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The "Picture Of Me" Thread


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Bumpity Bump!!!!


Just a question to those who reply with "BUMP"


Are you aware that bumping a stickied topic really doesn't do anything? I mean, it's already stickied. So it's now first in the order of stickied post... so what? I'll sink down later. It's not like it'll disappear from the first page. There's no reason to bump, and it comes off (to me anyway) as though you're just trying to up the post count.


Just a little pet peeve rant.




We now return you to your regular side boobs. I mean loops. And other people.

Well get over your pet peeve about this and get used to it. This thread has a problem that always adds and extra page after the last post of the previous page and if you click on the page it says page does not exist. So therefore us peeps here at tpr put up a "BUMP" post to bump it so the next person can post properly and help out the threads problem. It was requested by Robb Alvey himself for us to do this. Although you dont really need to post a "Bump" thread, you can easily make it a regular picture post but most peeps like to make it a "Bump" post. As you will notice at the top of every new page for the last many several pages you will notice peeps puting up a "Bump" post. I hope you understood that. If not then I am sorry and just deal with the pet peeve problem. As a matter of fact this is a "Bump" post!


I see. Basically it's to fix a glitch. Well then, I stand corrected! I didn't browse the TPR boards often enough initially to catch that, so I wasn't aware this was needed. Carry on then!

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