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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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On 3/21/2024 at 11:43 AM, coasterbill said:

I took this picture on Saturday. We were hoping for a soft opening later in the day but sadly it never happened. Maybe next weekend…


Is that The Flash??

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On 3/21/2024 at 10:43 AM, coasterbill said:

I took this picture on Saturday. We were hoping for a soft opening later in the day but sadly it never happened. Maybe next weekend…


At least you have concrete. SFSTL hasn't even moved any dirt in Joker's spot.

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Riddle me this Batman...  How do companies get away with advertising these completely impossible rider capacities?  For a Super Boomerang to actually hit 800 riders per hour with a 24 passenger train, they'd have to unload, reload, and dispatch in 30 seconds flat.


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  • 1 month later...

Free double sided lockers for El Toro opening soon.  Could be this week.

Strange move for a Six Flags park but I hope they keep them coming.


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On 4/4/2024 at 1:49 AM, CedarFlags said:

Riddle me this Batman...  How do companies get away with advertising these completely impossible rider capacities?  For a Super Boomerang to actually hit 800 riders per hour with a 24 passenger train, they'd have to unload, reload, and dispatch in 30 seconds flat.


It's technically possible to do that depending on the park, just highly unlikely. If Parc Asterix had one of these, I wouldn't bat an eye if you told me they were hitting that. Six Flags? Yeah... you're lucky to do 400 riders per hour, but Great Adventure is currently running one train on every single coaster in the park except for Skull Mountain, Nitro and Kingda Ka so they've already established that they aggressively don't care about that.

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Everyone who would care about the figure knows it is a theoretical maximum. I am sure the parks/chains have their own data on what percentage of that maximum they tend to hit and do the math for their own situations accordingly if they care to. That's all there really is to it. 

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56 minutes ago, abovethesink said:

I am sure the parks/chains have their own data on what percentage of that maximum they tend to hit and do the math for their own situations accordingly if they care to. That's all there really is to it. 

I think you're giving Six Flags way too much credit, though I want to believe that someone somewhere in corporate has a complex excel formula that told them that 1 safari truck every 25 minutes at Safari Off Road Adventure is the absolute sweet spot for dispatch interval.

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5 hours ago, coasterbill said:

 If Parc Asterix had one of these, I wouldn't bat an eye if you told me they were hitting that. Six Flags? Yeah... you're lucky to do 400 riders per hour, but Great Adventure is currently running one train on every single coaster in the park except for Skull Mountain, Nitro and Kingda Ka so they've already established that they aggressively don't care about that.

We visited Parc Asterix during our honeymoon last fall. 

Honestly, it was our least favorite park of the trip (I found the aesthetics a bit.. off..for my taste and the people rude) but their operations were just wild.

Three trains were just flying around the layout of Oziris where we were basically forced into our seats the moment the gates opened, old school Raptor style circa 1998 (minus the DJ booth). 

There also wasn’t any lollygagging or foolishness with the visual scans or waltzing around the platform with a confused look despite possessing an associates degree in IROC training. 

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7 hours ago, coasterbill said:

I think you're giving Six Flags way too much credit, though I want to believe that someone somewhere in corporate has a complex excel formula that told them that 1 safari truck every 25 minutes at Safari Off Road Adventure is the absolute sweet spot for dispatch interval.

Hopefully I don't ruin your tried and true standup routine, but I did add "if they care to".

Honestly though, as an accountant with lots of experience with corporate accounting, I would be shocked if they didn't have the data available. There is probably one poor soul locked in basement using the turnstyle counters to measure throughput rates with tears in his eyes as he contemplates why Six Flags has him do this if they are never going to look at the data and also his life choices in general.

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