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The "Picture Of Me" Thread


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Ok, I guess I'll take a stab at posting some photos of myself. Please bear with me, as I have never posted photos to a forum before. This will be good practice, as I plan on doing a TR soon. Please let me know if a photo needs to be resized or anything like that.


Obligatory coaster photo. Me and my friend Rob on my favorite ride.


Diving in the Red Sea, Eilat, Israel


On my beloved Mt. Rose (that's my hometown, Reno, in the background on the left)


Me and my wife, Susanne

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I guess I could post some pretty hot pictures of thyself. Another "on the job" photo for you guys. I haven't really taken many pictures lately. I've become to slack on the job so to speak.


Check out this sexy Lion stiltwalker in Jammin Jungle!

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