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The "Rant" Thread


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There's a kid in gym who thinks he's tough and he's the best in basketball. Well our team was beating his team and was getting an attituted about it. So he picks on the smaller kids and get's in their faces in our team, and eventually puts the kid to ground when he had the ball. And when a senior who's taller and older steps up, he walks away. It's just a basketball game, in GYM class. Sheesh. And in my english, there's always these loud girls laughing when everyone is trying to do their work. I hate telling them to Stfu everyday.

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I know I'm talking to the wall here, but it's always worth a shot...


Who's = "who is," not the possessive "whose."


The following words DO NOT have apostrophes: gets, lets, or any plurals.


Thank you for listening.



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I hate my P.E. class.


Are people really stupid enough to have to hide behind the bins to avoid running a 2-1-2-1 run, even though it's like the easiest of the year?


Are people really stupid enough to not only turf during the run, but also run the wrong way while playing tag at full speed?


Are people really stupid enough to tackle random people during flag football?


Are people really stupid enough to keep screaming to each other during the warm-up, no matter how many times the teacher threatens to restart it?


Short answer, Yes.

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^God PE was hell for me last year. Whenever we play flag football (The idea of the flags is to NOT tackle people!) some douche would just go out of his freaking mind on everyone within arm's reach.


This isn't really a rant since I found it hilarious, but some kid at my bus stop tried to insult me, and when I didn't care he went "God, you think you're so cool.", which I laughed at, and then he went "You're not that cool! Stop acting like you're better than everyone! God! You know everyone hates you because you think you're better than them!". I don't think I'm really that cool, but this kid wastes hours on end trying to insult me, and utterly failing. Then yesterday he said I didn't reply to his insults because he could kick my ass, then threw dirt at me, so I pinned him to a tree

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I work in a grocery store with a weekly customer count of over 28,000 so I really see it all in there, and its really starting to bug me how many people are wearing Ed Hardy T-shirts now...AND they dont have any tattoos at all! I question if they even know who he was. I've got a lot of Tattoo work done on my body and I don't even have any of his shirts. I cannot believe somebody would pay $70+ for a Tee anyway. I know from working in the textile industry that a regular T-shirt cannot cost more than $1.50 plus around $1-5 in ink, so somebody is seriously rakin' in the cash. My artist, friends and I make fun of people we see wearing them, they just don't get it. His work got sold out, and all of a sudden it seems to have become trendy for people that don't have any tattoos at all to wear Ed Hardy shirts. He was a great artist but I hate what happened to his work. I think its more of a cop out for people too scared to get tatted and get a REAL tattoo!

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^ Isn't mono the kissing disease?



I'm a little underwhelmed at how WrestleMania 25 turned out. Most of matches was below average and somewhat predictable. I think only Undertaker VS Shawn Michaels was the best match out of all the matches.

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^It's spread by ALOT of things. I got it the first time cuz I shared a drink with my friend and idk the second, but it suckssssss. Anyone who has had it would know what im talking about. The 2nd time I had it for 2 months, and I dont wanna go there again

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"I just had a Boyle removed from my a$$..." (astroworldfan1)


I worked with a guy named Boyle (his last name) at my last job, but he was a nice guy, not a pain in the ass like your boil.



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Its cold, I have to ride my bike/walk to school, about one mile from my house, in the cold. I HATE THE COLD This constant change in weather is literally making me sick. One day its warm and near 80, the next, its cold and in the 40s.


Stupid global warming.

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Why is it when I ask anyone if they've ever seen "Dead Like Me ", no one knows what I'm talking about? Was I like the only one who ever watched that show!?

(It rocked BTW )

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