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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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I think this could be the thing that gets me to make the long drive up there for Holiwood Nights this year!


Can't wait to see more pictures of construction. Watching a ride of this size being built from the ground up is so awesome. I did the same thing with Banshee - and when I finally got to ride it, it was awesome remembering seeing the pieces being put into place.

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That's their setup for the Rock the World festival they do. I guess they are going to be showing the festival on the webcam instead of construction. The festival is this weekend. I'm sure they will move the cam back when it's over. But yea this is NOT the Thunderbird construction site.

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^ Yes it it. You know what it feels like when you reach inside your clothes dryer when the towels are still damp? Yeah, it's like that. Summer has arrived.


^^^ We're saving little details like that, Tyler, for future episodes of the Hard Hat Chronicles. They'll resume in a few weeks, as our new digital media developer comes online (pun intentional) early next month.

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^ Yes it it. You know what it feels like when you reach inside your clothes dryer when the towels are still damp? Yeah, it's like that. Summer has arrived. .

Hopefully, it will end soon.


I bet the park wishes it would have started in early July, when they were still in daily operation season. This summer has been quite cool and I'm willing to bet park attendance has been down a tad bit because of it.

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^ Yes it it. You know what it feels like when you reach inside your clothes dryer when the towels are still damp? Yeah, it's like that. Summer has arrived.


^^^ We're saving little details like that, Tyler, for future episodes of the Hard Hat Chronicles. They'll resume in a few weeks, as our new digital media developer comes online (pun intentional) early next month.


Woa... You guys really DO have a drone!?!? Or rather a remote controlled flying something anyway. That is SUPER cool! I just seen someone playing with it on the construction cam.

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Just out of curiosity, are those supports before or after the launch room?

I believe the supports that now have track are inside the station/launch building. The supports without track are outside of the station. I think someone mentioned that they needed to put the track on the supports that will be inside the station now so that they could start building the station.

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