poltergeist is another hit with the guests, with the ride's great reliability, smooth turns, and loads of airtime, guests can't resist!


While some guests were surprised that wooden coasters were still being built, the ride is also receiving raving reviews.



Something guests NEED is some good food, and that is HERE!


Still not much activity here, although the park has said that there are no current plans for the site.


I know what you're thinking, but the park says that their just doing a bit of touching up on Superman, and it should be back very soon!


Trains are still in the station, which is a good sign!


Yay for new amphitheater seating!!!




MORE TWISTYY!!! (Am I sensing a theme?) -__-


See you soon!

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August 2005


Six Flags is still experiencing financial woes but I guess that's not stopping Kieran Burke from improving our park even more!


Revolution is getting some new paint, and the sign was taken down.


The Main Entrance is getting some love, new benches, rails and two new flag poles!


Superman: The Escape's refurbishments are done, and that includes new yellow coaster rails, and a multi-colored station paint job.


I'm not sure how I feel about this Yellow on White design..


This building is "Ice Cream Man" serving "Fresh Ice Cream."


I guess work is starting for next year over here!


I've heard that this whole area might get something really big next year, we'll have to see!


The turnstile area is next for some tlc!


See ya' soon !

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