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Roller Coasters in the Raw HD! On Blu-Ray!

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I need to get off my butt and order one of these. From what I have seen the quality is definitely worth the money! I am really impressed with how you guys are always willing to keep your product fresh with new ideas. Seriously, Blu-Ray production and copying is NOT cheap right now. The technology to store and burn these things has not done a good job of catching up like DVDs, so major kudos to you guys for taking a chance!

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No worries about the black bars... On my 24" Vizio, the video covers the full screen in pristine 1080p quality. I showed my father (the biggest HD skeptic I know) the footage from Intimidator and from Insane, and the two segments sold him on Blu-Ray entirely.


When you watch that Intimidator footage with a 1080p capable television and an HDMI connection to support it, you'll swear you were sitting in the front row of the ride, considering that the depth and quality of the video make you want to reach out and touch the sleek front of that Intamin monster!

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Just pre-ordered my copy (using my $10 CLUB TPR discount) so it looks like I will be anxiously sitting in front of my 73" t.v. with the PS3 all warmed up ready to watch my new "Roller Coasters In The Raw HD" blu-ray disc, guess I'll put off watching Tombstone blu-ray for another week.

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Roller Coasters in the RAW HD is now shipping! Order here:



This Blu-Ray is *NOT REGION ENCODED* and should work in all

Blu-Ray players all over the world!


Roller Coasters in the RAW HD features POV footage of more than

30 roller coasters! All filmed in 1080i or 1080p HD! Coaster footage

so real you'll feel like you're riding the coaster in front of your HDTV!


Roller Coasters in the RAW HD includes a wide variety of coasters



Coasters that have opened in the past 12 months like:

Intimidator 305, Manta, Prowler, Insane, Tranan, Fireball, Dive Coaster, and MORE!


Recent coaster favorites like:

Balder, Xcelerator, Rampage, Piraten, Thunderbird, Silver Bullet, Revenge of the Mummy, and MORE!


Some really "Bizarre" Asian coasters like:

Sendai Highland's "Loop the Loop", Rusutsu Resort's "Ultra Twister (With a Dive Loop)", and

Harborland's "Flight of the Phoenix!"



And some "classics" like:

Lake Winnie's Cannonball, Bakken's Rutschebanen, Belmont Park's Giant Dipper, and MORE!


If you are a fan of Roller Coasters and love watching high quality, beautiful HD footage, then

you MUST get this Blu-Ray! Full listing of all coasters included on the order page:



The initial print run of this Blu-Ray has been limited to 75 copies so ORDER YOURS TODAY before

they are SOLD OUT!


--Robb Alvey


Edited by robbalvey
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  piers said:
  Gerstlauer1 said:
Hi i have a quistion,

one of the listed roller coasters is "Tornado" wich tornado is it ?? is it the one at Bakken ??



Sorry, but it's actually the one at Sarkanniemi (Intamin invert with the awesome underground inversion!) We do not have a POV of the Tornado at Bakken.



Edited by robbalvey
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  robbalvey said:
  piers said:
  Gerstlauer1 said:
Hi i have a quistion,

one of the listed roller coasters is "Tornado" wich tornado is it ?? is it the one at Bakken ??



Sorry, but it's actually the one at Sarkanniemi (Intamin invert with the awesome underground inversion!) We do not have a POV of the Tornado at Bakken.




Sorry, everything about Scandinavia confuses me!

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I guess I was one of the first to order as I got my copy today! Here's the bottom line: If you like the RAW videos and have a Blu-Ray player, BUY THIS NOW! Seriously, it's awesome. I'm somewhat of a videophile and I think the quality is fantastic. It's sharp, colorful, and without compression artifacts. Thanks for making this available and I look forward to future volumes!


We have a bit of a special setup at my house so I thought I'd share some pictures.


I was not expecting this today!


The contents. Woo! Another TPR pen! I still use the first one I got!


A closer look at the case.


Our home theater. The screen is 2.39:1 so that most movies don't have any bars. Its full size is 145". Standard 16:9 is about 120".


Piraten paused for a picture.


I forgot to take a lights-on picture. But since I didn't move the tripod between the past two, here's a mockup of how it looks. Needless to say, I think this is the closest I can come to riding the coasters without being on them!

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I also got mine today and all I can say is WOW! The video quality is so amazing, the only thing I can think of that has better picture quality is the real thing. The segment that I thought was most impressive was easily Intimidator 305. I could not believe how real I305 looked. All I need now is a motion seat and a few high powered fans and I can save myself the 8 hour drive to Kings Dominion .


Also for anyone who is using the phrase "InTrimidator 305", get this video as I305 is trimless!

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It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!It came!


It came!





Guy "I had to change my coaster count as I feel I have ridden these rides!" Koepp

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I received Roller Coasters in the Raw HD last week and I am very impressed with the quality of the video. If I could get my couch to vibrate and provide some Gs, I would swear I was riding them. The on-ride footage is that good. Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see more of your Blu-Ray videos. Thanks!!!!

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