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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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  Iby coaster said:
  boldikus said:
So what you are telling us is you skipped the two best coasters in the park?
For some reason, I haven't been on Talon and Hydra in a while. I do plan on riding them tomorrow though also Possessed,


Trust me, I ain't talking about Hydra. Have a great time on Talon & Possessed though!

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  CoasterTony said:
They aren't removing Mansion House Hotel, they are just doing some minor renovations to it. Now for Desolation, that is a different story.

Yes Mansion House Hotel is stating they are just doing restructuring and minor renovations just like you said.

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  boldikus said:
  Iby coaster said:
  boldikus said:
So what you are telling us is you skipped the two best coasters in the park?
For some reason, I haven't been on Talon and Hydra in a while. I do plan on riding them tomorrow though also Possessed,


Trust me, I ain't talking about Hydra. Have a great time on Talon & Possessed though!


Agreed! Actually Talon is one of my favorite B&M Inverts. It's smooth, fast and so re-rideable. At one of the Enthusiast Events I rode it 47 times in one day! I would have made 50 but a huge thunderstorm shut down the Park early.

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  boldikus said:
  Iby coaster said:
  boldikus said:
So what you are telling us is you skipped the two best coasters in the park?
For some reason, I haven't been on Talon and Hydra in a while. I do plan on riding them tomorrow though also Possessed,


Trust me, I ain't talking about Hydra. Have a great time on Talon & Possessed though!


Aw come on now, Hydra isn't all that bad. (I never get why it gets such a bed rep)

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^Look, coaster rides are subjective. If people like Hydra, good for them. I have no problem with people who like it. I just fail to see any appeal whatsoever. I've ridden it each time I've been to the park and it gets more boring every time.


I've said it before but I'll say it again. Hydra has tons of potential. It looks GREAT. It's layout is extremely unique. In theory it should be a great ride but no matter where I sit, what time of day, what type of weather, etc the ride is a total snoozefest. The drop is small and shallow, it has a terrible flow of elements from that point on, the "airtime hill" passed the station is laughable, and the end of the ride is weak. And I personally hate the jo-jo roll, it's nothing but an awkward novelty that offers nothing to the ride experience except "oh we're going upside down... really slow. There goes all the change in everyones pockets".


I want to like Hydra, and I'll ride it when I'm there, especially with people who have never ridden it, but its probably my least favorite coaster in the park (that includes Stinger and WM). If people find Hydra enjoyable, at least someone is.


On the flip, out of 5 B&M inverts I've ridden (2 Batmans, Raptor, Great Bear) Talon is my absolute fave. It has to do with the fact that its got just the right amount of intensity. I could not marathon Batman or Raptor - they are great, but too intense, though I can ride Talon repeatedly. It's just perfect. The initial run of elements after the drop (loop, zero-G, etc) is perfect, the 2nd drop into the finale/low to the ground corkscrew/turn is fantastic including the decent pop of air into the brake run (experienced best in the front row).


And Possessed is just Possessed. In any other park I could see it being one of the weaker coasters in the line-up but I freaking love it. Back, front, wherever, I LOVE that ride.

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^ Yes, I realize coaster rides are subjunctive. I also agree that B&M inverts are vastly superior to B&M Floorless coasters. I actually find the first drop to be one of the better ones I've experienced on the 5 floorless coasters I've ridden. I tend to get some airtime on the drop, especially the back. I don't know, maybe I just enjoy the non cookie cutter layout found on most B&M's.

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My favorite floorless (out of only 3 - Rougarou, Hydra and Bizarro) is the latter. I just love me some Bizarro. Back or front of the train and its got some really nice force. While the curved drop is whatever it does have a nice yank in the back row, and all of the elements after I love - especially at night with all effects working - and it takes the whole course at a perfect pace. In fact one of my favorite parts (after the near perfect zero-G) is the helix after the MCBR. It just freaking hauls around that.


Hopefully if I get to Kings Dom later this year I can finally ride Dominator since everyone seems to rate it so highly. Rougarou was cool but nothing to rave about with everything else in that park.

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  coasterbill said:
  boldikus said:
Hopefully if I get to Kings Dom later this year I can finally ride Dominator since everyone seems to rate it so highly.


Oh you're f**king coming.


Dude I said I'm in. You just gotta stop in Philly to get me on your way. I'm in I'm in I'm in.


And maybe we can stop at BGW too.

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  boldikus said:
My favorite floorless (out of only 3 - Rougarou, Hydra and Bizarro) is the latter. I just love me some Bizarro. Back or front of the train and its got some really nice force. While the curved drop is whatever it does have a nice yank in the back row, and all of the elements after I love - especially at night with all effects working - and it takes the whole course at a perfect pace. In fact one of my favorite parts (after the near perfect zero-G) is the helix after the MCBR. It just freaking hauls around that.


Hopefully if I get to Kings Dom later this year I can finally ride Dominator since everyone seems to rate it so highly. Rougarou was cool but nothing to rave about with everything else in that park.


Dominator is far and away the best floorless I've ridden.

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  boldikus said:
  coasterbill said:
  boldikus said:
Hopefully if I get to Kings Dom later this year I can finally ride Dominator since everyone seems to rate it so highly.


Oh you're f**king coming.


Dude I said I'm in. You just gotta stop in Philly to get me on your way. I'm in I'm in I'm in.


And maybe we can stop at BGW too.


That's actually totally doable. And we have passes. Lol


Also sorry to hijack the Dorney thread with unrelated trip planning but let's be real nobody cares about Dorney anyway.

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I'll chime in real quick here that Dominator is also my favorite floorless above Bizarro - and I love Bizarro. Throw in a zero g and Dominator is considerably better. It's probably my second favorite ride in the park and with I-305 and Volcano next door that's saying a lot.

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I guess this turned into the Dominator love thread.


...I love Dominator.


That being said I haven't ridden a bad floorless yet, although Scream came awfully close. I like Hydra, I enjoy the layout simply because it's so different from all the other floorlesses out there. As much as I enjoyed Hercules as a kid, Hydra is a better use of that space, both as a ride experience and as a photogenic work of art.

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I haven't ridden Rougarou as a floorless yet (Mantis sucked) but I will in about a month, so I'll weigh in when I have that mega TR posted. I'm looking forward to it because I'm a fan of intense coasters over large coasters (Dominator is a mix of both).

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  Password121 said:
I haven't ridden Rougarou as a floorless yet (Mantis sucked) but I will in about a month, so I'll weigh in when I have that mega TR posted. I'm looking forward to it because I'm a fan of intense coasters over large coasters (Dominator is a mix of both).


Ride Rougarou in the back. It's easily the most forceful floorless out there. Bizarro and Dominator are both back seat rides too though just for the way that absolutely rip down the drop and pre drop.

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  coasterbill said:
Team Rougarou represent...


oh, just me again? Screw you guys. Lol


I liked Rougarou its just very average when put up against Raptor, MF, Maverick, etc. I'm sure its an incredible improvement over Mantis. Same problem I had with Wicked Twister. After doing Cedar Points line up all day WT was a snooze and I was really looking forward to it. It didn't wow me at all.


But then I'm at Dorney and I love Possessed. It has to do with context imo.

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  coasterbill said:
  Password121 said:
I haven't ridden Rougarou as a floorless yet (Mantis sucked) but I will in about a month, so I'll weigh in when I have that mega TR posted. I'm looking forward to it because I'm a fan of intense coasters over large coasters (Dominator is a mix of both).


Ride Rougarou in the back. It's easily the most forceful floorless out there. Bizarro and Dominator are both back seat rides too though just for the way that absolutely rip down the drop and pre drop.

That's what I've heard, and I'm generally a back seat rider to begin with. Someone said back right but would the specific side of the train actually make a difference? I could see on something like Valravn with wide trains but I'll make sure I ride the back if one ride is all I opt for.


Edit: ahh crap sorry for the miscellaneous trip planning in the Dorney thread again,. I guess Bill was right that there's nothing better to talk about with Dorney. I'll probably get to Dorney at some point this summer for my first time so I can weigh in on Hydra: mediocre or sh*t? later on

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Since this is now the B&M Floorless Thread (might as well change the title, right?), I thought I'd chime in regarding one of my favorite ride variants...


I have never been to Dorney Park, but hope to make it there finally this year, likely after PPP if I go to that. However, the one coaster that I've anticipated riding, and what has made me want to get to DP so bad, is Hydra! Ever since I first saw it, I have been really, really eager to ride it! Now, I've heard from most people that it isn't that great, so I have tempered my expectations... Still, I look forward to getting on it before long, and seeing how it compares to the rest of the Floorless models I've been on!


I have mad love for Kraken, one of my favorite coasters, period, so that wins for best Floorless for me easily! After that, I love Superman: Krypton Coaster the most, for its great location, layout, and overall size. Dominator is a fabulous coaster though, don't get me wrong, and is actually the Floorless coaster I have ridden the most, since I marathoned it at an enthusiast event once! Granted, all my rides on it were when it was located at SF:WoA/GL, but I'm assuming it doesn't ride any differently now that it's at KD. It's definitely a very complete coaster experience, and still would fall within my Top 25 coasters, most likely!


The other three Floorless coasters I have ridden are all fine coasters, but I don't like any of them nearly as much as the top three. Bizarro is a fun and enjoyable coaster, don't get me wrong, but it just doesn't stand out to me. Similarly, Scream was good, but nothing special. And its distinction as a true parking lot coaster is a negative for me as well... Rougarou is arguably my least favorite model, even though I like it a lot more than I did Mantis. I love the first half of the coaster, but the second part is just rough, and feels like a poorly designed ride, in my opinion. So while I'd like to put it above Scream for the first half, the second drags it back below that generic parking lot coaster. Still, I'm glad it is Floorless instead of Stand-Up now, and I still do typically ride it each time I go to CP!

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I've just been on Bizarro, Hydra, and the Dark Knight in New England. The Dark Knight was a lot of fun, but pretty tame, and it's by far my least favorite. Bizarro is the best one I've been on, even though it wasn't running quite as great this season. But it still has decent forces, a fun layout and pacing, and even a little airtime/hang-time! Hydra is in the middle. I think it's a great ride. The drop in the back row is surprising, that first turn is forceful, and I love the jo-jo roll. The other inversions in the first half are pretty fun. The problem that keeps Hydra from being ranked higher is that the second half is nice, but really disappointing compared to the first few elements.

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Wild idea for the group: Stop thinking about whether each ride you're on is a "top ten ride" or "elite" or "world class" or whatever other term you have for a coaster that's at what you imagine the pinnacle of coaster riding is. In the case of steel coasters, almost anything you ride is not simply by virtue of the vast number of rides that exist. Just enjoy the damn thing.

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